
Oracle Tuxedo System Messages provide the following information:

Description: The meaning and context of the message.

Action: What steps you can take to correct any problems identified.

See Also: A pointer to related information (not specified for all messages).

The Oracle Tuxedo System Messages are numbered and organized in catalogs, based on parts of the Oracle Tuxedo 10g Release 3 (10.3) system from which they are generated. For information about a specific message, click on the name of the appropriate catalog.

Note: Some messages for deprecated features may still display. Be aware that deprecated features are not supported.


ERROR: funcname: UNIX sys call error - errno_val


An attempt to access the VTOC through a system call such as open(2), lseek(2), read(2), write(2), stat(2), or unlink(2) has failed because the system call returned the errno indicated in the message.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: funcname: cannot free space


An attempt to free space that was allocated in the VTOC has failed because there are no more available VTOC map entries.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: funcname: bad table name specified


An error occurred while either creating a new table entry or accessing an existing table entry in the VTOC. If the error occurred while attempting to create a table, either the table name already exists, or the name has a length of 0 or is greater than the allowable table name size (GP_LOGICAL_NAME). If the error occurred while attempting to access an existing table, either the name doesn't exist, or the name has a length of 0 or is greater than the allowable table name size.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: funcname: invalid arguments or request to function


An error occurred because the indicated function was invoked with invalid arguments.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: funcname: bad device name or index specified


An attempt to access a device has failed because the name used was either of length 0 or was longer than the allowable length of GP_LOGICAL_NAME.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: funcname: attempt to create overlapping devices


An error has occurred because of an overlap in devices. An overlap occurs if the new device begins before the old device ends and the new device ends after the old device begins.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: funcname: no entry remains to create device or table or open table


An attempt to either create a device or table, or open a table has failed because there are no more available slots in the device list.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: funcname: bad device type (not character special or regular)


An attempt to create a disk entry has failed because an invalid device type has been specified. The only two available device types are character special and regular.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: funcname: cannot obtain lock on VTOC


An error has occurred because within the function _gp_vtoc_lock(), an attempt to obtain a lock on the VTOC has failed.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: errcode: unknown vtoc error code


An error has occurred during an access of the VTOC and has resulted in the indicated unrecognizable error code being returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Cannot locate free block in tlog


An attempt to locate and write to a free block in the transaction log has failed.


Retry the operation and if the problem persists, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Transaction log wrong page number


An attempt to access particular page of the transaction log has failed because the referenced page is outside of the bounds of the transaction log.


Retry the operation and if the problem persists, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Log warmstart can only be called by BBL


An attempt to warmstart has failed because only the BBL is allowed to initiate warmstarts.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


INFO: Page page skipped, chksum didn't match


The indicated page was skipped while doing a warmstart because the checksum did not match.


No action required.


ERROR: TLOG not in an understandable format. Different release


The format of the transaction log is unrecognizable. The release of the software is different than the release of the transaction log.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Transaction log file exists


An attempt to create the transaction log has failed because a transaction log already exists.


If a transaction log exists, remove it and retry the desired operation. If the problem persists, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Log start can only be called by BBL or TMS


A call to internal function _tlog_start() has failed because the caller is neither the BBL nor the TMS.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Log start cannot get tlog information


An error occurred in attempting to open the transaction log. Either the *MACHINES section of the configuration file could not be opened, or the current machine id has not been defined in that configuration file.


Check and ensure the accuracy of the TUXCONFIG file, and if the problem persists, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Log start cannot open tlog


An error occurred attempting to open the transaction log with read and write access.


Check and ensure that the appropriate permissions are set on the transaction log and on the directory in which the transaction log resides. If the problem persists, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: BB TLOGSIZE differs from number of pages in TLOG file


An error has occurred opening the transaction log because the actual size of the TLOG differs from the size maintained by the BB.


Retry the desired operation, and if the problem persists, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Invalid table type desired


An internal function has failed because it attempted to access an invalid table.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: No space in Bulletin Board for tablename


An attempt to allocate a free entry in the Bulletin Board for tablename has failed because it is full.


Re-configure the application to increase the size of the associated table.


ERROR: Tried to free non-alloced tmrte


An attempt to free a registry table entry has failed because the table entry has not yet been allocated.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Invalid table type given


An internal function has failed because it attempted to access an invalid table.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: No registry table entries


There are no more free entries in the registry table, so an attempt to allocate an entry has failed.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed. This message is issued when a system process (for example, DBBL or BBL) initializes and its call to malloc() fails.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.

See Also

ulimit(2) in UNIX system reference manuals




A program was booted in an MP configuration without the Bulletin Board existing.


Clean up any IPC resources and re-boot the application from scratch.

See Also





A program was booted without the Bulletin Board existing.


Clean up any IPC resources and re-boot the application from scratch.

See Also



ERROR: Wrong bulletin board type or IPCKEY not unique


Either the bulletin board type has been changed for this application and the old bulletin board (in shared memory) still exists, or the IPCKEY for the application being booted is not unique (another application is using the same IPCKEY and has attached to shared memory using that IPCKEY as the shared memory id).


Edit the UBBCONFIG configuration file, change the IPCKEY to a unique value, reload the TUXCONFIG using tmloadcf, and reboot the application.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: semget err: errno=errno_val, key = key_val


While initializing the application, a system semaphore could not be created.


Look up the errno_val in errno.h to see its name. There are several possible causes. ENOSPC indicates that not enough semaphores are configured in the operating system; re-configure the OS to have more semaphore identifiers or sets. EACCES indicates that the user executing the command does not have permissions, which could be due to another application using the same ICPKEY. Check the owner of the semaphore using the key_val and the ipcs(1) command, and change IPCKEY if necessary.


ERROR: semctl err: errno=errno_val, key=key_val, id=id_val


While initializing the application, the status of a system semaphore could not be obtained.


Look up the errno_val in errno.h to see its name. There are several possible causes. EACCES indicates that the user executing the command does not have permissions, which could be due to another application using the same ICPKEY. Check the owner of the semaphore using the key_val and the ipcs(1) command. EINVAL could indicate that the semaphore was destroyed during shutdown of the system while another user tried to activate the system.


ERROR: BB semaphore not initialized within 10 seconds (key=0xkey_val).


While initializing the application, a program found the BEA TUXEDO system semaphore existed but was not initialized within 10 seconds.


Use the ipcs(1) command to check the specified key value, checking the creator process to see if it is alive. Remove the IPC resources and re-boot the application.


ERROR: Creating process may be dead; manual intervention required.


While initializing the application, a program found the BEA TUXEDO system semaphore existed but was not initialized within 10 seconds. This is related to message 338.


Use the ipcs(1) command to check the specified key value, checking the creator process to see if it is alive. Remove the IPC resources and re-boot the application.


ERROR: Wrong configuration file


Either the configuration parameters have been changed for this application and the old bulletin board (in shared memory) still exists, or the IPCKEY for the application being booted is not unique (another application is using the same IPCKEY and has attached to shared memory using that IPCKEY as the shared memory id).


Edit the UBBCONFIG configuration file, change the IPCKEY to a unique value, reload the TUXCONFIG using tmloadcf, and reboot the application.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Could not allocate bulletin board shared memory


While initializing the BEA TUXEDO application, shared memory could not be allocated for the Bulletin Board.


Check that the IPCKEY in the UBBCONFIG configuration file is not being used by another application for shared memory. Check that enough shared memory has been configured.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Could not allocate bulletin board shared memory


While initializing the BEA TUXEDO application, shared memory could not be allocated for the Bulletin Board.


Check that the IPCKEY in the UBBCONFIG configuration file is not being used by another application for shared memory. Check that enough shared memory has been configured.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Could not find DBBL


While initializing the BEA TUXEDO application, shared memory could not be allocated for the Bulletin Board.


The application is configured as mode MP and the DBBL has not created the BB. Make sure that the DBBL is booted first and did not die. Check that the IPCKEY in the UBBCONFIG configuration file is not being used by another application for shared memory. Check that enough shared memory has been configured.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Could not allocate bulletin board shared memory


While initializing the BEA TUXEDO application, shared memory could not be allocated for the Bulletin Board.


Check that the IPCKEY in the UBBCONFIG configuration file is not being used by another application for shared memory. Check that enough shared memory has been configured.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Cannot find DBBL


An attempt was made to send a message to the DBBL and its whereabouts could not be ascertained either from the BB or from a BRIDGE process.


Check for a partitioned network, corrupted shared memory, or if all administrative processes are running.


ERROR: Not a Bulletin Board


The BEA TUXEDO system application's IPCKEY is clashing with another application's use of UNIX IPC resources, specifically with a UNIX IPC semaphore.


Choose another IPCKEY for your BEA TUXEDO system application.

See Also



ERROR: Bulletin Board version mismatch


The process trying to attach to the Bulletin Board differs in release from the Bulletin Board creator. The process fails to join the application.


Make sure that $TUXDIR/bin points to the most current release of the BEA TUXEDO System. Also, make sure application processes have been re-linked or re-compiled with the latest release.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed. This message is issued when a system process (for example, DBBL or BBL) initializes and its call to malloc() fails.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.

See Also

ulimit(2) in UNIX system reference manuals


ERROR: Configuration file parameters do not match existing bulletin board.


When a process initially tries to join the application, this message is issued when the process' configuration file parameters do not match the existing bulletin board. This could happen, for example, if the application's ubbconfig file is modified and re-loaded with tmloadcf.


Make sure that your TUXCONFIG file matches that with which the system was initialized.

See Also



ERROR: Error building node tables


When a BBL initializes, it populates certain areas of the bulletin board. This message is issued when a BBL encounters an error creating the node table in the bulletin board. The node table contains entries for the machines in the *MACHINES section of the ubbconfig file. This error occurs when a node is running with a pre-4.2.1 release of the BEA TUXEDO system. Releases before 4.2.1 supported at most 50 nodes in an application.


If your application contains more than 50 nodes specified in your ubbconfig file, then all nodes in the application must be release 4.2.1 or higher.

See Also



ERROR: Error resetting ULOGPFX


The program failed to set the prefix for the userlog file either because dynamic space allocation failed or because the TUXCONFIG file was corrupted. The userlog prefix will be $APPDIR/ULOG.


If other messages in the userlog indicate that the TUXCONFIG file is corrupted, you should re-load the TUXCONFIG file at your earliest convenience. If other messages in the userlog indicate that your system is out of memory, then ensure that the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.

See Also

ubbconfig(5), ulimit(2) in UNIX system reference manuals


ERROR: Error putting ENVFILE file into environment


This message is issued when an error occurs putting the process' ENVFILE into its environment.


See the userlog for other messages that explain exactly which error occurred as part of processing the process' ENVFILE.

See Also



WARN: Error changing directory to appdir (path) for LMID (lmid)


When this message is issued, an invalid APPDIR pathname is specified in the *MACHINES section for the LMID shown in the message. The processes associated with this LMID will use the default APPDIR for this TUXCONFIG.


At your earliest convenience, you should set APPDIR to a valid pathname and re-load your TUXCONFIG with tmloadcf.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: No BBL on this machine


The process that issued this message tried to join a site that was in the midst of being shut down.


No action required.


ERROR: Reached UNIX limit on semaphore ids


The BBL could not create any more semaphore ids because the UNIX system-imposed limit on the maximum number of allowed semaphores system-wide would be exceeded.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support about resetting the number of UNIX semaphores as per the IPC tuning guidelines in the BEA TUXEDO Installation Guide.

See Also

BEA TUXEDO Installation Guide


ERROR: Cannot create enough semaphores for BB, (UNIX limit), MAXACCESSERS too high


When a BBL initializes, it creates one or more sets of semaphores for serializing access to the bulletin board. The number of semaphores created per machine is roughly equal to the value of MAXACCESSERS on that machine. This message is printed when the BBL cannot create as many semaphores as it needs.


If possible, decrease the value of MAXACCESSERS for the machine. If several machines are used in your application, it is advisable to specify for each *MACHINES section entry a MAXACCESSERS value that is roughly the number of System/T client and server processes that will run simultaneously on that machine.

See Also



ERROR: Reached UNIX limit on semaphore ids


The BBL could not create any more semaphore ids because the UNIX system-imposed limit on the maximum number of allowed semaphores system-wide would be exceeded.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support about resetting the number of UNIX system semaphores as per the IPC tuning guidelines in the BEA TUXEDO Installation Guide.

See Also

BEA TUXEDO Installation Guide


ERROR: Cannot create enough semaphores for BB, (UNIX limit), MAXACCESSERS too high


When a BBL initializes, it creates one or more sets of semaphores for serializing access to the bulletin board. The number of semaphores created per machine is roughly equal to the value of MAXACCESSERS on that machine. This message is printed when the BBL cannot create as many semaphores as it needs.


If possible, decrease the value of MAXACCESSERS for the machine. If several machines are used in your application, it is advisable to specify for each *MACHINES section entry a MAXACCESSERS value that is roughly the number of System/T client and server processes that will run simultaneously on that machine.

See Also



ERROR: semctl for initializing sems failed: errno


Once the BBL creates a semaphore set used for serializing access to the BB, it initializes it. This message is issued when the BBL fails to initialize a semaphore set as locked. The issued message contains the UNIX system error number, errno, which can be used to determine the exact nature of the error.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

semctl(2) in UNIX system reference manuals


ERROR: semctl for initializing sems failed: errno


Once the BBL creates a semaphore set used for serializing access to the BB, it initializes it. This message is issued when the BBL fails to initialize a semaphore set with the administrator's UNIX uid, gid, and permissions as specified in the ubbconfig file. The issued message contains the UNIX system error number, errno, which can be used to determine the exact nature of the error.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

semctl(2) in UNIX system reference manuals


ERROR: TPEOS time set errno errno


As part of initializing the global transaction table, the BBL calls the time() system call. This message is issued when the call to time() fails. The message includes the error number, errno, which can be used to determine the exact nature of the error.


Consult the time(2) manual page to determine the exact nature of the error.

See Also

time(2) in UNIX system reference manuals


ERROR: Failure during send/receive of remote procedure call


An internal error occurred while attempting to send a remote procedure call.


Check that the DBBL is running, and retry the desired operation. If the error occurs again, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Error setting time for transaction counter, errno errno


As part of starting a new transaction, the time() system call is issued. This message is issued when the call to time() fails. The message includes the error number, errno, which can be used to determine the exact nature of the error.


Consult the time(2) manual page to determine the exact nature of the error.

See Also

time(2) in UNIX system reference manuals


ERROR: tpabort: xa_rollback returned status


This message is issued if the process aborting a transaction encounters an error upon calling the database resource manager with xa_rollback(). The message prints the error code that the function returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor. See the userlog for more information on the outcome of the transaction. Also, use tmadmin's printtrans command to find out more information about the transaction.

See Also



ERROR: tpabort state state


This message is issued when a transaction is being aborted and the state of the transaction is such that the normal procedure for aborting the transaction could not be followed. The state of the transaction is printed as part of this message. If the state is TMGABORTED, then the transaction has already been aborted; all other states reflect the various stages of two-phase commitment (including heuristic outcomes).


See the userlog for more information about this transaction's completion. Also, use tmadmin's printtrans command to find out more information about the transaction.

See Also



ERROR: Failed to determine uname


An attempt to determine the machine id through a call to uname(2) has failed.


Make sure the machine's uname is correctly configured. Retry the desired operation; if the error occurs again, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Cannot call ATMI routines until you have joined system


This message is issued if tpforward() is called outside of a service routine (for example, by a client).


Change your application code to not use tpforward() in clients or outside of service routines.

See Also



ERROR: Performed tpforward() with outstanding replies


This message is issued when a service routine calls tpforward() with outstanding replies. The client that invoked this service routine receives an error, TPESVCERR, from either tpcall() or tpgetrply(), if it was expecting a reply. The service named by tpforward() is not invoked.


You should alter your service routine to call either tpgetrply() or tpcancel() for all outstanding replies before calling tpforward(). If your service routine encounters an application error and you need to return from the service immediately, then use tpreturn() with TPFAIL.

See Also

tpcancel(3c), tpgetrply(3c), tpforward(3c), tpreturn(3c)


WARN: Failed to set priority for TMS request


When a request is sent to the TMS to complete a transaction, the priority of the request is set to optimize performance. This message is issued as a warning when the system fails to override the default priority. The request is sent at the default priority.


No action required.


ERROR: tpcommit msg failure, check GTT


This message is issued when the system encounters an error trying to receive the reply to a request sent to a TMS to complete a transaction. This message is typically issued when a system-level failure occurs.


See the userlog for more information about this transaction's completion and about any communication error that may have occurred. Also, use tmadmin's printtrans command to find out more information about the transaction and use the printnet command to see the status of all machine connections in the network. This command will report any network partitions.

See Also



ERROR: No room to add group name


This message is issued when a transaction has visited more than 16 BEA TUXEDO system groups (as defined in the GROUPS section of the ubbconfig file). At that point, the transaction will not continue to propagate nor will it complete successfully.


Consider combining groups or using data dependent routing to consolidate requests to servers within the same group in order to allow your transaction to stay within the 16 group maximum.

See Also



INFO: GTTELOG: GTRID: machine(machine) counter_time(0xtime) counter(0xcount)


This message prints out the contents of a global transaction table entry. This includes the transaction identifier (GTRID), the transaction's state, and other pertinent information that can be used by support personnel to help locate problems with global transactions.


No action required.

See Also

See Messages No. 393, 394, 395, and 396 in this chapter, and Message No. 408 in the chapter on CMDTUX messages.


INFO: coordinator(group) group_count(count) tran_state(state)


This message is a continuation of message 392 in this chapter.


No action required.

See Also

See Messages No. 392, 394, 395, and 396 in this chapter, and Message No. 408 in the chapter on CMDTUX messages.


INFO: cmchid(val) q(val2) type(val3) iter(val4) reg_index(val5)


This message is a continuation of message 392 in this chapter.


No action required.

See Also

See Messages No. 392, 393, 395, and 396 in this chapter, and Message No. 408 in the chapter on CMDTUX messages.


INFO: log_page(val) version(val2) tranflags(val3)


This message is a continuation of message 392 in this chapter.


No action required.

See Also

See Messages No. 392, 393, 394, and 396 in this chapter, and Message No. 408 in the chapter on CMDTUX messages.


INFO: GR[val]:name(val1)local(val2)state(val3)


This message is a continuation of message 392 in this chapter.


No action required.

See Also

See Messages No. 392, 393, 394, and 395 in this chapter, and Message No. 408 in the chapter on CMDTUX messages.


ERROR: Cannot allocate entry on GTT


This message is issued when no more room exists in the bulletin board to accommodate transactions. This message can occur for a new transaction, in which case the transaction will fail to begin. Or, this message can occur when an existing transaction tries to instantiate itself on a server's bulletin board, in which case the transaction will fail to commit. This message might reflect a transient condition based on a large, "bursty" transaction volume.


Consider increasing the MAXGTT entry in your application's ubbconfig file if this message occurs often or if too many transactions fail due to the current MAXGTT setting. If you are already using the maximum value, and if you are also using either the LOGGED value for the CMTRET keyword in the ubbconfig file or the TP_CMT_LOGGED setting for tpscmt(3c), then use the COMPLETE or TP_CMT_COMPLETE settings, respectively, so that new transactions will not start until current ones complete.

See Also

tpscmt(3c), tx_set_commit_return(3c), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Cannot allocate entry on GTT, TMID creation failed


This message is issued when no more room exists in the bulletin board to accommodate transactions. This message can occur for a new transaction, in which case the transaction will fail to begin. Or, this message can occur when an existing transaction tries to instantiate itself on a server's bulletin board, in which case the transaction will fail to commit. This message might reflect a transient condition based on a large, "bursty" transaction volume.


Consider increasing the MAXGTT entry in your application's ubbconfig file if this message occurs often or if too many transactions fail due to the current MAXGTT setting. If you are already using the maximum value, and if you are also using either the LOGGED value for the CMTRET keyword in the ubbconfig file or the TP_CMT_LOGGED setting for tpscmt(3c), then use the COMPLETE or TP_CMT_COMPLETE settings, respectively, so that new transactions will not start until current ones complete.

See Also

tpscmt(3c), tx_set_commit_return(3c), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: xa_forget returned status


When a database resource manager (RM) makes a unilateral decision to complete a global transaction and its decision is in conflict with the BEA TUXEDO system's decision, this situation is known as a "heuristic decision". The RM is required to log on stable storage this decision until the BEA TUXEDO system explicitly tells the RM to forget its decision. This error message is issued when the RM encounters an error while processing the "forget" request.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor.