
Oracle Tuxedo System Messages provide the following information:

Description: The meaning and context of the message.

Action: What steps you can take to correct any problems identified.

See Also: A pointer to related information (not specified for all messages).

The Oracle Tuxedo System Messages are numbered and organized in catalogs, based on parts of the Oracle Tuxedo 10g Release 3 (10.3) system from which they are generated. For information about a specific message, click on the name of the appropriate catalog.

Note: Some messages for deprecated features may still display. Be aware that deprecated features are not supported.


ERROR: tuxputenv failed, cannot continue...


The GUI was unable to export the TUXCONFIG environmental variable using tuxputenv(3c). Look at the surrounding entries in the ULOG to determine the cause of the tuxputenv(3c) failure. This is an fatal, internal error in the GUI. Because of this error, the GUI will not be able to continue any further.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support and provide them with a description of the actions being performed along with relevant ULOGs.

See Also
