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Programming an Oracle Tuxedo Application Using TxRPC
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3 Writing RPC Client and Server Programs

This topic includes the following sections:

Handling Remoteness

The goal of TxRPC is to provide procedure calls transparently between a client in one address space and a server in another address space, potentially on different machines. However, because the client and server are not in the same address space, there are some things to remember:

Handling Status and Exception Returns

In the X/OPEN RPC specification, non-application errors are returned via status parameters or a status return. A fault_status value is returned if there is an RPC server failure and a comm_status value is returned if there is a communications failure. Status returns are specified by defining an operation return value or an [out] parameter of type error_status_t in the IDL file, and declaring the same operation or parameter to have the [fault_status] and/or [comm_status] attribute in the ACF file.

For example, an operation defined in an IDL file as:

error_status_t op([in,out]long *parm1, [out]error_status_t *commstat);

with a definition in the corresponding ACF file as:


returns an error from the server via the operation return, and an error in communications via the second parameter. Its use in the client code could be as follows:

if (op(&parm1, &commstat) != 0 ││ commstat != 0) /* handle error */

The advantage of using status returns is that the error can be handled immediately at the point of failure for fine-grained error recovery.

The disadvantage of using status returns is that the remote function has additional parameters that the local version of the function does not have. Additionally, fine-grained error recovery can be tedious and error prone (for example, some cases may be missing).

DCE defines a second mechanism called exception handling. It is similar to C++ exception handling.

The application delimits a block of C or C++ code in which an exception may be raised with the TRY, CATCH, CATCH_ALL, and ENDTRY statements. TRY indicates the beginning of the block. CATCH is used to indicate an exception-handling block for a specific exception, and CATCH_ALL is used to handle any exceptions for which there is not a CATCH statement. ENDTRY ends the block. TRY blocks are nested such that if an exception cannot be handled at a lower level, the exception can be raised to a higher level block using the RERAISE statement. If an exception is raised out of any exception handling block, the program writes a message to the log and exits. Details of the exception handling macros and an example are described in TRY(3c) in the Oracle Tuxedo C Function Reference.

In addition to exceptions generated by the communications and server for an RPC call, exceptions are also generated for lower level exceptions, specifically operating system signals. These exceptions are documented within TRY(3c) in the Oracle Tuxedo C Function Reference.

Using Stub Support Functions

There are a large number of run-time support functions (over 100) defined in the X/OPEN RPC specification. These functions need not all be supported in an X/OPEN TxRPC IDL-only environment. Most of these functions relate to binding and management which are done transparently for ATMI clients and servers.

One area that affects application portability is the management of memory allocated for stub input and output parameters and return values. The Stub Memory Management routines are supported in TxRPC run time with the exception of the two routines to handle threads. The status-returning functions include:

The equivalent exception-returning functions include:

Refer to Oracle Tuxedo C Function Reference for more information on these functions.

The run-time functions are contained in libtrpc; building RPC clients and servers is discussed in the next topic.

The following are a few tips regarding memory management:

Using RPC Header Files

To ensure that stubs from both DCE/RPC and TxRPC can be compiled in the same environment, different header filenames are used in the TxRPC implementation. This should not affect the application programmer since these header files are automatically included in the interface header file generated by the IDL compiler. However, an application program may wish to view these headers to see how a type or function is defined. The new header filenames are listed here:

These header files are located in $TUXDIR/include/rpc. The TxRPC IDL compiler will look in $TUXDIR/include by default as the "system IDL directory."

Portability of Code

The output from the IDL compiler is generated in a way to allow it to be compiled in a large number of environments (see the next chapter for a discussion of compilation). However, there are some constructs that don't work in various environments. The following are a few known problems:

When compiling with Classic (non-ANSI) C, "pointers to arrays" are not allowed. For example:

typedef long array[10][10];
  array t1;
  array *t2;
  t2 = &t1;   /* & ignored, invalid assignment */
  func2(&t1); /* & ignored */

This will make it difficult to pass "pointers to arrays" to operations as parameters in a portable fashion.

When using an array of strings where the string attribute is applied to a multi-byte structure, the results will not be as desired if the compiler pads the structure. This is not the normal case (most compilers do not pad a structure that contains only character fields), but at least one occurrence is known to exist.

Constant values are, by default, implemented by generating a #define for each constant. This means that names used for constants should not be used for any other names in the IDL file or any imported IDL files. A TxRPC-specific option on the tidl compiler, -use_const, may be used to get around this problem in an ANSI C environment. This option will cause const declarations instead of #define definitions to be generated. The constant values will be declared in the client and server stubs, and any other source file including the header file will simply get extern const declarations. Note that this has the restriction that the client and server stubs may not be compiled into the same executable file (or duplicate definition errors will occur).

There are several restrictions in the C++ environment:

When coding the client and server application software, you should use the data types generated by the IDL compiler, as defined in rpc/tidlbase.h (listed as Emitted Macro in the following table). For instance, if you use a long instead of idl_long_int, then the data type may be 32 bits on some platforms and 64 bits on others; idl_long_int will be 32 bits on all platforms. Table 3-1 lists the generated data types.

Table 3-1 Generated Data Types

IDL Type Size Emitted Macro C Type


8 bits


unsigned char


8 bits


unsigned char


8 bits


unsigned char


8 bits




16 bits




32 bits


Machines with 32-bit long: long Machines with 64-bit long: int


64 bits


Machines with 32-bit long:

Big Endian

  long high;
  unsigned long low;

Little Endian

  unsigned long low;
  long high;

Machines with 64-bit long:


unsigned small

8 bits


unsigned char

unsigned short

16 bits



unsigned long

32 bits


Machines with 32-bit long: long Machines with 64-bit long: int

unsigned hyper

64 bits


Machines with 32-bit long:

Big Endian

  unsigned long high;
  unsigned long low;

Little Endian

  unsigned long low;
  unsigned long high;

Machines with 64-bit long:

unsigned long


32 bits



64 bits


void *


void *




As in C, there are several classes of identifiers in the IDL. Names within each class (that is, scope or name space) must be unique:

Note that an anonymous structure or union (without a tag and not defined as part of a typedef) cannot be used for an operation return or a parameter.

Interacting with ATMI

The TxRPC executables use the Oracle Tuxedo system to do the RPC communications. Other Oracle Tuxedo interfaces and communications mechanisms can be used within the same clients and servers that are using the RPC calls. Thus, it is possible to have a single client making Request/Response calls (for example tpcall(3c), tpacall(3c), and tpgetrply(3c)), making conversational calls (tpconnect(3c), tpsend(3c), tprecv(3c), and tpdiscon(3c)), and accessing the stable queue (tpenqueue(3c) and tpdequeue(3c)). When a client makes the first call to the Oracle Tuxedo software, either an RPC call, any of these other communications calls, or any other ATMI call (such as a call for buffer allocation or unsolicited notification), the client automatically joins the application. However, if the application is running with security turned on or if the client must run as part of a particular resource manager group, then tpinit(3c) must be called explicitly to join the application. Refer to tpinit(3c) in the Oracle Tuxedo C Function Reference for further details, and a list of options that can be explicitly set. When an application completes work using the Oracle Tuxedo system, tpterm(3c) should be called explicitly to leave the application and free up any associated resources. If this is not done for native (non-Workstation) clients, the monitor detects this, prints a warning in the userlog(3c), and frees up the resources. In the case of Workstation clients, the resources may not be freed up and eventually the Workstation Listener or Handler will run out of resources to accept new clients.

As with clients, servers can use any of the communication paradigms in the role of client. However, a server cannot provide (advertise) both conversational services and RPC services within the same server; as described later, an RPC server must be marked as non-conversational. Although it is possible to mix ATMI request/response and RPC services within the same server, this is not recommended. One further restriction is that RPC operations cannot call tpreturn(3c) or tpforward(3c). Instead, RPC operations must return as they would if called locally. Any attempt to call tpreturn(3c) or tpforward(3c) from an RPC operation will be intercepted and an error will be returned to the client (exception rpc_x_fault_unspec or status rpc_s_fault_unspec).

Two functions available to servers but not to clients are tpsvrinit(3c) and tpsvrdone(3c), which are called when the server starts up and when it is shut down. Since the server must call tx_open(3c) before receiving any TxRPC operation requests, tpsvrinit() is a good place to call it. The default tpsvrinit() function already calls tx_open().

Interacting with TX

The TX functions provide an interface for transaction demarcation. tx_begin(3c) and tx_commit(3c) or tx_rollback(3c) encapsulate any work, including communications, within a transaction. Other primitives are provided to set transaction timeout, declare the transaction as chained or unchained, and retrieve transaction information. These are discussed in detail in the X/OPEN TX Specification, and reviewed in the X/OPEN TxRPC Specification. The X/OPEN TxRPC Specification indicates the interactions between TX and RPC. These are summarized as follows:

Other changes or restrictions for the IDL defined by the TxRPC specification have been described earlier in the discussion about the IDL itself.