
Oracle Tuxedo System Messages provide the following information:

Description: The meaning and context of the message.

Action: What steps you can take to correct any problems identified.

See Also: A pointer to related information (not specified for all messages).

The Oracle Tuxedo System Messages are numbered and organized in catalogs, based on parts of the Oracle Tuxedo 10g Release 3 (10.3) system from which they are generated. For information about a specific message, click on the name of the appropriate catalog.

Note: Some messages for deprecated features may still display. Be aware that deprecated features are not supported.


WARN: Cannot update server group location as listed in bulletin board


While booting, a server process noticed that it was being booted on the processor listed as the backup processor for that server's group. (This situation occurs when tmboot(1) is unable to boot the server group on the processor listed as the current processor for that group.) The server attempted to update the location of the group as stored in the bulletin board, but was unable to make the message required to update this information. This particular failure by itself will not cause the server to be incapable of processing service requests, but may be indicative of problems elsewhere in the system. The server will still be active and able to receive requests, but the first subsequent attempt to migrate the server will restart the server on the same processor where it is now running. Once this occurs, the server location will be stored consistently. Unless otherwise indicated by another error, the location of the server group will be stored properly in the TUXCONFIG file.


The administrator may choose to allow the servers in the group reporting this error to continue running, or may elect to shut down and restart the server group so that the group location is stored consistently in the bulletin board.

See Also

tmboot(1), tmadmin(1)


ERROR: Commit error due to outstanding handles


An attempt to commit a transaction with outstanding handles failed.


This is an application error. Make sure there are no outstanding handles before calling tpcommit().


ERROR: TUXCONFIG environment variable must be an absolute pathname.


The application specified a value for the TUXCONFIG environment variable that is a simple or relative pathname, not beginning with slash (/).


Change the TUXCONFIG environment variable to be an absolute pathname and re-execute the program.


ERROR: tpcommit failed to send message to TMS server


The application called tpcommit(), which tried to send a request to the transaction manager server for processing. No entry was found for the transaction manager server.


Check the userlog for other messages indicating why the request failed. Check that the transaction manager servers are available for all resource managers involved in the application service.

See Also



ERROR: Performed tpforward() with outstanding conversations


The application called tpforward() while there were outstanding conversations (for example, after calling tpconnect() but before receiving a disconnect).


Correct the application such that tpforward() is called only after all conversations and asynchronous request responses have been processed.

See Also

tpconnect(3c), tpforward(3c)


ERROR: Another application is using IPC key ipckey


The IPC key, ipckey, specified in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file is being used by another BEA TUXEDO system application.


Change the IPCKEY value, reload the configuration file, and boot the application.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot find *MACHINES entry for MASTER master


When joining the application, a client or server cannot find the configuration entry for the MASTER machine, master.


This should not occur since it is checked when the configuration is loaded or updated. Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also



ERROR: Expired TUXEDO System Binary License


The TUXEDO System/T master binary is not properly licensed, or the expiration date on an evaluation copy has been reached.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: tpsuspend xa_end returned errstring


The call to xa_end from within tpsuspend returned the XA error value errstring.


Check the error reporting mechanism for the associated resource manager to determine the cause of the problem. Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or resource manager vendor.


ERROR: Wrong transaction state statestring


tpsuspend was called while the transaction was not in an active state (for example, tpabort or tpcommit had already been called).


Correct the application such that it does not call tpsuspend unless it is the current owner of the transaction.

See Also



ERROR: tpresume xa_start flags flagval returned errstring


The call to xa_start from within tpresume with the XA flag value flagval (either TMJOIN or TMNOFLAGS) returned the XA error value errstring.


Check the error reporting mechanism for the associated resource manager to determine the cause of the problem. Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or resource manager vendor.


WARN: variable value "string" in environment does not match configuration "string"


While putting variables into the environment for either the machine or server ENVFILE file, the TUXCONFIG, TUXOFFSET, TUXDIR, or APPDIR variable was encountered and its value did not match the associated value in the configuration file. This variable cannot be overridden in the ENVFILE and its value is taken from the *MACHINES section of the configuration file for the associated machine. The modified value will not be put into the environment.


No action required.

See Also



ERROR: Transaction counter <= 0


As part of starting a new transaction, the system makes a unique transaction identifier that is based, in part, on a system counter. If for some reason the counter was corrupted, this message is printed.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. The bulletin board shared memory has probably been corrupted by a stray pointer or some other problem. Consider running tmadmin's bbclean command to verify the sanity of this site's bulletin board.

See Also



ERROR: Still in transaction


A service routine explicitly started a transaction but did not commit or abort it before calling tpreturn. The transaction was aborted by the system, and the caller received a TPESVCERR return code.


Modify the service routine to resolve the transaction before calling tpreturn.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot lock bulletin board


As part of tpreturn's processing in transaction mode, an attempt to lock the bulletin board failed. The transaction was aborted.


Check for corrupted shared memory, an invalid application IPCKEY, or if two applications are using the same IPCKEY.


ERROR: Cannot unlock bulletin board


As part of tpreturn's processing in transaction mode, an attempt to unlock the bulletin board failed. The transaction was aborted.


Check for corrupted shared memory, an invalid application IPCKEY, or if two applications are using the same IPCKEY.


ERROR: Cannot get counter value for new transaction


As part of starting a new transaction, the system makes a unique transaction identifier that is based, in part, on a system counter. If for some reason the counter was corrupted, this message is printed.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. The bulletin board shared memory has probably been corrupted by a stray pointer or some other problem. Consider running tmadmin's bbclean command to verify the sanity of this site's bulletin board.

See Also



ERROR: xa_start flags flags returned errcode


This message is issued if a process attempting to start a new transaction encounters an error when calling the database resource manager's xa_start() routine. The transaction fails to begin. The message prints the flags passed to xa_start() and the error code that xa_start() returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor. The database system documentation or error logs may contain more information about why xa_start() failed.


ERROR: xa_end returned errcode


This message is issued if a process attempting to commit a transaction encounters an error when calling the database resource manager's xa_end() routine. The transaction will be aborted. The message prints the error code that xa_end() returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor. The database system documentation or error logs may contain more information about why xa_end() failed.


ERROR: xa_abort returned errcode


This message is issued if a process attempting to commit a transaction could not lock the bulletin board. It then attempted to roll back the transaction, and encountered an error when calling the database resource manager's xa_rollback() routine [previously known as xa_abort()]. The message prints the error code that xa_rollback() returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor. The database system documentation or error logs may contain more information about why xa_rollback() failed.


ERROR: xa_commit returned errcode


This message is issued if a process attempting to commit a transaction encountered an error when calling the database resource manager's xa_commit() routine. The message prints the error code that xa_commit() returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor. The database system documentation or error logs may contain more information about why xa_commit() failed.


ERROR: Wrong transaction state state


This message is issued when a transaction cannot be committed because the process is in an invalid transaction state (that is, a protocol violation). The process may have already called tpcommit(3c) or tpabort(3c) to resolve the transaction's state, and therefore is no longer in transaction mode. This message also prints out the current transaction state.


See the userlog for more information about this transaction's completion. Also, use tmadmin's printtrans command to find out more information about the transaction.


ERROR: xa_end returned errcode


This message is issued if a process attempting to abort a transaction encounters an error when calling the database resource manager's xa_end() routine. The message prints the error code that xa_end() returned.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor. The database system documentation or error logs may contain more information about why xa_end() failed.


ERROR: Too many groups in transaction, cannot add groupname


An error has occurred while attempting to add a group to a transaction because the maximum number of groups allowed in a transaction (16 groups) has been reached. The transaction will be aborted.


If possible, reduce the number of groups required for the particular operation, or call some of them with the TPNOTRAN flag. Using tpenqueue() may allow some work involving additional groups to be done later as part of another transaction. If that is not possible, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


WARN: tpreturn called outside service routine


tpreturn() was called in an invalid context.


Modify the application code calling tpreturn().

See Also



WARN: tpreturn called with invalid flags 0xflags


tpreturn() was called with an invalid flag parameter. This userlog message is issued because control will not return to the service routine. Instead, the process invoking the service routine will receive a TPESVCERR return code.


Modify the application code calling tpreturn().

See Also



WARN: tpreturn called with TPEXIT


tpreturn() was called with the TPEXIT flag value. This userlog message is issued because control will not return to the service routine, and the server process will be restarted. The process invoking the service routine will receive a TPESVCERR return code.


Contact the application developer to learn why the server process failed and requested a restart.

See Also



WARN: tpreturn called with invalid rval number


tpreturn() was called with an invalid rval parameter. This userlog message is issued because control will not return to the service routine. Instead, the process invoking the service routine will receive a TPESVCERR return code.


Modify the application code calling tpreturn().

See Also



WARN: tpreturn failed because connection not SENDONLY


tpreturn() was called in an invalid conversational context. The caller should be in SENDONLY mode when attempting to successfully end the conversation. This userlog message is issued because control will not return to the service routine. Instead, the process invoking the service routine will receive a TPESVCERR return code.


Modify the application logic so that the service routine has SENDONLY control of the conversation before calling tpreturn().

See Also

tpconnect(3c), tpreturn(3c)


WARN: tpreturn failed because subordinate conversations open


tpreturn() was called in an invalid conversational context. The caller should successfully end all conversations it initiated before calling tpreturn() with TPSUCCESS. This userlog message is issued because control will not return to the service routine. Instead, the process invoking the service routine will receive a TPESVCERR return code.


Modify the application logic so that the service routine ends all conversations it started before calling tpreturn().

See Also

tpconnect(3c), tpreturn(3c)


WARN: tpreturn transaction processing failure


tpreturn() encountered a transaction processing error, and the transaction will be aborted (if it has not been already). One possible cause might be the service routine ran for a very long time, and the transaction timed out before tpreturn() was called. This userlog message is issued because control will not return to the service routine. The process invoking the service routine will receive an error return code.


See the userlog for more information about this transaction's completion. Also, use tmadmin's printtrans command to find out more information about the transaction.

See Also



WARN: tpforward called outside service routine


tpforward() was called in an invalid context.


Modify the application code calling tpforward().

See Also



WARN: tpforward called with invalid flags 0xflags


tpforward() was called with an invalid flag parameter. This userlog message is issued because control will not return to the service routine. Instead, the process invoking the service routine will receive a TPESVCERR return code.


Modify the application code calling tpforward().

See Also
