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BEA eLink Adapter Development Kit Release 1.1

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Application to Transaction Monitor Interface. The eLink Platform communications application programming interface. This is a collection of runtimes services that can be called directly by a C (or COBOL) application. These runtime services provide support for communications, distributed transactions, and system management. See the section.


The "Application" name server of the TUXEDO system. The BBL is the TUXEDO process that is aware of all servers and advertised services of a TUXEDO system. The BBL is the "name server" that connects clients to servers.


TUXEDO command that constructs a BEA TUXEDO server load module.


TUXEDO command that constructs a BEA TUXEDO client module.

Business Logic

A workflow or procedure that defines the way a company conducts business. In the eLink system business logic is automated via the business process option.

Business Process Options (BPO)

The Business Process Options is a TUXEDO service that performs workflow management.


Optional boot parameter in the SERVER section of the UBBCONFIG file. The value specifies the servopts that are passed to the server when the server is booted. See servopts.

Data Integration Option (DIO)

The Data Integration Option is a TUXEDO service that can translate data between different types and formats. For example COBOL copy books to FML.


The 32 bit version of Field Manipulation Language or FML. FML is a BEA proprietary data structure and function library that allows associative access to fields of a data record. The internal implementations of the record are not accessible to the users of FML. See section 2.2.


A set of classes of objects with attributes within an application. Each item in a class has particular values for the attributes.


A software module that accepts requests from clients and other servers. A server advertises one or more services.


An application routine available for requests by a client in the system with well-defined inputs, outputs, and processing.

Service Advertisement

The process of indicating to all participants in an application that a service is active. (This should be done dynamically by the application adapter.)


A list of run-time options recognized by servers in a BEA TUXEDO system. For complete details see Appendix G.


The binary version of the UBBCONFIG file. It serves as the persistent part of the MIB.


BEA Systems' portable Transaction Process (TP) monitor. At this point TUXEDO is synonymous with the eLink Platform, but the eLink Platform will be broadened.


The generic TUXEDO name for the ASCII file containing the TUXEDO application configuration. This file is compiled by using the TUXEDO command tmloadcf. The resulting binary is called TUXCONFIG. (Ubbconfig files delivered as samples should be prefixed by the adapter to distinguish them from other UBBCONFIG files.)

Example: A UBBCONFIG file for the eLink FML to XML adapter (abbreviated efx) would be named:
