11.2. JDOQL

JDOQL is a datastore-neutral query language based on Java. It relies solely on your object model, completely abstracting the details of the underlying data model. As you have already seen, the syntax of JDOQL is virtually identical to Java syntax. In fact, a good trick when writing a JDOQL string is to pretend that you are writing a method of the query's candidate class. You have access to all of the class' persistent fields, and to the this keyword. There are, however, some notable ways in which JDOQL differs from Java:


Kodo offers several extensions to JDOQL, and allows you to define your own extensions. See the Reference Guide's Section 9.6, “Query Language Extensions” and Section 9.6.4, “JDOQL Subqueries” for details.

While it is important to note the differences between JDOQL and Java enumerated in the list above, it is just as important to note what is not in the list. Mathematical operators, logical operators, instanceof, casting, field traversal, and static field access are omitted, meaning they are all fully supported by JDOQL.

We demonstrate some of the interesting aspects of JDOQL below.

Example 11.2. Relation Traversal and Mathematical Operations

Find all magazines whose sales account for over 1% of the total revenue for the publisher. Notice the use of standard Java "dot" notation to traverse into the persistent fields of Magazine's publisher relation.

Query query = pm.newQuery (Magazine.class,
    "price * copiesSold > publisher.revenue * .01");
List mags = (List) query.execute ();

Example 11.3. Precedence, Logical Operators, and String Functions

Find all magazines whose publisher's name is "Random House" or matches a regular expression, and whose price is less than or equal to 10 dollars. Here, we use single-quoted string literals to avoid having to escape double quotes within the filter string. Notice also that we compare strings with == rather than the equals method.

Query query = pm.newQuery (Magazine.class, "price <= 10.0 "
    + "&& (publisher.name == 'Random House' "
    + "|| publisher.name.toLowerCase ().matches ('add.*ley')");
List mags = (List) query.execute ();

Example 11.4. Collections

Find all magazines whose cover article has a subtitle of "The Real Story" or whose cover article has no subtitles.

Query query = pm.newQuery (Magazine.class, 
    "coverArticle.subtitles.contains ('The Real Story') "
    + "|| coverArticle.subtitles.isEmpty ()";
List mags = (List) query.execute ();

Example 11.5. Static Methods

Retrieve all magazines whose publisher's revenue's square root is greater than 100 dollars.

Query query = pm.newQuery (Magazine.class, 
    "Math.sqrt (publisher.revenue) > 100");
List mags = (List) query.execute ();