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tlisten-Generic listener process


tlisten [-d device ] -l nlsaddr [-u {uid-# | uid-name}] [-z bits ] \ 
[ -Z bits ]


tlisten is a network independent listener process that runs as a daemon process on BEA TUXEDO application processors and provides remote service connections for other BEA TUXEDO processes, for example, tmboot(1). The following command line options are used by tlisten:

-d device
Full pathname of the network device. This parameter is optional. For releases prior to v6.4, it should be used if the underlying network provider requires it.

-l nlsaddr
Network address at which the process listens for connections.

TCP/IP addresses may be specified in the following forms: "//hostname:port_number" "//#.#.#.#:port_number"

In the first format, tlisten finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). hostname must be the local machine, and the local name resolution facilities must unambiguously resolve hostname to the address of the local machine. In the second example, the "#.#.#.#" is in dotted decimal format. In dotted decimal format, each # should be a number from 0 to 255. This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine. In both of the above formats, port_number is the TCP port number at which the tlisten process will listen for incoming requests. port_number can either be a number between 0 and 65535 or a name. If port_number is a name, then it must be found in the network services database on your local machine. The address can also be specified in hexadecimal format when preceded by the characters "0x". Each character after the initial "0x" is a number between 0 and 9 or a letter between A and F (case insensitive). The hexadecimal format is useful for arbitrary binary network addresses such as IPX/SPX or TCP/IP. The address can also be specified as an arbitrary string.The value should be the same as that specified for the NLSADDR parameter in the NETWORK section of the configuration file.

-u {uid-#| uid-name}
tlisten will run as the indicated user. This option supports the startup of tlisten as part of system initialization by root. This option is required if the user running tlisten is root. The tlisten process can therefore be started by root, but will not run as root. Non-root users of the tlisten command do not need to use the -u option. Non-root users can set the -u option, but it can only be set to their own user id and is effectively a no-op. Each instantiation of a tlisten process on a processor is capable of supporting all BEA TUXEDO applications that use the same application administrator user id.

-z [0|40|128]
When establishing a network link between a BEA TUXEDO administrative process and tlisten, require at least this minimum level of encryption. 0 means no encryption, while 40 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment will fail. The default value is 0.

-Z [0|40|128]
When establishing a network link between a BEA TUXEDO administrative process and tlisten, allow encryption up to this level. 0 means no encryption, while 40 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. The default value is 128. The -z or -Z options are available only if either the International or Domestic BEA TUXEDO system Security Add-on Package is installed.

The tlisten process authenticates most service requests. tlisten reads a file with a list of passwords, and any process requesting a service must present at least one of the passwords found in the file. If the APPDIR environment variable is set, passwords will be obtained from a file named APPDIR/.adm/tlisten.pw. If this file is not found, the system will look for TUXDIR/udataobj/tlisten.pw, which is created when the BEA TUXEDO system is installed. A zero-length or missing password file disables password checking. When running in this insecure mode, the tlisten and any process connecting to tlisten will generate a userlog warning message.

Processes which request services from tlisten such as tmboot find the passwords to be used during authentication in files on their own machines. They use the same methods as the tlisten to find their password files.

Environment Variables

Link-level Encryption

If the link-level encryption feature is in operation between tlisten and a requesting process such as tmboot, then link-level encryption will be negotiated and activated before authentication occurs.


The only way to stop a tlisten process with normal termination is by sending it a SIGTERM signal.

Recommended Use

We recommend that you start one tlisten process for each application upon system startup. Remember to set the TUXDIR and APPDIR environment variables before invoking tlisten.

One alternative method for starting the tlisten process is to start it manually. The -u option can be omitted if the tlisten process is started by the application administrator. Duplicate tlisten command invocations using the same network address will terminate automatically and gracefully log an appropriate message.

Network Addresses

Suppose the local machine on which the tlisten is being run is using TCP/IP addressing and is named backus.company.com, with address Further suppose that the port number at which the tlisten should accept requests is 2334. Assume that port number 2334 has been added to the network services database under the name bankapp-nlsaddr. The address specified by the -l option could be represented in the following ways:


The last of these representations is hexadecimal format. The 0002 is the first part of a TCP/IP address. The 091E is the port number 2334 translated into a hexadecimal number. After that each element of the IP address is translated into a hexadecimal number. Thus the 155 becomes 9B, 2 becomes 02 and so on.

For a STARLAN network, a recommended address of uname.tlisten will usually yield a unique name.

Windows NT Control Panel Applet

Administrative privileges on a remote NT machine are required in order to start a tlisten process on that machine through the Control Panel Applet.

See Also


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