Optional Content Checking Setup  Locate

Optional content checking provides an approver the ability to programmatically check data for approval. For example, the approver can set a policy that:

To enforce such a policy, a developer can write an implementation of the CheckerApi to ensure these checks. The implementation is called automatically during the approval process when an approver presses the Approve request button. Therefore, the approver does not have to check it manually.

To set up optional content checking:

  1. Write a class that implements the org.systinet.uddi.approval.checker.v3.CheckerApi

  2. There are two ways to make the implementation class available:

    • Copy the .jar file including the implementation class to the REGISTRY_HOME/app/uddi/services/Wasp-inf/lib, or

    • Implement a Web service that can perform the checkRequest() method from CheckerApi interface and deploy the service to the Systinet Server for Java

  3. Register the implementation of the content checker class in the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry data:

    1. Publish the WSDL of the checker service.

      Publish the WSDL located at http://<host_name>:<http_port>/uddi/doc/wsdl/approval_checker.wsdl to a new or already existing business entity. You should reuse the existing WSDL portType (tModel's name: CheckerApi, tModel's key: uddi:systinet.com:uddi:service:porttype:approvalchecker).

    2. Specify the checker in the access point of a new binding template.

      • If you have put your implementation of the CheckerApi into the registry classpath, then the value of access point must start with the class: prefix and continue with the fully qualified class name. For example class:com.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.approver.CheckerApiImpl.

      • If you have deployed your checker as a Web service to the Systinet Server for Java, then the access point is the endpoint URL of the service. For example http://localhost:6060/ContentChecker.

See Developer's Guide, Writing a Content Checker to see the implementation example.