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viewc, viewc32-View compiler for BEA TUXEDO views


viewc [-n] [-d viewdir] [-C] viewfile [viewfile ...] 
viewc32 [-n] [-d
viewdir] [-C] viewfile [viewfile ...]


viewc is a view compiler program.It takes a source viewfile and produces:

viewc32 is used for 32-bit FML. It uses the FIELDTBLS32 and FLDTBLDIR32 environment variables.

The viewfile is a file containing source view descriptions. More than one viewfile can be specified on the viewc command line as long as the same VIEW name is not used in more than one viewfile.

By default, all views in the viewfile are compiled and two or more files are created: a view object file (suffixed with .V) and a C header file (suffixed with .h). The name of the object file is viewfile.V in the current directory unless an alternate directory is specified through the -d option. C header files are created in the current directory.

If the -C option is specified, then one COBOL copy file is created for each VIEW defined in the viewfile. These copy files are created in the current directory.

At viewc compile time, the compiler matches each fieldid and field name specified in the viewfile with information obtained from the field table file, and stores mapping information in an object file for later use. Therefore, it is essential to set and export the environment variables FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR to point to the related field table file. For more information on FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR please refer to the BEA TUXEDO FML Programmer's Guide and the BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide.

If the viewc compiler can not match a field name with its fieldid because either the environment variables are not set properly or the field table file does not contain the field name, a warning message Field not found is displayed.

With the -n option, it is possible to create a view description file for a C structure that is not mapped to an FML buffer. The BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide tells how to create and use such an independent view description file.

The following options are interpreted by viewc:

used when compiling a view description file for a C structure that does not map to an FML buffer. It informs the view compiler not to look for FML information.

-d viewdir
used to specify that the view object file is to be created in a directory other than the current directory.

used to specify that COBOL copy files are to be created.


The output view file is a binary file that is machine and compiler dependent. That is, it will not work to generate a view on one machine with a specific compiler and use it on another machine type or with a compiler that generates structure offsets differently (e.g., different padding or packing).

When a view file description file is compiled on DOS or OS/2, the name of the object file has a .VV suffix instead of a .V suffix because the file names are not case dependent. The following additional options are recognized.

-m {m | l}
specifies the memory model to be used for compilation and linking of a client. The supported values for this option are m and l for the medium and large memory models, respectively. The large memory model is the default for this option. The -m option is supported for DOS only.

-c {m | b}
specifies the C compilation system to be used. The supported value for this option is m for the Microsoft C compiler. The Microsoft C compiler is the default for this option. The -c option is supported for DOS and WINDOWS only.

-1 filename
specifies that pass 1 should be run, and the resulting batch file should be called filename.bat should be created. After this file is created, it, should be executed before running pass 2. Using pass 1 and pass 2 increases the size of the views that can be compiled.

-2 filename
specifies that pass 2 should be run to complete processing, using the output from pass 1.

See Also

Fintro(3), BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide

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