11.3. JDOQL

JDOQL is a data store-neutral query language based on Java boolean expressions. The syntax of JDOQL is the same as standard Java syntax, with the following exceptions:


Kodo JDO also supports the Map.containsKey and Map.containsValue methods.

We will now present several examples illustrating the features of JDOQL and the Query interface. The examples use the following persistence-capable classes:

package org.mag;

public class Magazine
    private String  title;
    private double  price;
    private int     copiesSold;
    private Company publisher;
    private Article coverArticle;
    private Set     articles;


public class Article
    private String     title;
    private Collection subTitles;


package org.mag.pub;

public class Company
    private String name;
    private double revenue;


Example 11.1. Basic Query

Find all magazines whose price is greater than 3 dollars:

Extent mags = pm.getExtent (Magazine.class, false);
String filter = "price > 10.0";
Query query = pm.newQuery (mags, filter);
Collection results = (Collection) query.execute ();

Example 11.2. Result Ordering and Method Calls

Find all magazines whose title starts with "The ", in ascending order by price:

Extent mags = pm.getExtent (Magazine.class, false);
String filter = "title.startsWith (\"The \")";
Query query = pm.newQuery (mags, filter);
query.setOrdering ("price ascending");
Collection results = (Collection) query.execute ();

Example 11.3. Mathematical Operations and Relation Traversal

Find all magazines whose revenue is over 1% of the total revenue for the publisher, in descending order by publisher revenue and ascending order by publisher name:

Extent mags = pm.getExtent (Magazine.class, false);
String filter = "price * copiesSold > publisher.revenue * .01";
Query query = pm.newQuery (mags, filter);
query.setOrdering ("publisher.revenue descending, publisher.name ascending");
Collection results = (Collection) query.execute ();

Example 11.4. Precedence and Logical Operators

Find all magazines published by Random House or Addison Wesley whose price is less than or equal to 3 dollars:

Extent mags = pm.getExtent (Magazine.class, false);
String filter = "price <= 10.0 "
    + "&& (publisher.name == \"Random House\" "
    + "|| publisher.name == \"Addison Wesley\")";
Query query = pm.newQuery (mags, filter);
Collection results = (Collection) query.execute ();

Example 11.5. Imports and Parameters

Find all magazines published by a given company whose price is greater than a given number:

Company myCompany = ...;
Double myPrice = ...;

Extent mags = pm.getExtent (Magazine.class, false);
String filter = "publisher == pub && price > amnt";
Query query = pm.newQuery (mags, filter);
query.declareImports ("import org.mag.pub.*;");
query.declareParameters ("Company pub, Double amnt");
Collection results = (Collection) query.execute (myCompany, myPrice);

Example 11.6. Collections

Find all magazines whose cover article has a subtitle of "The Real Story" or whose cover article has no subtitles:

Extent mags = pm.getExtent (Magazine.class, false);
String filter = "coverArticle.subTitles.contains (\"The Real Story\") "
    + "|| coverArticle.subTitles.isEmpty ()";
Query query = pm.newQuery (mags, filter);
Collection results = (Collection) query.execute ();

Example 11.7. Variables

Find all magazines that have an article titled "Fourier Transforms":

Extent mags = pm.getExtent (Magazine.class, false);
String filter = "articles.contains (art) 
    && art.title == \"Fourier Transforms\"
Query query = pm.newQuery (mags, filter);
query.declareVariables ("Article art;");
Collection results = (Collection) query.execute ();