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Export Edge Server configuration

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Configure Edge Servers

Configuration exporting and importing lets you duplicate RFID Edge Server configurations on other Edge Servers. You select Edge Server objects to export to an XML file, and duplicate the configuration on another RFID Edge Server by importing that file.

To export an Edge Server configuration:

  1. In the right pane of the Console, select Import/Export Configuration > Export Configuration.
  2. In the Edge Server drop-down list, select the Edge Server from which to export configuration objects.
  3. In the Types section, select the object types to export.
  4. To select objects by name, enter the object name in the Names section.

    Note: Names are case-sensitive; you can use wildcards. If there is no match, an empty XML file is created.

    Note: If you export ECSpec Subscribers and not the ECSpec they reference, you will get an error upon importing the ECSpec Subscribers file if the ECSpec does not exist on the target Edge Server to which you import the file.

  5. Click Export.
  6. Specify a file name with an XML extension and click Save.


The Edge Server XML configuration file is saved with the name and location you specified.

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