AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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ALI Headers

AquaLogic Interaction (ALI) portal uses a group of custom headers to communicate system and user configuration variables. These headers include information that can be used by services.

All the useful information stored in these headers should be accessed using the AquaLogic Interaction Development Kit (IDK). Additional proprietary headers contain the protocol version, gateway type, and aggregation mode. All the key information in these headers is accessible through the IPortletUser and IPortletRequest interfaces in the IDK.
Header Name IDK Method Description
User ID IPortletUser.GetUserID The User ID of the currently logged in user. This value can be used to determine if the session has expired. If UserID=2, the default 'Guest' user is logged in; any other user's session has ended.
User Name IPortletUser.GetUserName The name of the logged in user. The user's name can be used to personalize display or pre-fill form fields.
Locale IPortletUser.GetUserCharacterSet The current user's language and character set. This value is essential when determining the correct content to return in an internationalized implementation of the portal.
Time Zone IPortletRequest.GetTimeZone The time zone of the current user in the format used by the portal. This value can be used to synchronize remote server time with the portal.
Image Service URL IPortletRequest.GetImageServerURI The URL to the root virtual directory of the Image Service in the user's implementation of the portal. This location should be used for all static images used in services.
Stylesheet URL IPortletRequest.GetStylesheetURI The URL to the current user's style sheet. In each implementation of the portal, the UI is customized. In some portals, users can choose between a selection of stylesheets. Using ALI-defined styles ensures that portlets appear in the style of the current user's portal.
Community ID IPortletRequest.GetCommunityID The Community ID for the Community in which the portlet appears. This value is used internally to identify the correct group of settings. (If CommunityID=0, the portlet appears on a My Page.)
Page ID IPortletRequest.GetPageID The Page ID for the current portal page. This value allows a single Portlet object to display different content on different portal pages.
Portlet ID IPortletRequest.GetPortletID The Portlet ID for the current portlet. This value is useful for appending to the names of HTML forms and client-side JavaScript functions to ensure unique form and function names on the My Page to avoid name conflicts.
Return URL IPortletRequest.GetReturnURI The URL to the page that the portlet should return to when finished, usually the page that hosts the portlet. Preference pages need this URL to return the user to the correct page after settings are configured.
Content Mode IPortletRequest.GetPortletMode The current content mode. This value is used to display portlet content in the appropriate manner.
Browser Type IPortletRequest.GetUserInterface The type of device being used to access the portal. The portal can support wireless handheld devices that communicate with HDML, WML, or HTML.

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