BEA Log Central

Search Page

Note for MS Internet Explorer Users

  • There is a bug in the Microsoft JVM that affects applets in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and late builds of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x. This bug may affect the performance of this search applet.
  • This is a known Microsoft problem and there is a Microsoft patch available. You need Microsoft's latest Java Build, which you can download from:
  • This is not a problem for local CD searches.

Search Tips

  • You can use an expression like network manager to find only those pages containing both words. The "AND" Boolean expression is used by default.
  • You can use an expression like network OR manager to find pages containing either keyword.
  • You can also use parentheses in Boolean expressions. For example, you can enter (network AND manager) OR agent.
  • You can use the asterisk (*) as a suffix wildcard character in keywords. For example, enter manage* to find pages with keywords such as managed or management. Please note: the asterisk (*) can only be used as a suffix. Placement at the beginning or middle of your search string will give the results "No Matches Found".
  • If no matches are found, reword your query and try again.
  • If matches are listed, double-click a matched entry.