ApiManagerPermission Reference  Locate

ApiManagerPermission allow user to use operation in a privileged mode. The following tables explain what does it mean for certain APIs and operations.

Table 2. Account API (org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi)

operation (action)Description
find_userAccountNot used.
get_userAccountAllows to get foreign account.
save_userAccountAllows to save/update any account. Allows to set up non default limits. Allows to skip mail confirmation (if it is required).
delete_userAccountAllows to delete any account.
enable_userAccountNot used.

Table 3. Admin Utils API (org.systinet.uddi.admin.AdministrationUtilsApi)

operation (action)Description
deleteTModelAllows to call the deleteTModel operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
replaceKeyAllows to call the replaceKey operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
cleanSubscriptionHistoryAllows to call the cleanSubscriptionHistory operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
resetDiscoveryURLsAllows to call the resetDiscoveryURLs operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
transform_keyedReferencesAllows to call the transform_keyedReferences operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
rebuild_cacheAllows to call the rebuild_cache operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
replaceURLAllows to call the replaceURL operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)

Table 4. Category API (org.systinet.uddi.client.category.v3.CategoryApi)

operation (action)Description
set_categoryAllows to call the set_category operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
add_categoryAllows to call the add_category operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
move_categoryAllows to call the move_category operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
delete_categoryAllows to call the delete_category operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
find_categoryNot used.
get_categoryNot used.
get_rootCategoryNot used.
get_rootPathNot used.

Table 5. Custody API (org.systinet.uddi.client.custody.v3.UDDI_CustodyTransfer_PortType)

operation (action)Description
get_transferTokenAllows to call the get_transferToken operation on foreign entities.
discard_transferTokenAllows to call the discard_transferToken operation on foreign tokens.

Table 6. Group API (org.systinet.uddi.group.GroupApi)

operation (action)Description
find_groupAllows to find foreign private groups.
get_groupAllows to get foreign private groups.
save_groupAllows to save/update foreign groups.
delete_groupAllows to delete foreign groups.
where_amINot used.
find_userNot used.
add_userNot used.
remove_userNot used.

Table 7. Inquiry V1 API (org.systinet.uddi.client.v1.InquireSoap)

operation (action)Description
find_bindingAllows to find all bindingTemplates despite ACL rights.
find_businessAllows to find all businessEntities despite ACL rights.
find_servicesAllows to find all services despite ACL rights.
find_tModelAllows to find all tModels despite ACL rights.
get_bindingDetailAllows to get any bindingTemplate despite ACL rights.
get_businessDetailAllows to get any businessEntity despite ACL rights.
get_businessDetailExtNot used.
get_serviceDetailAllows to get any businessService despite ACL rights.
get_tModelDetailAllows to get any tModel despite ACL rights.

Table 8. Inquiry V2 API (org.systinet.uddi.client.v2.Inquire)

operation (action)Description
find_bindingAllows to find all bindingTemplates despite ACL rights.
find_businessAllows to find all businessEntities despite ACL rights.
find_relatedBusinessesAllows to find all related businessEntities despite ACL rights.
find_servicesAllows to find all services despite ACL rights.
find_tModelAllows to find all tModels despite ACL rights.
get_bindingDetailAllows to get any bindingTemplate despite ACL rights.
get_businessDetailAllows to get any businessEntity despite ACL rights.
get_businessDetailExtNot used.
get_serviceDetailAllows to get any businessService despite ACL rights.
get_tModelDetailAllows to get any tModel despite ACL rights.

Table 9. Inquiry V3 API (org.systinet.uddi.client.v3.UDDI_Inquiry_PortType)

operation (action)Description
find_bindingAllows to find all bindingTemplates despite ACL rights.
find_businessAllows to find all businessEntities despite ACL rights.
find_relatedBusinessesAllows to find all related businessEntities despite ACL rights.
find_servicesAllows to find all services despite ACL rights.
find_tModelAllows to find all tModels despite ACL rights.
get_bindingDetailAllows to get any bindingTemplate despite ACL rights.
get_businessDetailAllows to get any businessEntity despite ACL rights.
get_operationalInfoNot used.
get_serviceDetailAllows to get any businessService despite ACL rights.
get_tModelDetailAllows to get any tModel despite ACL rights.

Table 10. Permission API (org.systinet.uddi.permission.PermissionApi)

operation (action)Description
get_permissionAllows to call the get_permission operation on foreign accounts and groups.
set_permissionAllows to call the set_permission operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
who_hasPermissionAllows to call the who_hasPermission operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
find_principalAllows to call the find_principal operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)

Table 11. Publishing V1 API (org.systinet.uddi.client.v1.PublishSoap)

operation (action)Description
delete_bindingAllows deletion of any bindingTemplate despite ACL rights.
delete_businessAllows deletion of any businessEntity despite ACL rights
delete_serviceAllows deletion of any businessService despite ACL rights
delete_tModelAllows deletion of any tModel despite ACL rights
save_binding * Allows to update any bindingTemplate or create new bindingTemplate in any businessService despite ACL rights. * Skips bindings limit checking.
save_business * Allows to update any businessEntity despite ACL rights. * Skips businesses limit checking.
save_service * Allows to update any businessService or create new businessService in any businessEntity despite ACL rights. * Skips services limit checking.
save_tModel * Allows to update any tModel despite ACL rights. * Skips tModels limit checking.
get_authToken Not used.
discard_authToken Not used.
get_registeredInfo Not used.
validate_categorization Not used.

Table 12. Publishing V2 API (org.systinet.uddi.client.v2.Publish)

operation (action)Description
delete_bindingAllows deletion of any bindingTemplate despite ACL rights.
delete_businessAllows deletion of any businessEntity despite ACL rights
delete_serviceAllows deletion of any businessService despite ACL rights
delete_tModelAllows deletion of any tModel despite ACL rights
save_binding * Allows to update any bindingTemplate or create new bindingTemplate in any businessService despite ACL rights. * Skips bindings limit checking.
save_business * Allows to update any businessEntity despite ACL rights. * Skips businesses limit checking.
save_service * Allows to update any businessService or create new businessService in any businessEntity despite ACL rights. * Skips services limit checking.
save_tModel * Allows to update any tModel despite ACL rights. * Skips tModels limit checking.
add_publisherAssertions Skips assertions limit checking in add_publisherAssertions operation.
set_publisherAssertions Skips assertions limit checking in set_publisherAssertions operation.
delete_publisherAssertions Not used.
get_publisherAssertions Not used.
get_assertionStatusReport Not used.
get_authToken Not used.
discard_authToken Not used.
get_registeredInfo Not used.

Table 13. Publishing V3 API (org.systinet.uddi.client.v3.UDDI_Publication_PortType)

operation (action)Description
delete_bindingAllows deletion of any bindingTemplate despite ACL rights.
delete_businessAllows deletion of any businessEntity despite ACL rights
delete_serviceAllows deletion of any businessService despite ACL rights
delete_tModelAllows deletion of any tModel despite ACL rights
save_binding * Allows to update any bindingTemplate or create new bindingTemplate in any businessService despite ACL rights. * Skips bindings limit checking.
save_business * Allows to update any businessEntity despite ACL rights. * Skips businesses limit checking.
save_service * Allows to update any businessService or create new businessService in any businessEntity despite ACL rights. * Skips services limit checking.
save_tModel * Allows to update any tModel despite ACL rights. * Skips tModels limit checking.
add_publisherAssertions Skips assertions limit checking in add_publisherAssertions operation.
set_publisherAssertions Skips assertions limit checking in set_publisherAssertions operation.
delete_publisherAssertions Not used.
get_publisherAssertions Not used.
get_assertionStatusReport Not used.
get_registeredInfo Not used.

Table 14. Replication V3 API (org.systinet.uddi.replication.v3.ReplicationApi)

operation (action)Description
replicateAllows to call the replicate operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)

Table 15. Statistics API (org.systinet.uddi.statistics.StatisticsApi)

operation (action)Description
get_accessStatisticsAllows to call the get_accessStatistics operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
reset_accessStatisticsAllows to call the reset_accessStatistics operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
get_structureStatisticsAllows to call the get_structureStatistics operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)

Table 16. Subscription V3 API (org.systinet.uddi.client.subscription.v3.UDDI_Subscription_PortType)

operation (action)Description
delete_subscriptionAllows to delete any subscription despite the caller is not a subscription owner.
save_subscription * Allows to update any subscription despite the caller is not a subscription owner. * Skips subscription limit checking.
get_subscriptionResultsAllows to get result of any subscription despite the caller is not a subscription owner.
get_subscriptionsAllows to get any subscription despite the caller is not a subscription owner.

Table 17. Taxonomy API (com.systinet.uddi.taxonomy.v3.TaxonomyApi)

operation (action)Description
get_taxonomyAllows to obtain all categories in the taxonomy.
find_taxonomyNot used.
save_taxonomyAllows to call the save_taxonomy operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
delete_taxonomyAllows to call the delete_taxonomy operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
download_taxonomyAllows to call the download_taxonomy operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)
upload_taxonomyAllows to call the upload_taxonomy operation. (ApiUserPermission is not sufficient to call the operation.)