
Oracle Tuxedo System Messages provide the following information:

Description: The meaning and context of the message.

Action: What steps you can take to correct any problems identified.

See Also: A pointer to related information (not specified for all messages).

The Oracle Tuxedo System Messages are numbered and organized in catalogs, based on parts of the Oracle Tuxedo 10g Release 3 (10.3) system from which they are generated. For information about a specific message, click on the name of the appropriate catalog.

Note: Some messages for deprecated features may still display. Be aware that deprecated features are not supported.


ERROR: service-name received a badly formed message


The event broker service service-name received a message that does not contain the necessary information.


Contact BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: unable to decode or decrypt user data


The TMUSREVT or TMSYSEVT may need to decode or decrypt messages for several reasons. If the broker does not have a proper decryption key, this message will be printed. Otherwise, there was a problem while attempting to decode the message, such as a message arriving with an unknown TYPE or SUBTYPE.


The event broker can be configured to open a decryption key with the SEC_PRINCPIPAL_NAME, SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION and SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR fields in the ubbconfig, or through the use of _ec_sec_pki_init plug-in.

See Also

TMSYSEVT, TMUSREVT, ubbconfig, _ec_sec_pki_init, MIB, TM_MIB


WARN: Primary Event Server could not retrieve the MIB data


A MIB request has been forwarded to the Primary Event Server. However, this request was encrypted, and the server does not have the proper decryption key to decrypt the message. Otherwise, there was a problem while attempting to decode the message.


The event broker can be configured to open a decryption key with the SEC_PRINCPIPAL_NAME, SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION and SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR fields in the ubbconfig, or through the use of _ec_sec_pki_init plug-in.

See Also

TMSYSEVT, TMUSREVT, ubbconfig, _ec_sec_pki_init, MIB, TM_MIB


ERROR: Identifier for SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME must be <= size characters in length


The SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME field in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file must be less than or equal to size characters.


Ensure that the field is less than size characters.

See Also

ubbconfig, tmloadcf, tmunloadcf


ERROR: Identifier for SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME must be <= size characters in length


The SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME field in the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file must be less than or equal to size characters.


Ensure that the field is less than size characters.

See Also

ubbconfig, tmloadcf, tmunloadcf


ERROR: Identifier for SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME must be <= size characters in length


The SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME field in the GROUPS section of the UBBCONFIG file must be less than or equal to size characters.


Ensure that the field is less than size characters.

See Also

ubbconfig, tmloadcf, tmunloadcf


ERROR: Identifier for SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME must be <= size characters in length


The SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME field in the SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file must be less than or equal to size characters.


Ensure that the field is less than size characters.

See Also

ubbconfig(5), tmloadcf(1), tmunloadcf(1) in BEA TUXEDO Reference.


ERROR: Invalid message format


The BBL received a message that does not contain the necessary information.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Invalid message format


The BBL received a message that does not contain the necessary information.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Invalid message format


The BBL received a message that does not contain the necessary information.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed in buildclient on VMS while trying to allocate space to hold the compilation line.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory and/or swap space on the machine.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed in buildclient on VMS while trying to allocate space to hold the COBOL compilation line.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory and/or swap space on the machine.


ERROR: buildserver cannot open the temporary output file, srcfile.


The buildserver command cannot open the temporary output file, srcfile on AS/400.


Check that the directory for the file exists and has write permissions, and the file system has sufficient resources for a new file.

See Also



ERROR: Could not become a background process


Normally, the tlisten process starts as a background program automatically. The program could not be restarted in the background and will not run.


Check for other messages in the event log. Determine if there is an OS resource that is exhausted and re-try the command when it is resolved.

See Also



ERROR: Could not become a background process


Normally, the tlisten process starts as a background program automatically. The program could not be restarted in the background and will not run.


Check for other messages in the event log. Determine if there is an OS resource that is exhausted and re-try the command when it is resolved.

See Also



ERROR: Unable to read RESOURCES section of TUXCONFIG file


tmipcrm was unable to get information on the RESOURCES section from the TUXCONFIG file. Additional information from the userlog might indicate why the system was unable to do so. For example, the TUXCONFIG environment variable may not have been set.


Please examine the userlog for further information. If necessary, please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), val hour val minutes val seconds left before DBBL lockout occurs


The system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users. DBBL lockout will occur in indicated time. When DBBL lockout occurs, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: .SysLicenseError: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), val hour val minutes val seconds left before DBBL lockout occurs


The system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users. DBBL lockout will occur in indicated time. When DBBL lockout occurs, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


WARN: Reached 100% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val)


The system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 100% of TUXEDO licensed users. DBBL lockout will occur if the total number of active users continues to increase.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


WARN: .SysLicenseWarn: Reached 100% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val)


The system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 100% of TUXEDO licensed users. DBBL lockout will occur if the total number of active users continues to increase.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: Reached 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val)


The system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 90% of TUXEDO licensed users. DBBL lockout will occur if the total number of active users continues to increase.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: .SysLicenseInfo: Reached 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val)


The system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 90% of TUXEDO licensed users. DBBL lockout will occur if the total number of active users continues to increase.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), DBBL lockout occurs, no new clients can join the application


DBBL lockout occurs because the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users for a grace period of 24 hours. At this time, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Inform the active users to exit the application as soon as they finish to decrease the active user count, and upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: .SysLicenseError: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), DBBL lockout occurs, no new clients can join the application


DBBL lockout occurs because the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users for a grace period of 24 hours. At this time, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Inform the active users to exit the application as soon as they finish to decrease the active user count, and upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: Reached 100% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), DBBL lockout canceled


The system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down to 100% of TUXEDO licensed users during a DBBL lockout. The DBBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: .SysLicenseInfo: Reached 100% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), DBBL lockout canceled


The system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down to 100% of TUXEDO licensed users during a DBBL lockout. The DBBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: Reached 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), DBBL lockout canceled


The system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down to 90% of TUXEDO licensed users during a DBBL lockout. The DBBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: .SysLicenseInfo: Reached 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), DBBL lockout canceled


The system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down to 90% of TUXEDO licensed users during a DBBL lockout. The DBBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: Reached below 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), DBBL lockout canceled


The system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down below 90% of TUXEDO licensed users during a DBBL lockout. The DBBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: .SysLicenseInfo: Reached below 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), DBBL lockout canceled


The system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down below 90% of TUXEDO licensed users during a DBBL lockout. The DBBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: The DBBL could not format the O_LCKOUT message to all BBLs


The DBBL lockout occurs because the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users for a grace period of 24 hours. However, the DBBL has a problem to format and broadcast a lockout message to all BBLs.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: The DBBL could not format the O_UNLCKOUT message to all BBLs


The DBBL lockout is canceled because the system has determined that the total number of active users dips below 110% of TUXEDO licensed users. However, the DBBL has a problem to format and broadcast a un-lockout message to all BBLs.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary License User Count, BBL received LOCKOUT notice, no new clients can join the application


BBL received lockout notice from the DBBL because the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users for a grace period of 24 hours. At this time, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Inform the active users to exit the application as soon as they finish to decrease the active user count, and upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: BBL received LOCKOUT cancelation notice, new clients now can join the application


The BBL received lockout cancelation notice from the DBBL because the system has determined that the total number of active users dips below 110% of TUXEDO licensed users. At this time, new clients can join the application.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), BBL lockout occurs, no new clients can join the application


The BBL lockout occurs in SHM mode because the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users for a grace period of 24 hours. At this time, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent BBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: .SysLicenseError: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), BBL lockout occurs, no new clients can join the application


The BBL lockout occurs in SHM mode because the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users for a grace period of 24 hours. At this time, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent BBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), val hour val minutes val seconds left before BBL lockout occurs


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users. The BBL lockout will occur in indicated time. When BBL lockout occurs, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent BBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: .SysLicenseError: Exceeded 110% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), val hour val minutes val seconds left before BBL lockout occurs


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 110% of TUXEDO licensed users. The BBL lockout will occur in indicated time. When BBL lockout occurs, no new clients can join the application until the overall active user count dips below 110% on a subsequent BBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


WARN: Reached 100% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val)


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 100% of TUXEDO licensed users. The BBL lockout will occur if the total number of active users continues to increase.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


WARN: .SysLicenseWarn: Reached 100% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val)


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 100% of TUXEDO licensed users. The BBL lockout will occur if the total number of active users continues to increase.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: Reached 100% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), BBL lockout canceled


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down to 100% of TUXEDO licensed users during a BBL lockout. The BBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent BBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: .SysLicenseInfo: Reached 100% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), BBL lockout canceled


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down to 100% of TUXEDO licensed users during a BBL lockout. The BBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent BBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: Reached 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val)


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 90% of TUXEDO licensed users. DBBL lockout will occur if the total number of active users continues to increase.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: .SysLicenseInfo: Reached 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val)


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the total number of active users exceeded 90% of TUXEDO licensed users. The BBL lockout will occur if the total number of active users continues to increase.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to avoid system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: Reached 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), BBL lockout canceled


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down to 90% of TUXEDO licensed users during a BBL lockout. The BBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent BBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: .SysLicenseInfo: Reached 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), BBL lockout canceled


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down to 90% of TUXEDO licensed users during a BBL lockout. The BBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent BBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: Reached below 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), BBL lockout canceled


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down below 90% of TUXEDO licensed users during a BBL lockout. The BBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


INFO: .SysLicenseInfo: Reached below 90% of TUXEDO System Binary Licensed User Count (val/val), BBL lockout canceled


In SHM mode, the system has determined that the overall active user count has dipped down below 90% of TUXEDO licensed users during a BBL lockout. The BBL lockout is canceled on a subsequent DBBL scan cycle.


Upgrade your TUXEDO license with larger number of users to aviod future system lockouts. Please contact your BEA TUXEDO System Administrator.


ERROR: -t option cannot be used on a platform which does not support threads


The buildserver command was run with the -t option on a platorm that does not support threads. The -t option indicates that the servers are allowed to specify a multi-threading level and is not allowed on this platform.


Re-run the command without the -t option.

See Also



ERROR: the -t and -C options are mutually exclusive


The buildserver command was run with both the -t (multi-threaded) and -C (COBOL) options. These options cannot be specified together (COBOL servers cannot be multi-threaded).


Re-run the command without the -t or -C option.

See Also



ERROR: -z (val) is larger than 56, but only the 56-bit package is installed


In tlisten, an encryption level greater than 56-bit encryption was specified, but only 56-bit encryption is availble.


Re-run the command with a lower encryption level or install the higher encryption level.

See Also



ERROR: Minimum encryption (val) is larger than 56, but only the 56-bit package is installed


In the BRIDGE, an encryption level greater than 56-bit encryption was specified, but only 56-bit encryption is availble.


Re-configure the link level encryption with a lower encryption level or install the higher encryption level. The encryption level is specified using the MINENCRYPTBITS parameter on the NETWORK entry.

See Also



ERROR: MAXENCRYPTBITS parameter must be 0, 40, 56 or 128


The MAXENCRYPTBITS parameter on the NETWORK entry must have a value of 0, 40, 56, or 128 depending on the desired number of bits encryption and the encryption level installed.


Re-configure the parameter and reload the configuration.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot open file filename for writing


The event server couldn't open file filename for writing the subscription database.


The event server writes a new copy of the subscription database in the temporary file file. Then, it links this file to the control file specified in the UBBCONFIG file. This message indicates that the server couldn't open the temporary file for writing. Check the file system parameters and take corrective action.


ERROR: Couldn't initialize the allocated memory as a fielded buffer, Ferror32=error


While processing a deletion record, the event server was unable to initialize an FML32 buffer. The Ferror32 error value is printed.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Cannot write FML32 buffer in file val, Ferror32=error


While processing a deletion record, the event server was unable to write out an FML32 buffer. The Ferror32 error value is printed.


Check the FML32 error. Most likely it is related to insufficient resources in the file system. Fix the problem and re-run the operation.


ERROR: Invalid database version received from Secondary Server


A Secondary event server sends a message to the primary requesting a event database version that is not recognized.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Could not determine size of fielded buffer, Ferror32=error


The event server, while trying to expand an FML32 buffer, was unable to determine the buffer size. The Ferror32 error value is printed.


Contact BEA Customer Support.




SERVERS entry was read where the MINDISPATCHTHREADS parameter was greater than the MAXDISPATCHTHREADS parameter.


Correct the entry and re-load the configuration.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


WARN: MAXDISPATCHTHREADS > system max, changing to val


SERVERS entry was read where the MAXDISPATCHTHREADS parameter is greater than the maximum allowed value. The value will be changed to that maximum, val.


No action required.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: SIGNATURE_AHEAD parameter must be > 0 and < 2147483647.


The SIGNATURE_AHEAD parameter in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file must be within the proper range of values.


Specify a value that is between 1 and 2,147,483,646, inclusive.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: SIGNATURE_BEHIND parameter must be > 0 and < 2147483647.


The SIGNATURE_BEHIND parameter in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file must be within the proper range of values.


Specify a value that is between 1 and 2,147,483,646, inclusive.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: -z(val) must be 0, 40, 56 or 128


The argument for the -z option of tlisten must have a value of 0, 40, 56, or 128 depending on the desired number of bits encryption and the encryption level installed.


Re-configure the argument and re-run the command.

See Also



ERROR: -Z(val) must be 0, 40, 56 or 128


The argument for the -Z option of tlisten must have a value of 0, 40, 56, or 128 depending on the desired number of bits encryption and the encryption level installed.


Re-configure the argument and re-run the command.

See Also



ERROR: 56-bit package installed. val bits minimum encryption is configured


In tlisten while trying to establish a connection to a remote note, an encryption level greater than 56-bit encryption was specified, but only 56-bit encryption is available.


Re-configure the link level encryption with a lower encryption level for the remote node or install the higher encryption level. The encryption level is specified using the MINENCRYPTBITS parameter on the NETWORK entry.

See Also



ERROR: MINENCRYPTBITS parameter must be 0, 40, 56 or 128


The value of MINENCRYPTBITS parameter on the NETWORK entry must have a value of 0, 40, 56, or 128 depending on the desired number of bits encryption and the encryption level installed.


Re-configure the parameter and re-load the configuration.

See Also



WARN: Minimum encryption (val) is larger than 56, but only the 56-bit package is installed


In the BRIDGE, an encryption level greater than 56-bit encryption was specified, but only 56-bit encryption is availble.


Re-configure the link level encryption with a lower encryption level or install the higher encryption level. The encryption level is specified using the MINENCRYPTBITS parameter on the NETWORK entry.

See Also



ERROR: Couldn't initialize the allocated memory as a fielded buffer, Ferror32=val


While processing a database version record, the event server was unable to initialize an FML32 buffer. The Ferror32 error value is printed.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Cannot write FML32 buffer in file val, Ferror32=val


While processing a database version record, the event server was unable to write out an FML32 buffer. The Ferror32 error value is printed.


Check the FML32 error. Most likely it is related to insufficient resources in the file system. Fix the problem and re-run the operation.


ERROR: Primary Server can't unload subscription database into a file


The primary event server was unable to unload the subscription database into a file.


Check the log for earlier messages indicating the exact nature of the problem.


ERROR: Secondary Server can't set database version in the FML buffer. Ferror=val


The secondary event server can't add CURSID to FML buffer.


When the secondary event server polls the primary server for subscription database, it sends its version. This message states that the secondary server couldn't insert the version field to FML buffer. Contact BEA Customer Support, and provide the Ferror errno.

See Also



ERROR: Could not realloc fielded buffer, Ferror32=val


The event server, while trying to expand an FML32 buffer, was unable to determine the buffer size. The Ferror32 error value is printed.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory and/or swap space on the machine.


WARN: Job Description not found. Using default job attributes


The AS/400 Job Description for the BBL could not be found in the Job Description file AS400_JD. The default job attributes will be used.


Check for the presence of the AS400_JD file in the udataobj directory. If present, check to see that the AS400_JD file contains an entry for the BBL.


WARN: Failure changing job attributes. Using default attributes


The job attributes for the BBL could not be set according to the Job Description in the AS400_JD file. The default job attributes will be used.


Check the job log for the BBL to determine the cause of the failure.


WARN: Job Description not found. Using default job attributes


The AS/400 Job Description for the DBBL could not be found in the Job Description file AS400_JD. The default job attributes will be used.


Check for the presence of the AS400_JD file in the udataobj directory. If present, check to see that the AS400_JD file contains an entry for the DBBL.


WARN: Failure changing job attributes. Using default attributes


The job attributes for the DBBL could not be set according to the Job Description in the AS400_JD file. The default job attributes will be used.


Check the job log for the BBL to determine the cause of the failure.


WARN: Job Description not found. Using default job attributes


The AS/400 Job Description for the BRIDGE could not be found in the Job Description file AS400_JD. The default job attributes will be used.


Check for the presence of the AS400_JD file in the udataobj directory. If present, check to see that the AS400_JD file contains an entry for the BRIDGE.