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Configure report groups

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Create ECSpec reports

Report grouping lets you specify how a set of tag data will be separated into subdivisions within a report. You can create a group based on any of the fields for the tag format chosen, and define a series of rules that will generate groups within a report. Both list and count data included in the report are grouped.

When you create report groups, every tag reported in an event cycle will be part of exactly one group. If a tag does not match any of the pattern URIs in the pattern list, it is included in a special "default group." As a special case of the above rule, if the pattern list is empty (or if no groups are defined), all tags will be part of the default group.

You use the ECSpec Editor to create report groups:

  1. Display ECSpec Editor.
  2. In the left pane of the ECSpec Editor, select Reports.

    Each report for this ECSpec is listed in the Reports table.

  3. Select the radio button next to the report for which you want to configure report groups and click Group Pattens.

    The Group Pattens table displays the report group patterns for that report.

  4. Click New.
  5. On the Tag Format page, select the Tag Format for the report group pattern and click Next.

    For more information on tag formats, see EPCglobal Tag Data Standards.

  6. On the Create a Grouping Pattern page, fill in the fields for that tag format (the fields shown depend on the format chosen), and click OK.

    Grouping behavior you can specify (fields are inactive when a grouping behavior is disallowed for a particular section):

    • Any - All values belong to a single group (will appear on a single report).
    • Group By - Create a different group for each distinct value (generate a separate report for each value).
    • Specific - Create a group for the value specified (and a default group for all other values).
    • Range - Create a group for the range of values specified (and a default group for all other values).
  7. To add more report groups to the current ECSpec, repeat steps 3 through 6.

    Changes are saved when you deploy the ECSpec. Create ECSpecs

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