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Clone readers

Once a reader is configured, it can be cloned to create a new reader of the same type.

To make a copy of an existing reader definition:

  1. In the left pane of the Console, expand the node for an Edge Server and click Readers.
  2. Select the radio button next to the reader you want to copy.
  3. Click Clone.

    The Reader Properties page displays the duplicated device definition and properties from the reader you selected to copy.

  4. Edit the existing device name and change the values of the device-specific properties as needed.

    Keep or modify property values according to your needs and the device type you are configuring, see Configuration Options.

    Consult the RFID Reader Reference or manufacturer’s manual for your reader for more information on these properties and their allowable values.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.


The new reader is added to the Edge Server.

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