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BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP is a gateway connectivity product that enables application programs on BEA Tuxedo systems to perform various non-transactional tasks with application programs that reside on different mainframe platforms.

What's New

This release of BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP (also referenced as TMA TCP) provides support for Tuxedo 9.0 and 9.1.


Getting Started

Learn how to prepare your mainframe and install and configure the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP software.

bullet arrow Release Notes

bullet arrow Installing the Software

bullet arrow Understanding How TMA TCP Gateway Works

bullet arrow Understanding How TMA TCP for IMS Works

bullet arrow Understanding How TMA TCP for CICS Works


Review configuration information for the gateway and the mainframe components.

bullet arrow Configuring TMA TCP Gateway

bullet arrow Configuring TMA TCP Gateway for Data Mapping

bullet arrow Configuring TMA TCP for IMS

bullet arrow Configuring TMA TCP for CICS


Review error messages and reason codes.

bullet arrow TMA TCP Gateway Error and Information Messages

bullet arrow TMA TCP for IMS Error and Information Messages

bullet arrow TMA TCP for IMS Error and Reason Codes

bullet arrow TMA TCP for CICS Error and Information Messages

PDF Documentation

Access Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP documentation in PDF format.

bullet arrow PDF Files

Main Topics

bullet arrow TMA TCP Gateway User Guide

bullet arrow TMA TCP for CICS User Guide

bullet arrow TMA TCP for IMS User Guide


Review programming considerations and other programming reference information.

bullet arrow Programming TMA TCP for IMS

bullet arrow Programming TMA TCP for CICS


Review administering and monitoring TMA TCP.

bullet arrow Starting TMA TCP Gateway

bullet arrow Monitoring TMA TCP for IMS


Review setting up security and security considerations.

bullet arrow Setting Up Security for TMA TCP Gateway


Review reference information and other related information.

bullet arrow Code Page Translation Table

bullet arrow System Services Descriptions for TMA TCP for IMS

bullet arrow Example IMS Configuration File

bullet arrow Sample IMS JCL and User Exits

bullet arrow Sample IMS Client and Server Transactions