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BEA SmartConnect 2.6

BEA SmartConnect provides native connectivity to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems from AquaLogic® Service Bus (ALSB). The BEA SmartConnect transports support the exchange of real-time business data between ERP systems and ALSB to provide interaction with other applications, databases, or external services.

BEA SmartConnect requires ALSB 2.6 RP1.

Getting Started

BEA SmartConnect Installation and Configuration Guide

BEA SmartConnect for Siebel

BEA SmartConnect for Siebel is a transport that provides a way to exchange real-time business data between Siebel and ALSB. BEA SmartConnect for Siebel can retrieve metadata for all Business Objects, Business Components, Business Services, and Integration Objects dynamically from the Siebel Repository.

BEA SmartConnect for Siebel User Guide

BEA SmartConnect for mySAP

BEA SmartConnect for mySAP is a remote function call-based transport, which allows the exchange of real-time business data between SAP Enterprise Central Component (ECC) systems (5.0 and 6.0) and ALSB.

BEA SmartConnect for mySAP User Guide