This page last changed on Feb 26, 2008.

Oracle Data Service Integrator Documentation > Data Services Developer's Guide

How To Handle Non-Unique Values

This topic describes how to handle an update map that is disabled because two values in a return type map to one value in a data source.


In a query map, you might attempt to map one value in a data source to two values in an XML return type. When the update map is generated and the flow is reversed, two values map from the return type to one in the data source, which creates an update error.

An Error from a Non-Unique Value

The cause of the error is that two values are attempting to update one in the data source. This creates a build error in the logical data service, and you cannot deploy or test it. You cannot right-click and enable the update block either. The update doesn't work unless you write a custom update function in XQSE.

The best solution is to disable the multiple mapping in the Query Map tab:

  1. Click Query Map.
  2. Delete the mapping line from the data source to the second, duplicate element in the return type. This should reverse the error.
  3. Save the data service and click Update Map to check the change.
  4. If the error still exists, right-click and choose Revert Customizations.

See Also

How Tos

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 13, 2009 15:57