3.6. Deploying Sample To WebSphere

Browse to the admin console in your web browser. Select Applications / Install New Application from the left navigation panel. Select the path to your samplej2ee.ear file and press Next.

On the following screen, leave the options at the default and select Next. On the following screen ( Install New Application->Step 1 ), ensure that the Deploy EJBs option is checked. Leave other options at their defaults.

Move on to Step 2. On this screen enter "samples.j2ee.ejb.CarHome" as the JNDI name for the Car EJB. Continue through the remaining steps leaving options at the defaults. Select Finish and ensure that the application is deployed correctly.

Save the changes to the domain configuration by either selecting the Save link that appears after the installation is complete or by selecting Save from the top menu.

To verify your installation, select Applications / Enterprise Applications from the left navigation panel. Sample-KodoJ2EE should be listed in the list. If the application has not started already, select the checkbox next to Sample-KodoJ2EE and select Start.