7.2. The Mapping Editor

The Mapping Editor gives the developer access to all of the mapping information stored for the given class. The editor is divided into two parts. The top half corresponds to class-level mapping information. The bottom half corresponds to field mappings for each field in the class.

The top half is further divided by tabs into three mapping components. These three tabs control the currently selected mappings for class data, version indicator and class indicator.

However, both the class-level and field-level components are all based on the same mapping component system. Each component is built of three major parts. The first provides a selector for Kodo-known mappings for the given type, be it a field, class, or version mapping. When you select a mapping type from the drop down, the second component, the mapping description, will update with a thorough explanation of what the current selected mapping type does. And the final component provides inputs for each mapping type.

The inputs for a given mapping type are usually of three major types:

A mapping type available at every level is the Custom mapping type. This requires a high level of understanding of the Kodo mapping system and provides a streamlined access to the information stored in the MappingInfo for the class.