15.5. Datastore Identity

In a relational database, a table's primary key is the set of columns whose values uniquely identify a row within that table. JDOR requires all persistent class tables to have primary keys, though these keys may be logical (i.e. there is no requirement that the database enforce the uniqueness of the primary key column values).

Under JDO's application identity type, the primary key field mappings are enough to infer the primary key columns of each class' table. Classes that use datastore identity, on the other hand, must describe their tables' primary key using the datastore-identity mapping element. This element is the first child of the class element, and has the following attributes:

In place of the column attribute above, you can embed column elements within the datastore-identity element. This allows you to define multiple datastore identity columns for implementations that require it, and to specify additional attributes aside from the column name. Section 15.6, “Column” discusses the column element in detail.

The diagram below now includes primary key columns for our model's tables. The primary key column for LineItem uses nonstandard type INTEGER64, and the Magazine.isbn field is mapped to a CHAR(15) column instead of a VARCHAR(255) column, which is the default for string fields. We do not need to point out either one of these oddities to the JDOR implementation for runtime use. If, however, we want to use the JDOR implementation to create our tables for us, it needs to know about any desired non-default column types. Therefore, the example following the diagram includes this data in its encoding of our mappings. The example also includes the mappings of primary key fields in our application identity classes; we will get to field mapping in Section 15.11, “Field Mapping”.

Example 15.3. Datastore Identity Mapping

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <package name="org.mag">
        <sequence name="ArticleSeq" datastore-sequence="ART_SEQ"/> 
        <class name="Magazine" table="MAG">
            <field name="isbn">
                <column name="ISBN" jdbc-type="char" length="15"/>
            <field name="title" column="TITLE"/>
        <class name="Article" table="ART">
            <field name="id" column="ID"/>
    <package name="org.mag.pub">
        <sequence name="AuthorSeq" factory-class="Author$SequenceFactory"/>
        <class name="Company" table="COMP">
            <datastore-identity column="CID" strategy="autoassign"/>
        <class name="Author" table="AUTH">
            <datastore-identity sequence="AuthorSeq">
                <column name="AID" sql-type="INTEGER64"/>
    <package name="org.mag.subscribe">
        <sequence name="ContractSeq" strategy="transactional"/> 
        <class name="Contract">
        <class name="Subscription" table="CNTRCT.SUB">
            <field name="Contract.id" column="ID"/>
        <class name="LifetimeSubscription">
        <class name="TrialSubscription" table="CNTRCT.TRIAL_SUB">
        <class name="Subscription$LineItem" table="CNTRCT.LINE_ITEM">
            <field name="Contract.id" column="ID"/>