6.2. Lifecycle Operations

public static boolean isDirty (Object pc);
public static boolean isTransactional (Object pc);
public static boolean isPersistent (Object pc);
public static boolean isNew (Object pc);
public static boolean isDeleted (Object pc);

JDO recognizes several lifecycle states for persistence-capable objects. Instances transition between these states according to strict rules defined in the JDO specification. State transitions can be triggered by both explicit actions, such as calling the deletePersistent method of a PersistenceManager to delete a persistent object, and by implicit actions, such as reading or writing a persistent field.

The list below enumerates the lifecycle states for persistence-capable instances. Unless otherwise noted, each state must be supported by all JDO implementations. Do not concern yourself with memorizing the states and transitions presented; you will rarely need to think about them in practice.


Some of the state transitions below occur at transaction boundaries. If you are unfamiliar with transactions, you may want to read the first few paragraphs of Chapter 9, Transaction to become familiar with the concepts involved before continuing.


Kodo supports all JDO lifecycle states, including all optional states.

The following diagram displays the state transitions for persistent objects. Each arrow represents a change from one state to another, and the text next to the arrow indicates the event that triggers change. Method names in blue are methods of the Transaction interface. Method names in red are methods of the PersistenceManager interface. These interfaces are covered later in this document.

After reviewing the JDO lifecycle states, the purpose of the JDOHelper's lifecycle operations - isDirty, isTransactional, isPersistent, isNew, isDeleted - should be clear. Each one tells you whether or not the given persistence-capable instance has has the named property, where these properties are determined by the lifecycle state of the instance. In fact, you can calculate the exact state of the instance based on these properties according to the table below. Once again, however, you will rarely worry about the lifecycle state of your persistence-capable objects in practice.

Table 6.1. JDOHelper Lifecycle Methods

Transient-Clean  X    
Transient-Dirty  X X   
Persistent-New X X X X  
Persistent-Nontransactional X     
Persistent-Clean X X    
Persistent-Dirty X X X   
Persistent-Deleted X X X   X
Persistent-New-Deleted X X X X X