Edge Server Administration Console Online Help

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Configure ECSpecs

You use ECSpec data objects to tell the Edge Server what information you want from readers and how you want that reader information reported. An application or workflow that is interested in getting application level events from RFID readers can register ECSpecs and ECSpec subscriptions with the RFID Edge Server.

In addition to listing all the ECSpecs and subscriptions associated with an Edge Server, the RFID Console lets you create, import, edit, activate, suspend, and resume ECSpecs.

The main steps for using the RFID Console to configure ECSpecs are:

  1. Create ECSpecs or Import ECSpecs.
  2. Specify where to deliver the report (a report destination), for example, an HTTP post to a Web address, to a file on your system, or displayed on the RFID Console. Configure ECSpec subscribers.
  3. Activate an ECSpec once and view the results. Test ECSpecs.

    The Console displays the XML report data from the Edge Server.

  4. Examine the report to see if you are getting the information you want.
  5. Repeat these steps until you are satisfied with the results.

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