Browsable Taxonomies  Locate

Figure 37. Business Service Console Configuration - Browsable Classifications

Business Service Console Configuration - Browsable Classifications

On this panel, you can choose which classifications (taxonomies) are browsable. Browsable taxonomies appear on the reports tree on the Reports tab, and also show up when viewing an entity's classification details.

Each browsable classification is displayed as a node in the Reports tree, using the Display name configured on the panel. If the taxonomy classification is internally checked - meaning it has a predefined set of values - a sub-node is displayed in the Reports tree for each possible value.

For example, the selected classification systinet-com:taxonomy:service:certification represents a node Certification in the Report tree. If you click on the Certification node in the report tree, the result view will contain all entities categorized by this taxonomy. Since the systinet-com:taxonomy:service:certification is internally checked, having the value set (Certified, Pending), the Certification node will contain two subnodes (Certified and Pending) representing a report of certified and pending services.