This page last changed on Feb 26, 2008.

Oracle Data Service Integrator Documentation > Data Services Developer's Guide

How To Revert Customizations

This topic describes how remove anything you have changed in an update map, regenerating the update map from the primary read function.


You can undo all changes you have made to an update map. Undoing changes creates a new update map, generating it from the primary read function. When you choose Revert Customizations, all changes you have made to the update map are lost, even changes that you have previously saved.

If the update map had errors or warnings that your changes corrected, the errors or warnings will reappear.

To undo changes and generate a new update map: 

  1. Click the Update Map tab.
  2. Right-click and choose Revert Customizations.

  3. Correct any warnings, errors, or disabled procedure icons that appear.

See Also

How Tos

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 13, 2009 15:57