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Specify user memory regions

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Create ECSpec reports

In your report specifications, you can specify a memory location on Gen 2 EPCglobal tags. For detailed information, see Writing and Reading Gen 2 Tags.

You use the ECSpec Editor to specify user memory locations:

  1. Display ECSpec Editor.
  2. In the left pane of the ECSpec Editor, select Reports.

    Each report for this ECSpec is listed in the Reports table.

  3. Select the radio button next to the report for which you want to configure user memory regions and click User Memory Regions.

    The user memory regions defined for that report are displayed.

  4. Click New.
  5. Specify one of the following user memory regions and click OK.
    • URI - URI-formatted string representing the contents of the requested memory segment. The URI includes a selection for memory bank, an offset within the memory bank, and a length of the memory extent, in bits. For example, urn:connecterra:tagmem:@bankid.length[.offset], where bankid is one of three values: epc, tid, or user. Length and offset are decimal values in bits. The default value for offset is 0.
    • EPC - Tag EPC value.
    • Memory Bank - Valid values are: epc, tid, or user. Length and offset are decimal values in bits. The default value for length is 32 and offset (optional) is 0.
  6. To add more user memory regions to the current ECSpec report, repeat steps 4 and 5.

    Changes are saved when you deploy the ECSpec. Create ECSpecs

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