2.9. POSIX (Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows with cygwin, etc.) Installation

  1. Open a shell.

  2. Ensure that your CLASSPATH environment variable contains the base Java runtime package ($JDKHOME/jre/lib/rt.jar for JDK 1.4 or higher).

  3. Change to the KODOHOME directory.

  4. Type 'chmod a+x bin/*'. This will give you execute permissions on all packaged shell scripts.

  5. Type 'source bin/envsetup' (On Windows with Cygwin, type 'source bin/cygsetup'). This will modify your CLASSPATH and PATH environment variables to add in the libraries in KODOHOME/lib and the executables in KODOHOME/bin.

  6. Open http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13189_01/kodo/docs41/index.html For JPA, navigate to the Kodo JPA Tutorials. For JDO, navigate to the Kodo JDO Tutorials. These tutorials are in Part IV of the Kodo documentation.

  7. Change to the KODOHOME/tutorial/persistence directory or the KODOHOME/tutorial/jdo directory.

  8. Start the tutorial.