
Oracle Tuxedo System Messages provide the following information:

Description: The meaning and context of the message.

Action: What steps you can take to correct any problems identified.

See Also: A pointer to related information (not specified for all messages).

The Oracle Tuxedo System Messages are numbered and organized in catalogs, based on parts of the Oracle Tuxedo 10g Release 3 (10.3) system from which they are generated. For information about a specific message, click on the name of the appropriate catalog.

Note: Some messages for deprecated features may still display. Be aware that deprecated features are not supported.


ERROR: [val : server side resource leak]


The application incurred an error and was unable to free a resource on the server, specifically the queue manager.


To correct this condition, the logging program must call tpterm. This informs the servers that all resources for the calling client can be freed.

See Also



ERROR: [val : client side resource leak]


The logging program incurred an error that prevented it from freeing a resource. This is generally the result of memory corruption. Once this error has occurred, the context is marked as corrupt and all other queuing service calls in the same context return an error.


To correct this condition, the logging program must reinitialize its context by calling tpterm followed by a call to tpinit.

See Also

tpinit, tpterm


ERROR: [val : error initializing mutex, val]


The application failed to initialize a mutex used to synchronize access to the queuing service context structures.


Make sure your operating system is configured for threads and/or has the real time subsystem configured into the kernel.


ERROR: [val : error locking mutex, val]


The logging program incurred an error locking a mutex that is used to synchronize access to the queuing service context. This is generally the result of memory corruption. Once this error has occurred the context is marked as corrupt and all other queuing service calls in the same context return an error.


To correct this condition, the logging program must reinitialize its context by calling tpterm followed by a call to tpinit.

See Also

tpinit, tpterm


ERROR: [val : error unlocking mutex, val]


The logging program incurred an error unlocking a mutex that is used to synchronize access to the queuing service context. This is generally the result of memory corruption. Once this error has occurred the context is marked as corrupt and all other queuing service calls in the same context return an error.


To correct this condition, the logging program must reinitialize its context by calling tpterm followed by a call to tpinit.

See Also

tpinit, tpterm


ERROR: [val : error destroying mutex, val]


The logging program incurred an error destroying a mutex that is used to synchronize access to the queuing service context. This is typically the result of memory corruption. Once this error has occurred the context is marked as corrupt and all other queuing service calls in the same context return an error.


To correct this condition, the logging program must reinitialize its context by calling tpterm followed by a call to tpinit.

See Also

tpinit, tpterm


ERROR: [val : client data inconsistency]


The queuing services detected an inconsistency in the client data structures. This is typically the result of memory corruption. Once this error has occurred the context is marked as corrupt and all other queuing service calls in the same context will return an error.


To correct this condition, the logging program must reinitialize its context by calling tpterm followed by a call to tpinit.

See Also

tpinit, tpterm


ERROR: [val : invalid reference counts]


The logging program incurred an error which prevented the queuing services from properly decrementing reference counts. The program will be able to continue (unless some other more serious error is logged). However, the handles with the invalid reference counts will not be deletable.


To correct this condition the logging program must reinitialize its context by calling tpterm followed by a call to tpinit.

See Also

tpterm, tpinit