
Oracle Tuxedo System Messages provide the following information:

Description: The meaning and context of the message.

Action: What steps you can take to correct any problems identified.

See Also: A pointer to related information (not specified for all messages).

The Oracle Tuxedo System Messages are numbered and organized in catalogs, based on parts of the Oracle Tuxedo 10g Release 3 (10.3) system from which they are generated. For information about a specific message, click on the name of the appropriate catalog.

Note: Some messages for deprecated features may still display. Be aware that deprecated features are not supported.


ERROR: System clock has been reset to prior time. Reset again to time after time.


The system clock as been reset such that the current time precedes the timestamps in the transaction log.


Reset the system clock to the correct time. Retry the operation again, and if the problem persists, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Cannot receive reply because MSSQ is specified but REPLYQ is N


An error has occurred in receiving a reply from either a tpcall(3c) or tpacall(3c) because the configuration file specifies that there should be no reply queue established for that particular server.


If the server is expected to receive tpacall(3c) or tpcall(3c) replies, check and edit the ubbconfig(5) file and specify REPLYQ=Y to establish a reply queue for that particular server. If the server is not to receive replies, then use tpacall(3c) with the flags parameter set to TPNOREPLY.

See Also

ubbconfig(5), tpcall(3c), tpacall(3c)


ERROR: tpforward called in conversational server; service error returned to originator


tpforward() cannot be used within a conversational service routine. The service returns TPESVCERR or the TPEV_SVCERR event to the process on the other end of the conversation. The conversation is terminated.


The service routine should be changed to use tpreturn() instead of tpforward().

See Also

tpforward(3c), tprecv(3c), tpsend(3c)


ERROR: xa_end flags returned error status


This message is issued if the process receiving a reply encounters an error upon calling the database resource manager with xa_end(). The transaction fails to commit. The message prints the error code that the function returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor.


ERROR: xa_abort returned error


This message is issued when BEA TUXEDO tries unsuccessfully to rollback a transaction via xa_rollback() after receiving a reply. The message prints the error code that the function returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor. See the userlog for more information on the outcome of the transaction. Also, use tmadmin's printtrans command to find out more information about the transaction.


INFO: Switched to dip-in based notification


When the client is joining the application, the specified or default notification is set to signal based. But to use signal based notification, the userid must be the administrator's. This message alerts the switch in the notification mechanism.


No action necessary.


INFO: Using dip-in based notification instead of application default setting


When the client is joining the application, the notification mechanism is set to signal based (the application default). But to use signal based notification, the user must be the administrator. This message alerts the switch in the notification mechanism.


No action necessary.


INFO: Notification mechanism unknown. Switching to dip-in based notification


The notification mechanism is not specified, so the default (dip-in based) is used.


No action necessary.


ERROR: Migration failed: invalid type


The migration type code passed to the migration function is not valid.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed while setting up a temporary data structure for the server table entry.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Migration failed: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed while setting up a temporary data structure for the server group entry.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Migration failed: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed while setting up a temporary data structure for the group process table.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Migration failed: no group name


The group name passed to the migration function was empty.


Verify that the group name for the migration request is valid. If so, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also



ERROR: Migration failed: bad group name, tperrno = tperrno_val


The group name passed to the migration function was invalid.


Verify that the group name for the migration request is valid. If so, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also



ERROR: Migration failed: no machine name


The machine name passed to the migration function was empty.


Verify that the machine name for the migration request is valid. If so, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also



ERROR: Migration failed: bad machine name, tperrno = tperrno_val


The machine name passed to the migrate function was invalid.


Verify that the machine name for the migration request is valid. If so, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: invalid current location


The entry in the server group table for the current lmid (the location that the servers are to be migrated from) is invalid.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot update server group information


An attempt failed trying to update the entry or entries in the server group table.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot update server information


While updating the local bulletin board, an error occurred. This error could be caused by the following:

  • A failure to lock the bulletin board.

  • Queue or server information could not be retrieved.

  • The failure to unlock the bulletin board.


Check the userlog for more information.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot migrate group on machine


A request to migrate the server group(s) to the BBL on the alternate location has failed. This error could be caused by the following:

  • The failure to retrieve information from the bulletin board.

  • The request message itself could not be built.

  • A failure occurred during the send/receive of the request.


Check the userlog for more information.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot retrieve new server information


The verification of the alternate location has failed. The bulletin board has been checked for consistency, and one of the following errors has happened:

  • A timeout occurred before the information could be verified.

  • A lock was not granted for the bulletin board.

  • The server information could not be retrieved.

  • The bulletin board lock could not be released.

  • The server has been "cleaning up" for an inordinate period of time.


Check the userlog for additional information to properly diagnose this error.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot find BBL information for lmid


An attempt to retrieve the server table entry for the servers to be migrated failed. The requested entry was not found. This error is probably the result of an internal corruption of the bulletin board and not the result of anything the user has done.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot retrieve BBL information for lmid, tperrno = tperrno_val


An attempt to retrieve the server table entry for the servers to be migrated failed. This error is probably the result of an internal corruption of the bulletin board and not the result of anything the user has done.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot make request message


Creating an internal system message for the migrating servers fails. This error is due to the inability to allocate enough memory for the message.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the physical memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot send service request to BBL on lmid


The service request to start the migrating servers on the new site has failed.


Check the userlog for additional information to determine the proper action to be taken.


ERROR: Migration failed: invalid response from BBL on lmid


The response for the request to start the migrated servers on lmid returns an error. The bulletin board on the machine lmid was unstable at the time of the migration request and therefore was aborted.


Check the status of the bulletin board on lmid by using the tmadmin() sub-command printserver. If the system is still running, try the command again and if it fails again, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. Otherwise, the machine lmid must be restarted before a migration may occur.

See Also



ERROR: Migration failed: invalid response from BBL on lmid, tperrno = tperrno_val


The response for the request to start the migrated servers on lmid returns an unknown status code. The bulletin board on the machine lmid was unstable at the time of the migration request and therefore was aborted.


Check the status of the bulletin board on lmid by using the tmadmin() sub-command printserver. If the system is still running, try the command again and if it fails again, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. Otherwise, the machine lmid must be restarted before a migration may occur.

See Also



ERROR: Migration failed: cannot lock BB, tperrno = tperrno_val


While confirming that all relevant servers are shut down for migration, the lock for the bulletin board has not been granted.


This may be the result of a transitive failure of a process attached to the bulletin board. Try the command again; if this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot retrieve server information, tperrno = tperrno_val


While confirming that all relevant servers are shut down for migration, the server information in the bulletin board cannot be retrieved.


This may be the result of a transitive failure of a process attached to the bulletin board. Try the command again; if this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: server not shutdown


While attempting to migrate server(s) to another machine, the system is unable to process this request because a server remains running. All of the servers affected by this request must be shut down before a migration command is issued.


Shut down the desired servers with the relocate (-R) option and retry the request.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot unlock BB, tperrno = tperrno_val


While attempting to update internal information of server(s) to be migrated, the local bulletin board is unable to be unlocked.


This may be the result of a transitive failure of a process attached to the bulletin board. Try the command again; if this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot lock BB, tperrno = tperrno_val


While attempting to update internal information of server(s) to be migrated, the local bulletin board is unable to be locked.


This may be the result of a transitive failure of a process attached to the bulletin board. Try the command again; if this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot retrieve queue information, tperrno = tperrno_val


While attempting to update the queue table entry of the servers to be migrated, the queue table entry cannot be retrieved. This error is probably the result of an internal corruption of the bulletin board and not the result of anything the user has done.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot update server information, tperrno = tperrno_val


While attempting to update the server table entry for the servers to be migrated, the required entry cannot be retrieved. This error is probably the result of an internal corruption of the bulletin board and not the result of anything the user has done.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot unlock BB, tperrno = tperrno_val


While attempting to update internal information of server(s) to be migrated, the local bulletin board is unable to be unlocked.


This may be the result of a transitive failure of a process attached to the bulletin board. Try the command again; if this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: time out occurred


During the verification of the alternate location after the servers have been migrated, a failure has occurred. The verification request has timed out.


Check the status of the bulletin board on the alternate location. This may be accomplished by using the tmadmin() subcommand printserver. If this location is still running, try the migrate command again and if a failure occurs, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. If the alternate location doesn't respond, you will have to reboot this site before migration may occur.

See Also



ERROR: Migration failed: cannot lock BB, tperrno = tperrno_val


During the migration verification of the alternate location after the servers have been migrated, a failure has occurred. The bulletin board was not able to be locked.


This may be the result of a transitive failure of a process attached to the bulletin board. Try the command again; if this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: server(server_id/group_id) failed to migrate, tperrno = tperrno_val


The bulletin board of an alternate location reported that the server information requested was not found. This error is probably the result of an internal corruption of the bulletin board and not the result of anything the user has done.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot retrieve server (server_id/group_id) information, tperrno = tperrno_val


The bulletin board of an alternate location reported that the server information requested was not found. This error is probably the result of an internal corruption of the bulletin board and not the result of anything the user has done.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: cannot unlock BB, tperrno = tperrno_val


During the migration verification of the alternate location after the servers have been migrated, a failure has occurred. The bulletin board was not able to be unlocked (or released).


This may be the result of a transitive failure of a process attached to the bulletin board. Try the command again; if this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Migration failed: server (server_id/group_id) still cleaning


The verification of the alternate location has failed because the server server_id is still cleaning up its entries in the bulletin board.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Request/response request received in conversational server


A message request was received by a conversational server from a request/response server.


Verify that the service name used in a tpcall, tpacall, or tpforward belongs to a request/response server and not a conversational server.


ERROR: Conversational request received in request/response server


A message request was received by a request/response server from a conversational server.


Verify that the service name in tpconnect belongs to a conversational server and not a request/response server.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


While attempting to restart a server, the BEA TUXEDO system needed to allocate a memory buffer. This memory allocation failed.


Contact your UNIX Administrator.


ERROR: Char range with MAX as lower value has values out of order


If MAX is specified for the char lower routing range, then its corresponding upper routing range must also be specified as MAX. That is: MAX - MAX: server_group


Check the char routing range in the ROUTING section of the UBBCONFIG file. If MAX is specified for the lower routing range, then its corresponding upper routing range must be MAX.

See Also



ERROR: Char range with MIN as upper value has values out of order


If MIN is specified for the char upper routing range, then its corresponding lower routing range must also be specified as MIN. That is: MIN - MIN: server_group


Check the char routing range in the ROUTING section of the UBBCONFIG file. If MIN is specified for the upper routing range, then its corresponding lower routing range must be MIN.

See Also



ERROR: Range values out of order for the packed decimal routing data


The range values for the packed decimal routing data are out order, that is, the upper range value is less than the lower range value.


Check routing range values for the packed decimal routing data in your UBBCONFIG file. The lower range value must be less than or equal to the upper range value.

See Also

decimal(3c), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Invalid format for decimal


The data for a decimal routing range is specified incorrectly.


Check routing range decimal data in the ROUTING section of the UBBCONFIG file. The data must be in the correct format.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot have a '-' in front of MAX or MIN


The routing range cannot have a '-' sign in front of the MAX or MIN value.


Check the routing range data in the ROUTING section of the UBBCONFIG file. Remove any '-' sign in front of the MAX or MIN value.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot have a '-' and a '+' sign in front of a number


The routing range cannot have both a '-' and a '+' sign in front of a number.


Check the routing range data in the ROUTING section of the UBBCONFIG file. If a '-' and a '+' sign are both in front of a number, remove the '+' sign.

See Also



ERROR: xa_end TMSUSPEND returned errstring


The process called xa_end() just prior to blocking for a reply message. This would happen, for example, when an XA server does a tpcall() to another server. An unexpected return code, errstring, was returned from xa_end().


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or database system vendor.


ERROR: xa_start TMRESUME returned errstring


The process called xa_start() just after receiving a reply message. This would happen, for example, when an XA server does a tpcall() to another server. An unexpected return code, errstring, was returned from xa_start().


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or database system vendor.


ERROR: Request/response service name matches conversational service name


An error occurred while a service was being added to the bulletin board's tables. The same service name cannot be used for both conversational and request/response types of services.


Rename the services being offered so that the each service name is used consistently throughout the system as either conversational or request/response.

See Also

tpcall(3c), tpconnect(3c)


ERROR: Connection information invalid


This error occurs when a client or server is requesting to create a connection table entry in the Bulletin Board and supplies incorrect or NULL arguments. This happens if there is a bug in the calling routine.


Report this failure to your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Tried to set up a duplicate connection


This error occurs when a client or server is requesting to create a connection table entry in the Bulletin Board and tries to set up a duplicate entry. This happens if there is a bug in the calling routine.


Report this failure to your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Bad event: status


This error occurs when tprecv(3c) gets a message from the other end of a conversation and the tperrno information in the message header is set to TPEEVENT and the event is set to an invalid event.


Report this failure to your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: errno TPEEVENT but event flag not set


This error occurs when tprecv(3c) gets a message from the other end of a conversation and the tperrno information in the message header is set to TPEEVENT and the event is set to zero.


Report this failure to your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Failed to create connection


This error occurs when tpconnect(3c) fails to add a connection table entry into the Bulletin Board. This can happen if the table is full.


Increase the number of connection table entries in the Bulletin Board by increasing the MAXCONV parameter in the UBBCONFIG file.

See Also



WARN: Failed to disconnect process pid


This error occurs when a conversational disconnect event is sent by a server to a client on the same machine via a message, and the server is unable to send the message to the client. The client could have died before the disconnect event is sent or if there is an error queueing the message.


Check the UNIX message queue kernel parameters and increase them if necessary.


ERROR: Failed to allocate space for disconnect msg


This error occurs when a conversational disconnect message is sent to the BBL and there is not enough memory in the system to allocate the message.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine. Increase the space on the swap device.

See Also

malloc(3) in UNIX reference manuals


ERROR: Disconnect failed, couldn't find BBL


This error occurs when a conversational disconnect message has to be sent to the BBL and the server table entry for the BBL is missing from the Bulletin Board. This is a severe error and the system is unstable.


Contact the BEA TUXEDO system administrator and restart the BEA TUXEDO system.


ERROR: Disconnect failed, message send/receive error


This error occurs when a conversational disconnect event is sent by a process to the remote BBL via a message, and the server is unable to send the message to the BBL. This can happen if the limit on the number of bytes on the message queue is reached.


Check the UNIX system message queue kernel parameters and increase them if necessary.


ERROR: Failed to get acknowledgement message for connection


This error occurs when a conversational client or server issues a tprecv(3c) with TPRECVONLY. This requires an acknowledgment from the other connection. If there is a failure in getting that acknowledgment, this message is printed. This could happen if the UNIX message queue has reached its capacity. This could also happen if the remote server for that connection could not be started.


Check the UNIX message queue kernel parameters and increase them if necessary. Check the userlog for error messages regarding the remote server.


ERROR: Invalid mid value during spawn


While getting ready to spawn a conversational server, the calling process failed to retrieve its machine table entry. The machine identifier that is used to retrieve the entry is invalid. The conversational server will therefore not be spawned.


Look through the userlog to see if there are other messages related to this failure. If so, refer to the appropriate system messages. Otherwise, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Argument vector formation error during spawn


While getting ready to spawn a conversational server, the calling process failed to build the command line arguments for that server. An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc(3) or realloc(3) failed while building the command line. The conversational server will therefore not be spawned.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: aout=aout: too many arguments


While getting ready to spawn a conversational server, the calling process failed to set the argument vector for that server. The calling process attempted to pass more than 256 arguments to the conversational server. The conversational server will therefore not be spawned.


Make sure the number of arguments passed to the conversational server is not greater than 256. Note that the system may be adding up to eight arguments to the command line obtained from the configuration file.

See Also



ERROR: spawn error: cannot fork


The calling process failed to spawn a conversational server. The call to fork(2) failed.


The system-imposed limit on the total number of processes under execution by a single user may be exceeded. In this case you may either reduce the number of processes the BEA TUXEDO system application administrator is running on the system or increase the total number of processes allowed per user by reconfiguring the UNIX kernel.

See Also

fork(2) in UNIX reference manuals


ERROR: Cannot exec, executable file not found


The calling process failed to spawn a conversational server. The call to exec(2) failed. The conversational server to be spawned does not exist.


Make sure the conversational server is in the application directory.

See Also

exec(2) in UNIX reference manuals, ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Cannot exec, network send error


The calling process failed to spawn a conversational server due to a networking problem.


Make sure the network has not been partitioned and that the remote site is booted. If the remote site is not booted, call tmboot(1). If the remote site is booted, use tmadmin(1) to determine the status of the network, and reconnect the remote site if necessary.

See Also

exec(2) in UNIX reference manuals, tmadmin(1), tmboot(1), ubbconfig(5)


WARN: process id=pid ... Assume started (network).


The calling process attempted to spawn a conversational server. The conversational server with a process ID of pid is believed to have been started. However the calling process did not receive an acknowledgment.


Make sure a conversational server with process ID pid is running. If not, look for a core dump in the application directory.


WARN: process id=pid ... Assume started (pipe).


The calling process attempted to spawn a conversational server. The conversational server with a process ID of pid is believed to have been started. However the calling process did not receive an acknowledgment.


Make sure a conversational server with process ID pid is running. If not, look for a core dump in the application directory.


ERROR: No BBL available, cannot boot


The calling process failed to spawn a conversational server. The BBL is not active.


Make sure the BBL is booted on the site the conversational server is being spawned. Use tmadmin(1) to check the status of the application. If the BBL needs to be booted, use tmboot(1).

See Also

tmadmin(1), tmboot(1)


ERROR: No DBBL available, cannot boot


The calling process failed to spawn a conversational server. The DBBL is not active on the master site.


Make sure the DBBL is booted on the master site. Use tmadmin(1) to check the status of the application.

See Also



ERROR: Spawning process failed.


The calling process failed to spawn a conversational server.


Look through the userlog to see if there are other messages related to this failure. If so, refer to the appropriate system messages. Otherwise, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

See Messages No. 1097 and 1098 below


ERROR: Process process at site failed with /T error (errmsg)


The calling process failed to spawn a conversational server, process. The spawned server failed on site site.


Take corrective measures based on errmsg.


ERROR: Process process at site failed with code code


The calling process failed to spawn a conversational server, process. The spawned server failed on site site.


Take corrective measures based on error code code.


ERROR: Cannot process a message with an unknown release, release


An invalid release number, release, was found in a message while being converted. Interoperability allows a single application to have multiple (two) releases of the BEA TUXEDO system exist on different nodes and interoperate with one another. The conversion is done by either the sender, if it has the latest software, or the receiver.


Check the release of the BEA TUXEDO system software and make sure that the master and backup nodes are running the later release. Also make sure the TUXDIR parameter is set correctly in the configuration file.

See Also

BEA TUXEDO Administrator's Guide