
Oracle Tuxedo System Messages provide the following information:

Description: The meaning and context of the message.

Action: What steps you can take to correct any problems identified.

See Also: A pointer to related information (not specified for all messages).

The Oracle Tuxedo System Messages are numbered and organized in catalogs, based on parts of the Oracle Tuxedo 10g Release 3 (10.3) system from which they are generated. For information about a specific message, click on the name of the appropriate catalog.

Note: Some messages for deprecated features may still display. Be aware that deprecated features are not supported.


ERROR: TUXDIR environment variable not set


The TUXDIR environment variable was not set. Because of this, the boot command will fail.


Set the TUXDIR environment variable to the base directory of the BEA TUXEDO system software, and export this variable.

See Also



ERROR: Could not allocate internal TPINIT typed buffer


During shutdown, memory could not be allocated for an internal data structure.


Remove processes that may be tying up physical memory, ensure that the application ipc key is correct, or verify that the UNIX sysgen process sizing parameters are correct.


ERROR: Could not find entry for user


Retrieving user information from the getpwuid system call produced a failure.


Validate your login and contact your System Administrator.


ERROR: Must be the administrator to execute this command


A user other than root or the system administrator for the application is making a boot or shutdown request.


The user must be the system administrator (or root) to issue these commands.

See Also

tmboot(1), tmshutdown(1), ubbconfig(5)


WARN: Can't shutdown servers, Memory allocation failure


Space cannot be allocated to hold server group information used in the shutdown procedure.


Kill extraneous processes and resubmit tmshutdown.

See Also



ERROR: Argument arg_value to option -e is not numeric


The -e option to ud specifies the maximum number of allowable errors before the process exits. This option requires a numeric argument. The argument specified was not numeric.


Correct the arguments to the ud command so that the -e option has a numeric subargument, and reexecute the command.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot determine authentication level


The tpchkauth() function returned an error when called by ud to determine the level of authentication required by the application configuration.


Attempt to determine why the tpchkauth() function call is failing. Often, this will be due to an incorrect setting of the TUXCONFIG shell variable.

See Also

ud(1), tpinit(3)


ERROR: Unable to get user id


The ud command was unable to find the user name associated with the numeric user ID of the process invoking ud in the /etc/passwd file.


Have the UNIX System administrator correct any problems related to the entry of the user invoking ud in the /etc/passwd file.

See Also

ud(1), getpwent(3C) in UNIX reference manuals


ERROR: Unable to obtain application password


The ud command was unable to obtain a value for the application password. This value is entered at the terminal if ud is being invoked interactively, and is gotten from the APP_PW environment variable if the standard input to the ud process is not a terminal.


If the ud command is being invoked in the background, be sure to set and export the APP_PW environment variable. If ud is being invoked at a terminal, be sure that the user enters a value at the Enter Application Password: prompt.

See Also



ERROR: Can't process a message with an unknown release, relnum


The BEA TUXEDO system provides a means for converting a message from one release to another. It will convert messages from a previous release to the current one and vice versa. For example, BEA TUXEDO system Release 4.1.x will interoperate with Release 4.2.x and vice versa. The message received was not one from the current release or the previous one but from release relnum.


Verify that the releases of the BEA TUXEDO system software installed are valid.

See Also

BEA TUXEDO Administrator's Guide


ERROR: Memory allocation failure, errno = errno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to allocate additional memory while attempting to create an internal table. This table was to be used for storing client information when forwarding unsolicited messages.


Check errno_val against the error numbers in the UNIX System header file errno.h for more details.


WARN: WSH (pid) should not be ignoring unsolicited messages


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process has found a Workstation handler (WSH) that will not accept unsolicited messages on behalf of its /WS clients. The process id of the WSH is pid. /WS clients connected to this WSH will not be able to receive unsolicited messages regardless of the notification method they will have selected.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure, errno = errno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to allocate additional memory while attempting to create an internal table. This table was to be used for storing Workstation handler (WSH) information when forwarding unsolicited messages.


Check errno_val against the error numbers in the UNIX System header file errno.h for more details.


ERROR: Memory reallocation failure, errno = errno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to reallocate additional memory while attempting to increase the size of an internal table. This table was to be used for storing client information when forwarding broadcast messages.


Check errno_val against the error numbers in the UNIX System header file errno.h for more details.


ERROR: Unable to find WSH (pid)


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to locate the Workstation handler (WSH) that was going to be used to forward a broadcast messages to one or more Workstation clients.


The tmadmin printclient command can be used to determine the status of the WSH. The BEA TUXEDO system administrator may also verify whether or not the WSH, with a process id pid, is still alive. Finally, the userlog file should be consulted for additional information regarding the possible termination of the WSH.


ERROR: Memory reallocation failure, errno = errno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to reallocate additional memory while attempting to increase of size of an internal table. This table was to be used for storing client information when forwarding broadcast messages.


Check errno_val against the error numbers in the UNIX System header file errno.h for more details.


ERROR: Unable to send broadcast due to lack of system resources


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to forward the unsolicited message to a Workstation handler due to a blocking condition. The BBL will write this error message to the userlog and return an error. The BBL will only log this error message if several blocking conditions have occurred. Otherwise a warning message is posted in the userlog.


The application administrator will need to determine whether there are sufficient inter-process communication (IPC) resources available on the UNIX system. The UNIX command ipcs can be used to report the IPC facilities status. The tmadmin printqueue command can also assist in monitoring the application usage of system queues. The UNIX System IPC tunable parameters may have to be updated.


WARN: Unable to send broadcast to WSH (pid), tperrno = tperrno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to forward the unsolicited message to a Workstation handler with a process id of pid. The BBL will write this message to the user log and attempt to send the unsolicited message to the next targeted Workstation handler, or native client.


Check tperrno_val against the error numbers in the BEA TUXEDO system header file atmi.h for more details.


ERROR: Unable to send broadcast due to lack of system resources, tperrno = errno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to send the unsolicited message to a client process due to a blocking condition. The BBL will write this error message to the user log and return an error. The BBL will only return an error if several blocking conditions have occurred. Otherwise a warning message is posted in the user log.


The application administrator will need to determine whether or not there are sufficient inter-process communication (IPC) resources available on the machine. The UNIX command ipcs can be used to report the IPC facilities status. The tmadmin printqueue command can also assist in monitoring the BEA TUXEDO application usage of system queues. The UNIX IPC tunable parameters may have to be updated.


WARN: Unable to send broadcast to client (pid) tperrno = errno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to send the unsolicited message to a client with a process id of pid. The BBL will write this message to the user log and attempt to send the unsolicited message to the next targeted client.


Check tperrno_val against the error numbers in the BEA TUXEDO system header file atmi.h for more details.


ERROR: Unable to send unsolicited message to client (pid)


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to send the unsolicited message to a client with a process id of pid. The BBL failed due to a BEA TUXEDO system error.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Invalid USIGNAL parameter in Bulletin Board


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process may only send one of two signals to a Workstation handler or native client: SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2. The BBL has determined that the Bulletin Board is specifying a signal other than SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2.


The administrator of the BEA TUXEDO system application should verify that the USIGNAL parameter in the configuration file is set to SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2. SIGUSR2 is the default for this parameter.


ERROR: Unable to send signal to client, pid = pid


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to send a signal to process pid. Clients that have selected SIGNAL -based notification are automatically converted to DIPIN mode if the user id of the client that selected SIGNAL -based notification does not match the user id of the BEA TUXEDO system application administrator.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure, errno = errno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to allocate additional memory while attempting to create an internal table. This table was to be used for storing Workstation handler (WSH) information when forwarding unsolicited messages.


Check tperrno_val against the error numbers in the UNIX header file errno.h for more details.


ERROR: Memory reallocation failure, errno = errno_val


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) process failed to reallocate additional memory while attempting to increase the size of an internal table. This table was to be used for storing Workstation handler information when forwarding broadcast messages.


Check errno_val against the error numbers in the UNIX header file errno.h for more details.


ERROR: invalid option - argument to -u not n, u, or j


The command option -u was specified for ud but the argument was not n, u, or j. This option specifies how the request buffer is modified before reading each new packet. The n argument indicates that the buffer should be re-initialized (treated as new). The u argument indicates that the buffer should be updated with the reply buffer using Fupdate(3fml). The j argument indicates that the reply buffer should be joined with the request buffer using Fojoin(3fml).


Re-execute the command using a valid -u argument.

See Also



ERROR: Machine name must be a valid identifier.


An invalid identifier was used as a symbolic name for a machine.


Use a valid identifier as a symbolic name for that machine. This name cannot contain a period or comma, and must be 30 characters or less.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: MAXWSCLIENTS value (val) exceeds system limit (lim) for this site


MAXWSCLIENTS was set to exceed the system limit, lim. Only lim number of workstation clients can be supported on this site.


Reset MAXWSCLIENTS so that is does not exceed the system limit, lim. If the system limit for that site is inadequate, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: UID is not effective user ID


The tmunloadcf command will not attempt to unload the binary TUXCONFIG configuration when the effective user id (UID) of the user invoking tmunloadcf does not match the UID of application administrator in the TUXCONFIG file.


Verify that the effective user id of the user invoking tmunloadcf is valid.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


The BEA TUXEDO system administrative tlisten process failed to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc().


Ensure that the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.

See Also



WARN: *RESOURCES SYSTEM_ACCESS setting cannot be overridden in *SERVERS section


An attempt was made to override the setting of the RESOURCES section SYSTEM_ACCESS parameter in the SERVERS section even though NO_OVERRIDE was specified. NO_OVERRIDE indicates that the RESOURCES section SYSTEM_ACCESS setting can not be overridden in the SERVERS section. The SYSTEM_ACCESS setting in the SERVERS section will be ignored.


Check the SYSTEM_ACCESS parameter settings in the SERVERS section.

See Also



WARN: *RESOURCES SYSTEM_ACCESS setting cannot be overridden in *SERVERS section


An attempt was made to override the setting of the RESOURCES section SYSTEM_ACCESS parameter in the SERVERS section even though NO_OVERRIDE was specified. NO_OVERRIDE indicates that the RESOURCES section SYSTEM_ACCESS setting can not be overridden in the SERVERS section. The SYSTEM_ACCESS setting in the SERVERS section will be ignored.


Check the SYSTEM_ACCESS parameter settings in the SERVERS section.

See Also



ERROR: Mismatch on uid/gid from connecting bridge


A BEA TUXEDO system pre-4.2 BRIDGE process will send its own uid and gid when identifying itself to another BRIDGE process rather than send what it thinks is the uid and gid of the BRIDGE process it is communicating with. The information passed does not match the uid and gid stored in the configuration file.


Check the UID and GID parameter settings in the configuration file for the machine whose BRIDGE process failed to boot. Ensure that the BRIDGE process being booted has the correct effective uid and gid.

See Also



ERROR: Group name grpname must not contain *, comma, or colon


A group name specified starting in the first column of a line in the GROUPS section of the UBBCONFIG file contained an asterisk, comma, or colon. This is not allowed. It is also possible for this error to occur if the tmloadcf program interprets some other parameter as a group name due to earlier errors in the configuration file.


Verify that the configuration file has the proper syntax. If necessary, choose a new name for the group which meets the syntax restrictions.

See Also



ERROR: Invalid setting of SYSTEM_ACCESS


An invalid value was specified for the SYSTEM_ACCESS parameter in the *RESOURCES section of the configuration file. Valid values are FASTPATH, PROTECTED, or NO_OVERRIDE. NO_OVERRIDE may be combined with FASTPATH or PROTECTED by specifying both values separated by a comma. FASTPATH may not be combined with PROTECTED.


Edit the configuration file to conform to the syntax guidelines and reexecute tmloadcf.

See Also



ERROR: Invalid setting of SYSTEM_ACCESS


An invalid value was specified for the SYSTEM_ACCESS parameter in the *RESOURCES section of the configuration file. Valid values are FASTPATH, PROTECTED, or NO_OVERRIDE. NO_OVERRIDE may be combined with FASTPATH or PROTECTED by specifying both values separated by a comma. FASTPATH may not be combined with PROTECTED.


Edit the configuration file to conform to the syntax guidelines and reexecute tmloadcf.

See Also



ERROR: Invalid setting of SYSTEM_ACCESS


An invalid value was specified for the SYSTEM_ACCESS parameter in the *RESOURCES section of the configuration file. Valid values are FASTPATH, PROTECTED, or NO_OVERRIDE. NO_OVERRIDE may be combined with FASTPATH or PROTECTED by specifying both values separated by a comma. FASTPATH may not be combined with PROTECTED.


Edit the configuration file to conform to the syntax guidelines and reexecute tmloadcf.

See Also



ERROR: *ROUTING entry routing_name has more than one default range


The ROUTING table entry routing_name was specified with more than one default range specification. This is not allowed. A default range specification is one which has the meta-character "*" (wild-card) in the position of a range.


Recode the RANGES entry specified as being in error so that at most one entry specifies the meta-character "*" in the position of a range. If such a wild-card character is used, it should be the last range in the entry, since ranges following it will be ignored.

See Also



ERROR: *ROUTING entry entry_name has both numeric and character values in the RANGES statement


The ROUTING entry entry_name has both numeric and character values in the RANGES statement. This is not allowed.


The values specified in the RANGES statement must be appropriate to the type of the field on which routing is being conducted. Look in the field tables to determine the type of the field listed for this routing entry and change any routing values which are inappropriate for this field type.

See Also



ERROR: *ROUTING entry entry_name lacks a single quote at the end of a character string or lacks a backslash to escape a double quote


The routing entry entry_name lacks a single quote at the end of a character string, or lacks a backslash to escape a double quote within a character string.


Examine the routing field flagged as being in error. Make sure that the RANGES string starts and ends with a double quote, and that the previous string in the configuration file was properly terminated with a double quote. Remember that any double quote character to be taken literally as part of a range limit must be preceded by a backslash. Examine each string range value within the RANGES field, and verify that it starts and ends with a single quote. Remember that any single quote character to be taken literally as part of a range limit must be preceded by two backslashes. Correct all errors in the format of the routing information, and reload the configuration file.

See Also



ERROR: or a backslash to escape a double quote.


The routing entry entry_name lacks a single quote at the end of a character string, or lacks a backslash to escape a double quote within a character string.


Examine the routing field flagged as being in error. Make sure that the RANGES string starts and ends with a double quote, and that the previous string in the configuration file was properly terminated with a double quote. Remember that any double quote character to be taken literally as part of a range limit must be preceded by a backslash. Examine each string range value within the RANGES field, and verify that it starts and ends with a single quote. Remember that any single quote character to be taken literally as part of a range limit must be preceded by two backslashes. Correct all errors in the format of the routing information, and reload the configuration file.


ERROR: *ROUTING entry entry_name has both numeric and character values in the RANGES statement


The ROUTING entry entry_name has both numeric and character values in the RANGES statement. This is not allowed.


The values specified in the RANGES statement must be appropriate to the type of the field on which routing is being conducted. Look in the field tables to determine the type of the field listed for this routing entry and change any routing values which are inappropriate for this field type.

See Also



ERROR: *ROUTING entry entry_name has both numeric and character values in the RANGES statement


The ROUTING entry entry_name has both numeric and character values in the RANGES statement. This is not allowed.


The values specified in the RANGES statement must be appropriate to the type of the field on which routing is being conducted. Look in the field tables to determine the type of the field listed for this routing entry and change any routing values which are inappropriate for this field type.

See Also
