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tmboot-bring up a BEA TUXEDO configuration


tmboot [-l lmid] [-g grpname] [-i srvid] [-s aout] [-o sequence] 
[-S] [-A] [-b] [-B lmid] [-T grpname] [-e command] [-w] [-y] [-q]
[-n] [-c] [-M] [-d1]


tmboot brings up a BEA TUXEDO application in whole or in part depending on the options specified. tmboot can be invoked only by the administrator of the bulletin board (as indicated by the UID parameter in the configuration file) or by root. tmboot can be invoked only on the machine identified as MASTER in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file, or the backup acting as the MASTER, that is, with the DBBL already running (via the master command in tmadmin(1)). Except, if the -b option is used; in that case, the system can be booted from the backup machine without it having been designated as the MASTER.

With no options, tmboot executes all administrative processes and all servers listed in the SERVERS section of the configuration file named by the environment variables, TUXCONFIG and TUXOFFSET. If the MODEL is MP, a DBBL administrative server is started on the machine indicated by the MASTER parameter in the RESOURCES section. An administrative server (BBL) is started on every machine listed in the MACHINES section. For each group in the GROUPS section, TMS servers are started based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters for each entry. All administrative servers are started followed by servers in the SERVERS sections. Any TMS or gateway servers for a group are booted before the first application server in the group is booted. The TUXCONFIG file is propagated to remote machines as necessary. tmboot normally waits for a booted process to complete its initialization (that is, tpsvrinit()) before booting the next process.

Booting a gateway server implies that the gateway advertises its administrative service, and also advertises the application services representing the foreign services based on the CLOPT parameter for the gateway (-A will cause all services defined when the gateway is built with buildgateway(1) to be advertised; -s can be used to give a list of services). If the instantiation has the concept of foreign servers, these servers are booted by the gateway at this time.

Booting an LMID is equivalent to booting all groups on that LMID.

Application servers are booted in the order specified by the SEQUENCE parameter, or in the order of server entries in the configuration file (see description in ubbconfig(5)). If two or more servers in the SERVERS section of the configuration file have the same SEQUENCE parameter, then tmboot may boot these servers in parallel and will not continue until they all complete initialization. Each entry in the SERVERS section can have a MIN and MAX parameter. tmboot boots MIN application servers (the default is 1 if MIN is not specified for the server entry) unless the -i option is specified; using the -i option causes individual servers to be booted up to MAX occurrences.

If a server can not be started, a diagnostic is written on the central event log (and to the standard output, unless -q is specified), and tmboot continues -- except that if the failing process is a BBL, servers that depend on that BBL are silently ignored; if the failing process is a DBBL, tmboot ignores the rest of the configuration file. If a server is configured with an alternate LMID and fails to start on its primary machine, tmboot automatically attempts to start the server on the alternate machine and, if successful, sends a message to the DBBL to update the server group section of TUXCONFIG.

For servers in the SERVERS section, only CLOPT, SEQUENCE, SRVGRP and SRVID are used by tmboot. Collectively, these are known as the server's boot parameters. Once the server has been booted, it reads the configuration file to find its runtime parameters. (See ubbconfig(5) for a description of all parameters.)

All administrative and application servers are booted with APPDIR as their current working directory. The value of APPDIR is specified in the configuration file in the MACHINES section for the machine on which the server is being booted.

The search path for the server executables is APPDIR, followed by TUXDIR/bin, followed by /bin and /usr/bin, followed by any PATH specified in the ENVFILE for the MACHINE. The search path is only used if an absolute path name is not specified for the server. Values placed in the server's ENVFILE are not used for the search path.

When a server is booted, the variables TUXDIR, TUXCONFIG, TUXOFFSET, and APPDIR, with values specified in the configuration file for that machine, are placed in the environment. The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is also placed in the environment of all servers. Its value defaults to $APPDIR:$TUXDIR/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:lib> where lib> is the value of the first LD_LIBRARY_PATH= line appearing in the machine ENVFILE. See ubbconfig(5) for a description of the syntax and use of the ENVFILE.

The ULOGPFX for the server is also set up at boot time based on the parameter for the machine in the configuration file. If not specified, it defaults to $APPDIR/ULOG.

All of these operations are performed before the application initialization function, tpsvrinit(), is called.

Many of the command line options of tmboot serve to limit the way in which the system is booted and can be used to boot a partial system. The following options are supported:

-l lmid
For each group whose associated LMID parameter is lmid, all TMS and gateway servers associated with the group are booted and all servers in the SERVERS section associated with those groups are executed.

-g grpname
All TMS and gateway servers for the group whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname are started followed by all servers in the SERVERS section associated with that group. TMS servers are started based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters for the group entry.

-i srvid
All servers in the SERVERS section whose SRVID parameter is srvid are executed.

-s aout
All servers in the SERVERS section with name aout are executed. This option can also be used to boot TMS and gateway servers; normally this option would be used in this way in conjunction with the -g option.

-o sequence
All servers in the SERVERS section with SEQUENCE parameter sequence are executed.

All servers in the SERVERS section are executed.

All administrative servers for machines in the MACHINES section are executed. Use this option to guarantee that the DBBL and all BBL and BRIDGE processes are brought up in the correct order (also see the -M option).

Boot the system from the BACKUP machine, (without having to make it the MASTER).

-B lmid
A BBL is started on a processor with logical name lmid.

This option starts administrative servers on the master machine. If the MODEL is MP, a DBBL administrative server is started on the machine indicated by the MASTER parameter in the RESOURCES section. A BBL is started on the MASTER machine, and a BRIDGE is started if the LAN option and a NETWORK entry are specified in the configuration file.

Causes command line options to be printed on the standard output. Useful when preparing to use sdb to debug application services.

-T grpname
All TMS servers for the group whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname are started (based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters associated with the group entry). This option is the same as booting based on the TMS server name (-s option) and the group name (-g).

-e command
Causes command to be executed if any process fails to boot successfully. command can be any program, script, or sequence of commands understood by the command interpreter specified in the SHELL environment variable. This allows an opportunity to bail out of the boot procedure. If command contains white space, the entire string must be enclosed in quotes. This command is executed on the machine on which tmboot is being run, not on the machine where the server is being booted.

Informs tmboot not to wait for servers to complete initialization before booting another server.This option should be used with caution. BBLs depend on the presence of a valid DBBL, ordinary servers require a running BBL on the processor on which they are placed. These conditions can not be guaranteed if servers are not started in a synchronized manner.This option overrides the waiting that is normally done when servers have sequence numbers.

Assumes a yes answer to a prompt that asks if all administrative and server processes should be booted. (The prompt appears only when the command is entered with none of the limiting options.)

Suppresses the printing of the execution sequence on the standard output. It implies -y.

The execution sequence is printed, but not performed.

Minimum IPC resources needed for this configuration are printed.

When the -l, -g, -i, -o, and -s options are used in combination, only servers that satisfy all qualifications specified will be booted. The -l, -g, -s, and -T options cause TMS servers to be booted; the -l, -g, and -s options cause gateway servers to be booted; the -l, -g, -i, -o, -s, and -S options apply to application servers. Options that boot application servers will fail if a BBL is not available on the machine.The -A, -M, and -B options apply only to administrative processes.

The standard input, standard output, and standard error file descriptors will be closed for all booted servers.


tmboot must run on the master node, which in an interoperating application must be the highest release available. tmboot detects and reports configuration file conditions that would lead to the booting of administrative servers such asWorkstation listeners on sites that cannot support them.


tmboot is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied administrative tool on UNIX operating systems only.

Environment Variables

During the installation process, an administrative password file is created. When necessary, BEA TUXEDO searches for this file in the following directories (in the order shown): APPDIR/.adm/tlisten.pw TUXDIR/udataobj/tlisten.pwTo ensure that your password file will be found, make sure you have set the APPDIR and/or TUXDIR environment variables.

Link-Level Encryption

If the link-level encryption feature is in operation between tmboot and tlisten, link-level encryption will be negotiated and activated first to protect the process by which messages are authenticated.


If TUXCONFIG is set to a non-existent file, two fatal error messages are displayed: error processing configuration file configuration file not found

If tmboot fails to boot a server, it will exit with exit code 1 and the user log should be examined for further details; otherwise it will exit with exit code 0.

If tmboot is run on an inactive non-master node, a fatal error message is displayed: tmboot cannot run on a non-master node.

If tmboot is run on an active node that is not the acting master node, a fatal error message is displayed: tmboot cannot run on a non acting-master node in an active application.

If the same IPCKEY is used in more than one TUXCONFIG file, tmboot fails with the following message: Configuration file parameter has been changed since last tmboot

If there are multiple node names in the MACHINES section in a non-LAN configuration, a fatal error message is displayed: Multiple nodes not allowed in MACHINES for non-LAN application.

If tlisten is not running on the MASTER machine in a LAN application, a warning message will be printed. In this case, tmadmin(1) will not be able to run in administrator mode on remote machines; it will be limited to read-only operations. This also means that the backup site will be unable to to reboot the master site after failure.


To start only those servers located on the machines logically named CS0 and CS1: tmboot -l CS0 -l CS1To start only those servers named CREDEB and belonging to group DBG1: tmboot -g DBG1 -s CREDEB1To boot a BBL on the machine logically named PE8, as well as all those servers whose location is specified as PE8: tmboot -B PE8 -l PE8

To view minimum IPC resources needed for the configuration: tmboot -c

The following is an example of the output produced by the -c option:

Ipc sizing (minimum /T values only) ...  
Fixed Minimums Per Processor
Variable Minimums Per Processor
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
sfpup 60 1 60 A + 1 10 20 76K
sfsup 63 5 63 A + 1 11 22 76K
where 1 = A = 8.

The number of expected application clients per processor should be added to each MSGMNI value. MSGMAP should be twice MSGMNI. SHMMIN should always be set to 1.

The minimum IPC requirements can be compared to the parameters set for your machine. See the System Administrator's Guide for your machine for information about how to change these parameters. If the -y option is used, the display will differ slightly from the above example.


The tmboot command ignores the hangup signal (SIGHUP). If a signal is detected during boot, the process continues.

Minimum IPC resources displayed with the -c option apply only to the configuration described in the configuration file specified; IPC resources required for a resource manager, for a mask cache, or for other BEA TUXEDO configurations are not considered in the calculation.

See Also

tmadmin(1), tmshutdown(1), tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5), Administereing the BEA TUXEDO System

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