Installing and Using AquaLogic Integrator

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Scope of this Document

AquaLogic Integrator

AquaLogic Integrator Components

WebLogic Integration 10.2

AquaLogic Service Bus 3.0

Features of WLI and ALSB Relevant to AquaLogic Integrator

Advantages of AquaLogic Integrator

Common Installer

Common Domain

Security and Transaction Context Propagation

Productivity Through Common Environment

In the Next Chapter...

Installing AquaLogic Integrator

Installation Modes

Graphical mode

Console mode

Silent Mode

Methods to Install ALINT

Installing ALINT Using ALINT Installer

Installation Complete

Installing WLI Over ALSB

Installing ALSB Over WLI

Upgrade to ALINT Domain

Creating a Domain

How Do I: Create an ALINT Domain

Domain Created Successfully

How Do I... Extend an Existing WLI Domain to an ALINT Domain

How Do I... Extend an Existing ALSB Domain to an ALINT Domain

What’s Next

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