AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Setting Up a Custom .NET IDK Project

These steps describe how to set up a custom .NET IDK project in Visual Studio.

These instructions assume you have installed the .NET version of the AquaLogic Interaction Development Kit (IDK).

  1. Start Visual Studio and click File > New Project > C# Projects > ASP.NET Web Service.
  2. Type an intuitive name in the Location field.
  3. Delete Service1.asmx and Web.config.
  4. In the new project, click File > Add Existing Item.
  5. Browse to the \devkit folder in the IDK installation directory.
  6. In the File Types mask, click All Files.
  7. Select all the .asmx files and Web.config. Do not select the \bin directory.
  8. Click Open . You will be prompted to create a class file for each .asmx file; click No for each file.
  9. In the Solution Explorer (usually in the upper right), you should see the project you created in step 1. Add the IDK assemblies:
    1. Right-click References and click Add Reference .
    2. Browse to the \devkit\bin folder in the IDK installation directory.
    3. Select the assemblies to add to the bin directory: all the .dll files (Ctrl+A). These are the assemblies that resolve the references in the *.asmx files.
      • If you are using the standard (un-signed) version of the IDK, select all the .dll files (Ctrl+A).
      • If you are using the signed dll version of the IDK, select only Plumtree.openlog-framework_signed.dll. (You must deploy the other assemblies in the GAC as described in step f below.)
    4. Click Open > OK.
    5. In the Solution Explorer References, confirm that you now see idk, openfoundation, etc.
    6. If you are using the signed dll version of the IDK, deploy the following assemblies in the GAC:
      • Plumtree.EDK_signed.dll
      • OpenFoundation_signed.dll
      • Plumtree.openkernel_signed.dll
      • Plumtree.openlog-framework_signed.dll
      • Plumtree.pmb_signed.dll
      • Plumtree.RAT_signed.dll
  10. Click File > Add New Item to create new classes and complete your project.

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