BEA MessageQ for OpenVMS Release Notes for Version 4.0A

BEA MessageQ for OpenVMS
Release Notes for
Version 4.0A

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2.2 MessageQ Application Program Interface (API)

This section describes corrections to the MessageQ API for Version 4.0A .

2.2.1 PAMS_GET_MSGW() Fails to Wakeup on Multi-reader Queue (MRQ) Reads

When a message was queued to a multi-reader queue on an Alpha OpenVMS system the pams_get_msgw would occasionally fail to wakeup. This has been corrected.

2.2.2 PAMS_ATTACH_Q() to a Temporary Queue Will Hang The Process If The Temporary Queues Are Exhausted

If all of the temporary queues were used up and a process attempted to attach to a temporary queue, the process would hang for several minutes. This has been corrected so that if all of the temporary queues are exhausted the pams_attach_q function will return PAMS__RESRCFAIL.

2.2.3 PAMS_PUT_MSG() Hangs

The pams_put_msg API was hanging when either a cross-group message was sent with a delivery mode of WF_MEM or a recoverable message was sent with any Wait-For (WF) recoverable delivery mode.

2.2.4 Q_NOTIFY_RESP Message Not Endian Converted

The Queue Notification Service was not correctly converting the Q_NOTIFY_RESP message to the appropriate endian format of the requesting system.

2.2.5 Secondary Queue Names are Sometimes Deleted

Corrected a problem with the detach queue logic that causes permanent Secondary Queue names to be cleared. This shows up as a failure of pams_locate_q to find the queue name or for the MessageQ Monitor to fail to display the queue.

2.2.6 PAMS_ATTACH_Q()/PAMS_DETACH_Q() Could Cause The Process To Abort With An Access Violation

Corrected a problem with processes that are doing pams_attach_q/pams_detach_q in a loop while the queue(s) they are attached to is receiving messages. This can result in an EXEC mode AST being delivered to address zero.


Corrected a problem with pams_put_msg not allowing a process to send a message with a WF delivery mode and the response queue set to a Secondary Queue. When this combination is attempted, pams_put_msg returns PAMS__NOACCESS.

2.3 Communication (COM) Services and Link Drivers

This section describes corrections to the Communication Services and Link Drivers for Version 4.0A .

2.3.1 Inbound Link Connection Request Is Rejected

This corrects a problem where under certain conditions the inbound link connection request was being rejected. The indication in the EVL log for this problem was: "link in transition."

2.3.2 COM Server Generates Unneccesary Tracebacks

The COM Server no longer generates unnecessary tracebacks when a cross-group message fails to be enqueued to its target queue. The tracebacks that appeared were similar to the following:

DmQ E 52:12.5 Encountered an error return status 
DmQ E 52:12.5 %PAMS-E-EXCEEDQUOTA, Target process's quota exceeded - message 
not sent 
%PLI-W-ERROR, PL/I ERROR condition. 
-PAMS-W-EXCEEDQUOTA, Target process's quota exceeded - message not sent 
%TRACE-W-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows 
module name     routine name                     line       rel PC    abs PC 
                                                           000C73EF  000C73EF 
DMQ$COM_SERVER  P920_CHECK_PAMS_CALL            20567      000000B7  0004DAEF 
DMQ$COM_SERVER  P190_BUILD_INCOMING_XGROUP_MSG  11342      00000B8A  0003745E 
DMQ$COM_SERVER  P180_CHECK_ALL_DATA_READ_IOSBS  10950      000000C2  00036882 
DMQ$COM_SERVER  P170_HANDLE_XGROUP_EF           10883      0000005A  000367BE 
DMQ$COM_SERVER  DMQ$COM_SERVER                   7257      000014EA  0002D26A 

2.3.3 COM Server Aborts With an ACCVIO

Corrected a problem with the MessageQ Monitor utility Link Detail request that caused the COM Server to fail with ACCVIO.

2.3.4 COM Server Fails to Spawn Subprocesses

Corrected a problem with the COM Server's subprocesses that caused them to be unable to translate DMQ$EXE and, therefore, fail to start. This occurred primarily on systems with large logical name tables.

2.3.5 COM Server Immediately Drops New Connections

Corrected a problem where the COM Server was not correctly handling unconfigured incoming DECnet connections. This resulted in the link being dropped immediately after a successful connection was made due to the channel being set to zero.

2.3.6 COM Server Fails with an ACCVIO During Startup

Corrected a problem with the COM Server which sometimes resulted in an ACCVIO during startup. The problem was caused when the COM Server suffered memory corruption during startup when attempting to load a group initialization file in which the Routing section contained more than 256 entries. MessageQ now properly starts up groups whose Routing table contains more than 256 entries.

2.3.7 COM Server Becomes Compute Bound on Alpha Processors

Corrected a problem on Alpha systems that caused the COM Server to become stuck in a compute-bound loop while attempting to wakeup a receiver of an MRQ message.

2.3.8 Adding Cross-Group Entries Following Startup are not Seen

Corrected a problem encountered when adding new cross-group entries following initial group startup. The problem allowed new entries to be displayed using the MessageQ Monitor utility but did not allow cross-group links to be enabled.

2.3.9 COM Server Logs Wrong Group Number on "Forcing link down" Events

Corrected a problem with the COM Server that caused it to log the wrong group number when it encountered a condition requiring it to take the link down.

2.3.10 Link Driver Logs "Protocol failure" Errors

Corrected a problem with Link Drivers not properly translating some connection messages from remote Link Drivers. This problem caused ambiguous error messages to be displayed, such as:

Remote system returned LD error -53 
%DMQCS-F-PROTO_FAIL, Protocol failure 
The error messages are now properly translated into clear messages, such as:
Remote system returned LD error -53 (LD_DISABLED) 
LD_DISABLED: link has not been enabled 

2.3.11 COM Server Memory Leak While Processing UNDECLARE_SQ Message

Corrected a problem with a memory leak associated with the processing of a UNDECLARE_SQ message. This problem eventually lead the COM Server to exceed its memory limits resulting in a PAMS:EXHAUSTBLKS error, often followed by an ACCVIO abort. This problem has been corrected.

2.3.12 DECnet/OSI Link Transitions Not Seen By The DECnet Link Drivers

Corrected a problem with the COM Server not detecting some link transition events from DECnet/OSI. This can result in continually logging errors such as file not accessible by the COM Server. In addition, the DECnet Link Driver was not fully transitioning the link to the down state.

2.3.13 COM Server Did Not Handle Message Visit Counts Correctly

Corrected a problem with the COM Server not handling invalid or exhausted message visit counts. The message visit counts are used to detect that a message has got caught in an endless routing loop. This problem can lead to the COM Server logging exceeded visit count events and/or the COM Server failing with an integer overflow.

2.3.14 DECnet Link Ownership Sometimes Not Passed Correctly Between DECnet Link Drivers

Corrected a problem when link ownership is passed between the DECnet Link Driver and the COM Server. Link ownership passing occurs when a group switches between V3.X and V2.X MessageQ Cross-group protocols such as when a group is moved from a MessageQ V2.x OpenVMS node to a MessageQ V3.x OpenVMS node. This problem has a variety of symptoms but usually shows up as an unusual error status returned by $QIO call such as:

Error while posting X-group rcv QIO for group 35 - channel #400 
%SYSTEM-F-MBTOOSML, Mailbox is too small for request 

2.4 General

This section describes general software corrections for Version 4.0A .

2.4.1 Process termination via CONTROL-Y Followed By The DCL STOP Command Causes a System Level BUGCHECK

A kernal mode timer rundown handler was installed to cancel EXEC mode timers that may be active when a process is terminated by a ^Y followed by the DCL STOP command. Prior to this correction, it was possible for an EXEC mode timer to be delivered to a process with the timer service routine no longer present to handle the timer. This resulted in a system level BUGCHECK, and either a process hang or a system crash, depending on the setting of the SYSGEN parameter, BUGCHECKFATAL.

2.4.2 Message Byte Counters Overflowed On Fast AXP Processors

The counter reset code has been enhanced to prevent integer overflow.

2.4.3 Multiple Attachers Were Allowed To Access The Same Primary Queue

A race condition was removed where simultaneous multiple attachers were allowed to connect to the same primary queue.

2.4.4 Loader Not Validating Permanent Queue Range

Permanent queue range checking has been added to the loader to prevent a permanent queue definition that is higher than the FIRST_TEMP_QUEUE definition.

2.4.5 Link Management (LINKMGT_REQ) Connect Command Not Handling The "reconnect timer" Correctly

The LINKMGT connect command has been corrected so that the "reconnect timer" is correctly set when a reconnect time in seconds is specified rather than "PSYM_LINKMGT_USE_PREVIOUS".

2.4.6 Cross-Group Table Entries Ordering Restriction

In previous MessageQ versions the cross-group table entries for a particular group/transport were required to be grouped together. Interleaving transport entries for a group were not supported. This restriction has been lifted.

2.4.7 MessageQ Command Procedures Now Handle "<>" Directory Syntax

MessageQ command procedures have been updated to correctly handle the use of angled brackets <> as a valid DCL directory syntax.

2.4.8 DMQ$STARTUP.COM Now Allows a User Settable Timeout

Added the capability for the user to set the amount of time that the DMQ$STARTUP procedure will wait until all requested MessageQ Server processes have started and finished initialization. Currently, the MRS Server is the only MessageQ server known to require an extended period to startup due to the need to process all Destination Queue Files (DQF) and Store-And-Forward Files (SAF) prior to completing its initialization.

2.4.9 DMQ$SCRIPT Logical Name Limited To 32 Characters

Corrected a problem in the translation of the logical name DMQ$SCRIPT which limited it to 32 characters. It has been restored back to handling up to 255 character file names.

2.4.10 Ethernet User Callback Returned DMQCS__AREATOSMALL Back To PAMS_GET_MSG()

The Ethernet User Callback handling of compressed headers was causing a DMQCS:AREATOSMALL error to be returned from pams_get_msg. This has been corrected.

2.4.11 AVAILMSGDEF.H Included Unknown .H File

Corrected a problem with availmsgdef.h, found in [DMQ$V32.EXAMPLES.SBS], which attempted to include a file that was not part of the distribution kit.

2.4.12 Product Installation Failed During Link of CLS Server

Corrected a problem with the CLS Server's linker command procedure that made incorrect assumptions of the presence of a TCP/IP product's logical names. The procedure has been changed to use a more reliable method of determining when to link against TCP/IP product files.

2.4.13 Conversion Utility Failed to Convert RTO User Directory when DEV License Loaded

Corrected a problem with the V2 to V3 conversion utility which caused it to fail when it attempted to convert a user directory when a runtime only MessageQ was installed but a Development license was loaded. The procedure now correctly detects this condition and skips that section of the conversion.

2.5 Client Library Services (CLS)

This section describes corrections to the Client Library Services for Version 4.0A .

2.5.1 Single-client CLS does not properly close UCX BG devices

Corrections have been made so that single-client CLS closes UCX BG devices properly.

2.5.2 Exits Following an "unexpected signal 10" Error

When the CLS Server received a connection request from a client system with a name longer than 24 characters it would log the error message Unexpected signal 10 received, server exiting, and then exit.

2.5.3 CLS Server Reports "Endpoint Is Probably In Use"

The CLS Server was failing to restart correctly following a shutdown with an active connection over DEC TCP/IP Services. When this occurred, the error message "Cannot bind to server address, endpoint is probably in use" was logged when the CLS Server was restarted. This has been corrected and the CLS will now restart correctly.

2.5.4 Client Task ID Incorrectly Logged As Negative Numbers

Corrected a problem with the logging of client task ID numbers from Windows 95 systems. These task IDs were logged incorrectly as negative numbers.

2.6 Interoperability

This section describes corrections for interoperability problems between MessageQ for OpenVMS and MessageQ for UNIX and Windows NT.

2.6.1 AVAIL Service Interoperability Between OpenVMS V3.2 and UNIX/Windows NT Was Not Working Correctly

Corrected a number of problems with AVAIL Services interoperating with UNIX/NT systems. They are: