
Oracle Tuxedo System Messages provide the following information:

Description: The meaning and context of the message.

Action: What steps you can take to correct any problems identified.

See Also: A pointer to related information (not specified for all messages).

The Oracle Tuxedo System Messages are numbered and organized in catalogs, based on parts of the Oracle Tuxedo 10g Release 3 (10.3) system from which they are generated. For information about a specific message, click on the name of the appropriate catalog.

Note: Some messages for deprecated features may still display. Be aware that deprecated features are not supported.


ERROR: Invalid buffer passed to workstation encode/decode routine


An invalid buffer was passed by the system into an internal encoding routine.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to get bulletin board parameters


While attempting to initialize the public key subsystem, a process attempted to get bulletin board parameters to determine the proper SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME, SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION, or SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR variable to use. However, the process failed to retrieve the bulletin board parameters.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Invalid environment. Check TUXCONFIG in environment and UBBCONFIG.


While attempting to initialize the public key subsystem, a process attempted to get bulletin board parameters to determine the proper SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME, SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION or SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR variable to use. However, the environment of the process was incorrect.


Ensure that your TUXCONFIG environment variable matches the TUXCONFIG variable for the local machine in the UBBCONFIG.

See Also



ERROR: Unable to initialize registry


The system was unable to initialize the registry.


Contact BEA Customer Support.

See Also

epifreg, epifregedt


ERROR: Could not initialize public key subsystem


An error occurred while initializing the public key subsystem. Causes for this failure can include a user implementation of a plug-in function returning a failure code.


Ensure the registry is in a valid state using epifregedt. Ensure the implementation of the plug-in function did not return an error code.

See Also

epifregedt, _ec_sec_map_proof, _ec_sec_pki_init


WARN: Server initialization function did not call tx_open() or tpopen() or this call failed


This single-threaded server is part of a group that has an associated resource manager, and the server initialization function tpsvrinit(3c) either did not make a call to tx_open(3c) or tpopen(3c) to open the resource manager, or else this call failed. (Note that the default versions of tpsvrinit(3c) and tpsvrthrinit(3c) include a call to tx_open(3c) for all single-threaded servers.) As a result of this failure, this thread of control will not be able to participate in BEA Tuxedo global transactions.


Include a call to tx_open(3c) or tpopen(3c) within your server initialization function if not already present, or investigate the reason why the existing call failed.

See Also

tpsvrinit(3c), tpopen(3c), tx_open(3c)


WARN: Server thread initialization function did not call tx_open() or tpopen() or this call failed


This multi-threaded server is part of a group that has an associated resource manager, and the server thread initialization function tpsvrthrinit(3c) either did not make a call to tx_open(3c) or tpopen(3c) to open the resource manager, or else this call failed. (Note that the default version of tpsvrthrinit(3c) includes a call to tx_open(3c).) As a result of this failure, this thread of control will not be able to participate in BEA Tuxedo global transactions.


Include a call to tx_open(3c) or tpopen(3c) within your server thread initialization function if not already present, or investigate the reason why the existing call failed.

See Also

tpsvrthrinit(3c), tpopen(3c), tx_open(3c)


WARN: Destruction of public-key subsystem failed


An error occurred while trying to destroy the public key subsystem. The plug-in point implementing the destructor function may have failed.


Contact your Security Service Interface Provider to get more information on the functionality of the public key subsystem destructor.


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on security failure


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function during initialization failed. This call was being attempted after the failure of authentication security. No audit of the attempt was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authentication failure, if the failure was not intended, check the registration, authentication configuration, and returns from the authentication security functions.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on security failure


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted due to a deny or failure return from the authorize_postop() plugin security function call, performed prior to a call to tpforward(). No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authorize_postop() deny or failure, if the denial was not intended, check the registration, authorization configuration, and return from the authorize_postop() function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on service completion


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted after the operation execution, prior to a call to tpforward(). No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on security failure


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted due to a deny or failure return from the authorize_preop() plugin security function call. No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authorize_preop() deny or failure, if the denial was not intended, check the registration, authorization configuration, and return from the authorize_preop() function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Unable to invoke audit preop on service invocation


A call to the audit_preop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted prior to the operation execution. No audit of the attempt was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on sevice completion


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted after the operation execution. No audit of the completion of the operation was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Destruction of audit subsystem failed


A call to the destroy function of the auditing plugin security function failed. This call was being attempted while a server was shutting down.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code to ensure proper implementation of the destructor function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Destruction of authorization subsystem failed


A call to the destroy function of the authorization plugin security function failed. This call was being attempted while a server was shutting down.


Check the registration of the authorization plugin. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code to ensure proper implementation of the destructor function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Destruction of authentication subsystem failed


A call to the destroy function of the authentication plugin security function failed. This call was being attempted while a server was shutting down.


Check the registration of the authentication plugin. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code to ensure proper implementation of the destructor function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


ERROR: JRW Unable to read key


The system was unable to read the key from the TUXCONFIG file. The TUXCONFIG file may be corrupted.


If the TUXCONFIG file is not corrupted, contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: JRW Unable to generate decryption schedule


The system was unable to generate a decryption schedule.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: JRW Unable to decrypt password


The system was unable to decrypt a SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD value from the TUXCONFIG file. This may happen if the TUXCONFIG file has been corrupted.


If the TUXCONFIG file is not corrupted, contact your Tuxedo System Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to open TUXCONFIG file to Resources section


The system was unable to open the TUXCONFIG. Either it has been removed, or has been corrupted.


If the TUXCONFIG file is not corrupted, contact your Tuxedo System Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to open Resources section of TUXCONFIG file


The system was unable to read the TUXCONFIG. Either it has been removed, or has been corrupted.


If the TUXCONFIG file is not corrupted, contact your Tuxedo System Technical Support.


ERROR: Possibly corrupted key in database


The key used to encrypt passwords in the TUXCONFIG file is corrupted.


Regenerate your last TUXCONFIG file from a UBBCONFIG file.


ERROR: Error while decrypting password


The system could not decrypt a password found in the TUXCONFIG file. The TUXCONFIG file may have been corrupted.


If the TUXCONFIG file is not corrupted, contact your Tuxedo System Technical Support.


ERROR: Could not acquire authorization token


A fatal error occured while retrieving an authorization token from the AAA provider.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security provider. If you are using the default AAA security provider provided by BEA Systems, Inc., then contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Could not acquire auditing token


A fatal error occured while retrieving an auditing token from the AAA provider.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security provider. If you are using the default AAA security provider provided by BEA Systems, Inc., then contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: FML32 error val adding AAA tokens with code val


A system error occurred when trying to attach the authorization and auditing tokens to a message during the sending of the message.


If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, contact BEA Customer Support. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code to be sure the format of the tokens is valid.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure with code val


An attempt to allocate space for a security token failed.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and for the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory and/or swap space on the machine.


ERROR: Authentication fails with error code val


A process that authenticates with itself, such as a server or a native client, was unable to complete the authentication.


Contact BEA Customer Support. Report the value of val to technical support.


ERROR: Error interoperating with older site. Error code val


The system was unable to interoperate with a site older than Tuxedo Release 7.1. The error code is val. This usually happens when a server receives a request from an older site.


Contact BEA Customer Support. Report the value of val to technical support.


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on service invocation failure


The audit postop for a service invocation failed.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security provider. If you are using the default AAA security provider provided by BEA Systems, Inc., then contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation error


An attempt to allocate space for an authorization token failed.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and for the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory and/or swap space on the machine.


ERROR: Memory allocation error


An attempt to allocate space for an auditing token failed.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and for the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory and/or swap space on the machine.


ERROR: Use -t server option to interoperate with sites older than 7.1


A request from a site older than BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1 arrived at a server. However, the -t servopts option was not specified. In order to close a possible security hole, the administrator must explicitly tell the server that it is allowed to accept requests from older sites.


If you wish to allow the server to interoperate with sites older than 7.1 then the CLOPT for the server must contain -t before the -- option.

See Also



ERROR: Unable to acquire credentials. Error code val1, minor_status val2


The workstation client or workstation handler was unable to acquire credentials. The engine error code was val1 and the GSSAPI minor status code was val2.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security service provider. If you are using the default AAA security service from BEA, contact BEA Customer Support. Report val1 and val2 to technical support.


ERROR: Unable to get machine information for administrative client


Administrative clients acquire their name from the *MACHINE section of the TUXCONFIG file. This administrative client was unable to read the TUXCONFIG file.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Invalid user password


The password in the TPINIT->data field was incorrect. Either the AUTHSVR rejected the password or the corresponding user is unknown to the system.


Try a different user name or password.


ERROR: Unable to establish security context. Error code val, minor_status val


The workstation client or workstation handler was unable to establish a security context. The engine error code was val1 and the GSSAPI minor status code was val2.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security service provider. If you are using the default AAA security service from BEA, contact BEA Customer Support. Report val1 and val2 to technical support.


ERROR: Application password does not match


The password in the TPINIT->passwd field was incorrect.


Verify the password and retry the operation.


ERROR: Insecure protocol detected


An insecure security protocol has been detected between two different processes. The Tuxedo System registry is misconfigured.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to establish security context. Error code val, minor_status val


The native client or server was unable to establish a security context. The engine error code was val1 and the GSSAPI minor status code was val2.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security service provider. If you are using the default AAA security service from BEA, contact BEA Customer Support. Report val1 and val2 to technical support.


ERROR: Insecure protocol detected


An insecure security protocol has been detected between two different processes. The Tuxedo System registry is misconfigured.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to establish security context. Error code val1, minor_status val2


The native client or server was unable to establish a security context. The engine error code was val1 and the GSSAPI minor status code was val2.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security service provider. If you are using the default AAA security service from BEA, contact BEA Customer Support. Report val1 and val2 to technical support.


ERROR: The WSH does not posses the proper application password


The workstation client has discovered that the WSH does not posses the application password. The WSH may be an imposter, or data corruption may have occured on the wire.


The WSH was not able to authenticate itself to the workstation client. A security attack may be underway. Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: A workstation client does not have a proper application password


The password in the TPINIT->passwd field of a workstation client was incorrect.


A security attack may be underway. The client should be given the proper application password. Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: A workstation client does not have a proper application password


The password in the TPINIT->passwd field of a workstation client was incorrect.


A security attack may be underway. The client should be given the proper application password. Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to resolve interception sequence (val)


The authorization fan-out implementation could not discover the list of intercepting implementations.


Contact BEA Customer Support and report val.


ERROR: Unable to allocate array of val handles


A call to calloc failed while attempting to allocate an array of val handles.


Check that your system has enough physical or virtual memory to complete the operation. If you believe your system has enough memory for the operation and that the malloc arena has not been corrupted by user code, contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to resolve interception sequence (val)


The authorization fan-out implementation could not discover the list of intercepting implementations.


Contact BEA Customer Support and report val.


ERROR: tpsvrthrinit() failed


A call to tpsvrthrinit() failed. As a result of this failure, the thread in which the failure occurred will exit. This failure may be caused by an application-defined tpsvrthrinit() function returning -1.


Check prior specific tpsvrthrinit() messages or verify the return code from an application-defined tpsvrthrinit() function.

See Also



ERROR: tpsvrthrinit() returned in transaction mode


An application server dispatched thread has been placed in transaction mode during its initialization in an application-defined tpsvrthrinit() function. tpsvrthrinit() returned while still in transaction mode. BEA Tuxedo will abort the outstanding transaction and the thread where the error occurred will exit.


Fix the coding of the application-define tpsvrthrinit() function so that it commits or aborts any transaction started in this function before returning.

See Also



ERROR: tpsvrthrinit() failed with outstanding message handles


A call to tpsvrthrinit(), although returning success, failed to receive all outstanding reply messages and therefore has outstanding handles. As a result of this error, the thread in which the error occurred will exit. This error should only happen when an application-defined tpsvrthrinit() function is used.


Fix the coding of the application-defined tpsvrthrinit() function so that it does not return with outstanding handles.

See Also



ERROR: tpsvrthrinit() failed with open conversations


A call to tpsvrthrinit(), although returning success, had one or more conversations open at the time of return. As a result of this error, the thread in which the error occurred will exit. This error should only happen when an application-defined tpsvrthrinit() function is used.


Fix the coding of the application-defined tpsvrthrinit() function so that it does not return with open conversations.

See Also



ERROR: tpsvrinit() failed with open conversations


A call to tpsvrinit(), although returning success, had one or more conversations open at the time of return. As a result of this error, the server will exit. This error should only happen when an application-defined tpsvrinit() function is used.


Fix the coding of the application-defined tpsvrinit() function so that it does not return with open conversations.

See Also



ERROR: An application association may not issue tpgetrply(TPGETANY) concurrently with tpgetrply for a specific cd


In a multithreaded application, two threads associated with the same BEA Tuxedo context issued concurrent tpgetrply() calls. The first tpgetrply() call tried to retrieve a reply for a specific call descriptor. While this call was still outstanding, a second tpgetrply() call tried to retrieve a reply for any outstanding call descriptor. This is not allowed by the system. As a result, the second tpgetrply() wrote this userlog message and returned -1 with tperrno set to TPEPROTO.


Change the coding of the application so that this case does not occur. One possibility is to specify a specific handle on all tpgetrply() calls, which is allowed even if the calls are performed concurrently. Another possibility is to dedicate one thread in each context to retrieve all replies for that context. Other valid possibilities also exist.

See Also



ERROR: An application association may not issue multiple concurrent tpgetrply(TPGETANY) calls


In a multithreaded application, two threads associated with the same BEA Tuxedo context issued concurrent tpgetrply() calls with the TPGETANY flag. This is not allowed by the system. As a result, the second tpgetrply() call wrote this userlog message and returned -1 with tperrno set to TPEPROTO.


Change the coding of the application so that this case does not occur. One possibility is to specify a specific handle on all tpgetrply() calls, which is allowed even if the calls are performed concurrently. Another possibility is to dedicate one thread in each context to retrieve all replies for that context. Other valid possibilities also exist.

See Also



ERROR: An application association may not issue tpgetrply for a specific cd concurrently with tpgetrply(TPGETANY)


In a multithreaded application, two threads associated with the same BEA Tuxedo context issued concurrent tpgetrply() calls. The first tpgetrply() call tried to retrieve a reply for any outstanding call descriptor. While this call was still outstanding, a second tpgetrply() call tried to retrieve a reply for a specific call descriptor. This is not allowed by the system. As a result, the second tpgetrply() call wrote this userlog message and returned -1 with tperrno set to TPEPROTO. The call descriptor specified by the second tpgetrply() call is still valid until retrieved by either the first tpgetrply() call or some tpgetrply() call issued in the future.


Change the coding of the application so that this case does not occur. One possibility is to specify a specific handle on all tpgetrply() calls, which is allowed even if the calls are performed concurrently. Another possibility is to dedicate one thread in each context to retrieve all replies for that context. Other valid possibilities also exist.

See Also



ERROR: Unable to establish security context. Error code val, minor_status val


The native client or server was unable to establish a security context. The engine error code was val1 and the GSSAPI minor status code was val2.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security service provider. If you are using the default AAA security service from BEA, contact BEA Customer Support. Report val1 and val2 to technical support.


ERROR: Invalid return from _tmpresend2. Required size (required) less than given size (given)


The _tmpresend2 function in the buffer type switch can ask the system for more space if necessary. However, it must always ask for more space than it was given. However, in this case required is less than given.


Fix the implementation of _tmpresend2 to ensure more data is asked for than given.

See Also



ERROR: Token container error string-val/numeric-val


The AAA security features pass tokens in an FML32 buffer. However, when construction this buffer, and FML32 error occurred. string-val is the string version of the FML error, while numeric-val is the numeric version of the error.


Contact BEA Customer Support.

See Also

Fchg32, Fadd32


ERROR: Memory allocation error


An attempt to allocate memory has failed. This occured while attempting to allocate memory in the server for a security token.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory and/or swap space on the machine.


ERROR: Token container error string-val


An attempt to initialize the AAA container buffer with Finit32 failed. The error was string-val.


Contact BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Token container error string-val


An attempt to initialize the AAA container buffer with Finit32 failed. The error was string-val.


Contact BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Memory allocation failure.


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system failed.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure.


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system failed.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Unable to get bulletin board parameters


A failure to retrieve bulletin board parameters occurred while attempting to shut down the audit and authorization subsystems.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: TMNOTHREADS set to yes but multiple threads detected: string-val/string-val


The setting of the TMNOTHREADS environment variable specifies the application to be single-threaded, but BEA Tuxedo has detected that the application is multi-threaded.


Set the TMNOTHREADS environment variable to match the application.


ERROR: Unable to initialize public key subsystem (numeric-val)


An error occurred when initializing the public key subsystem. The specific error is indicated by the decimal number in the error message.


Make sure that your public key proof material is specified correctly. Resolve previous errors, if any occurred. Contact BEA Customer Support if you are unable to resolve this problem.


ERROR: Unable to read key


The system was unable to read the key from the TUXCONFIG file. The TUXCONFIG file may be corrupted.


If the TUXCONFIG file is not corrupted, contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to generate decryption schedule


The system was unable to generate a decryption schedule.


Contact BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to decrypt password


The system was unable to decrypt a SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD value from the TUXCONFIG file. This may happen if the TUXCONFIG file has been corrupted.


If the TUXCONFIG file is not corrupted, contact your Tuxedo System Technical Support.