12.4. Identity Mapping

With our new knowledge of columns, we can map the identity fields of our entities. The diagram below now includes primary key columns for our model's tables. The primary key column for Author uses nonstandard type INTEGER64, and the Magazine.isbn field is mapped to a VARCHAR(9) column instead of a VARCHAR(255) column, which is the default for string fields. We do not need to point out either one of these oddities to the EJB persistence implementation for runtime use. If, however, we want to use the EJB persistence implementation to create our tables for us, it needs to know about any desired non-default column types. Therefore, the example following the diagram includes this data in its encoding of our mappings.

Note that many of our identity fields do not need to specify column information, because they use the default column name and type.

Example 12.3. Identity Mapping

package org.mag;

public class Magazine
    @Id private String isbn;
    @Id private String title;


    public static class MagazineId

@Table(name="ART", uniqueConstraints=@Unique(columnNames="TITLE"))
public class Article
    @Id private long id;


package org.mag.pub;

public class Company
    @Id private long id;


public class Author
    @Column(name="AID", columnDefinition="INTEGER64")
    @Id private long id;


public class Address

package org.mag.subscribe;

public abstract class Document
    private long id;


public class Contract
    extends Document

@Table(name="SUB", schema="CNTRCT")
public class Subscription
    @Id private long id;


    @Table(name="LINE_ITEM", schema="CNTRCT")
    public static class LineItem
        extends Contract

public class LifetimeSubscription
    extends Subscription

public class TrialSubscription
    extends Subscription

The same metadata for Magazine and Company expressed in XML form:

<entity class="org.mag.Magazine">
    <id-class class="org.mag.Magazine.Magazine.MagazineId"/>
    <table name="MAG"/>
        <id name="isbn">
            <column length="9"/>
        <id name="title"/>
<entity class="org.mag.pub.Company">
    <table name="COMP"/>
        <id name="id">
            <column name="CID"/>