AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Running the Counter Monitoring Console

In addition to monitoring counter log files, you can view specified counter values through a console.

  1. In the Install_Dir\bin directory, enter the following command:
    • On Windows:
      opencountersconsole.bat ServerName ContextName
    • On Unix: ServerName ContextName
    Where these parameters are:
    • ServerName - The name of the server where the portal you want to monitor is installed, for example: ptserver2. The value of this name is set in the opencounters:application-name element in the configuration.xml file (in Install_Dir\settings). This value is case-sensitive.
    • ContextName - The name of the AquaLogic User Interaction application you want to monitor, for example: portal. The value of this name is set in the context element in the configuration.xml file. This value is case-sensitive.
    For example:
    opencountersconsole.bat PtServer2 collab

    This command opens a console to monitor the “collab” application on “PtServer2.” In this example, AquaLogic Interaction Collaboration is installed.

    Once you enter the command, you see the counter console startup messages. If the connection to the specified server succeeds, you should see the following (with the server and application names you are monitoring displayed before the command prompt):
    ... Connection success!
  2. From the console command prompt, use any of the available commands (shortcut keys are in parentheses):
    • help (h) - Displays the help menu
    • last (l) - Performs the last command that was entered
    • num (n) - Gets the total number of counters that are available in the host server
    • info (i) - Returns all counter names with their current values and additional description information. Optionally, you can enter a filter expression after the command to limit the information returned. A filter expression has the following format:

      Each condition in the above expression is optional, and matches a substring of the category, instance, or counter names.

      Example, info cache:pref:num

    • values (v) - Returns all counter names with their current values. Optionally, you can enter a filter expression after the command to limit the information returned.

      Example, values cache:pref:num

    • filterset (fs) - Sets the current filter for the category name, instance name, and counter name. This filter limits the information returned when using the filterget command. If a filterset is not specified, the filterget command matches all available counters. This command uses a filter expression as described under the info command above.

      Example: filterset cache:pref:num

      Using this example command, followed by the command filterget, gives the same result as using the command values cache:pref:num by itself.

      The filterset you specify remains in effect until you set a new one. To reset the filterset to the default value, enter filterset by itself. The default filterset matches all counters.

    • filtercategory (fc) - Sets the current category name filter. This affects the counters that are returned by the filtergetvalues command. The category names returned contain the substring you enter.

      Example: filtercategory Open

      The category filter you specify remains in effect until you set a new one.

    • filterinstance (fi) - Sets the current instance name filter. This affects the counters that are returned by the filtergetvalues command. The instance names returned contain the substring you enter.

      Example: filterinstance Total

      The instance filter you specify remains in effect until you set a new one.

    • filtercounter (fr) - Sets the current counter name filter. This affects the counters that are returned by the filtergetvalues command. The counter names returned contain the substring you enter.

      Example: filtercounter Bytes

      The counter filter you specify remains in effect until you set a new one.

    • filtergetvalues (fg) - Returns counter names with their current values. This command only retrieves counters that match the filters you have set using any of these commands: filterset, filtercategory, filterinstance, filtercounter. If no filters have been set, the command matches all counters.
    • verbose (vb) - Toggles verbosity level on and off (default is OFF). When verbosity is set to On, the values command returns counter values with additional counter information (such as a counter description). When verbosity is set to Off, the values command returns counter values without additional counter information.
    • connect (c) - Connects to another host server. This disconnects from the current host server if one is already connected.

      Example: connect PtServer4 portal

      disconnect (d) - Disconnects from the current host server, if connected.

      exit (e) - Exits the console application

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