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CMDGW Messages 3700-3799


ERROR: AET=<string> is in an invalid format (IC = number)


The value of AET in DM_OSITP section is in invalid format.


Specify a valid value and re-load the configuration.

See Also



WARN: Cannot update own queue table entry


When the Domain gateway was booted, it was unable to update its own BEA TUXEDO system queue table entry with the proper flags. This failure will prevent the gateway from receiving either conversational or RPC type requests.


Look to see whether an earlier userlog message gives further information on the failure. Shut down the application and r eboot it to clear any corrupted memory that may be present. Consider running the application temporarily with SYST EM_ACCESS set to PROTECTED|NO_OVERRIDE in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG< /code> file. This setting will slow performance, but will prevent the possibility of application corruption of shared me mory. If the problem still persists when running with SYSTEM_ACCESS set to PROTECTED|NO_OVERRIDE, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.