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tpaclcvt-convert BEA TUXEDO security data files


TUXCONFIG=tuxconfig tpaclcvt [-u userfile] [-g groupfile]


tpaclcvt checks and converts the existing user file used by the BEA TUXEDO system 5 AUTHSVR into the format used for BEA TUXEDO system 6. It will also generate a group file based on /etc/group or a similar file. The following options are available:

-u userfile
The name of the BEA TUXEDO user file. If not specified, the user file is not converted.

-g groupfile
The name of the group file, normally /etc/group. If not specified, the group file is not converted.

Before running this command, the application must be configured using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf(1). tpaclcvt must be run on the configuration MASTER when the application is not active.


This command is available only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO Release 6.0 or later.

See Also

tpgrpadd(1), tpusradd(1), AUTHSVR(5), Administering the BEA TUXEDO System

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