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ISNAT Messages 1100-1199


ERROR: -n option is required


The IIOP Server Listener process was invoked without the -n option. This parameter contains the well-known network address used by the IIOP Server Listener, and is required. The IIOP Server Listener process is exiting due to the absence of a required option.


Examine the configuration file and determine the change that needs to be made to the CLOPT argument for the IIOP Server Listener process. The -n option must occur, must have an appropriate option argument, and must be located after the double dash (--) that separates WLE options from ISL specific options. The options for a server may be updated while the system is running through use of the tmconfig (1) command, or while the system is shut down by reloading the configuration file through use of tmloadcf (1).

See Also

The tmconfig (1) and tmloadcf (1) commands and the ISL command.

For information about the tmconfig (1) and tmloadcf (1) commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.

For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Bad -m option


The IIOP Server Listener process was invoked with an -m option that specified an option argument outside the allowed range. The -m option specifies the minimum number of handlers that should be available at any given time in conjunction with this IIOP Server Listener. The legal range is between 0 and 255. The IIOP Server Listener process is exiting due to an error in its arguments.


Change the value for the ISL command -m option so that it is within the legal range. The options for a server may be updated while the system is running through use of the tmconfig (1) command, or while the system is shut down by reloading the configuration file through use of tmloadcf (1).

See Also

The tmconfig (1), tmloadcf (1), and ubbconfig (5) commands and the ISL command.

For information about the tmconfig (1), tmloadcf (1), and ubbconfig (5) commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.

For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Bad -x option


The IIOP Server Listener process was invoked with an -x option that specified an option argument outside the allowed range. The -x option specifies the degree of multiplexing desired within each IIOP Server Handler. The legal range is between 1 and 32767. The IIOP Server Listener process is exiting due to an error in its arguments.


Change the value for the ISL command -x option so that it is within the legal range. The options for a server may be updated while the system is running through use of the tmconfig (1) command, or while the system is shut down by reloading the configuration file through use of tmloadcf (1).

See Also

The tmconfig (1), tmloadcf (1), and ubbconfig (5) commands and the ISL command.

For information about the tmconfig (1), tmloadcf (1), and ubbconfig (5) commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.

For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Bad -M option


The IIOP Server Listener process was invoked with an ISL command -M option that specified an option argument outside the allowed range. The -M option specifies the maximum number of handlers that should be available at any given time in conjunction with this IIOP Server Listener. The legal range is between 1 and 32767. The IIOP Server Listener process is exiting due to an error in its arguments.


Change the value for the ISL command -M option so that it is within the legal range. The options for a server may be updated while the system is running through use of the tmconfig (1) command, or while the system is shut down by reloading the configuration file through use of tmloadcf (1).

See Also

The tmconfig (1), tmloadcf (1), and ubbconfig (5) commands and the command.

For information about the tmconfig (1), tmloadcf (1), and ubbconfig (5) commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.

For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Error receiving unsolicited message, tperrno = tperrno_val


The IIOP Server Handler process experienced an error while receiving an unsolicited message. The numeric value of tperrno is also printed; this value can aid in determining the exact cause of the problem. You can convert a numeric value of tperrno to a symbolic value by looking in the <atmi.h> header file. In most cases, there is also a preceding message in the user log that gives further information as to the cause of the error.


Examine the user log for any immediately preceding messages giving further information as to the cause of the error. Also examine the user log on the site that sent the failed unsolicited message for further clues as to the cause of the error. Contact BEA Technical Support.

See Also

The tperrno(5) command. For information about the tperrno(5) command, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


ERROR: Error receiving messages, tperrno = TPEOS, Uunixerr = UMSGRCV


The UNIX system msgrcv system call returned an error to the IIOP Server Handler process. A prior message in the user log provides more information as to the cause of the error.


Examine the prior message in the user log to determine the specific UNIX system error associated with this msgrcv failure. If the failure is not transient and the IIOP Server Handler is still active, the IIOP Server Listener may need to restart this particular IIOP Server Handler. Contact BEA Technical Support.

See Also

The tperrno (5) and Uunix_err (3c) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


ERROR: Handler received unexpected unsolicited opcode opcode_value


The IIOP Server Handler process received an unsolicited message that contained an unexpected internal opcode. The opcode value is printed as part of the error message.


Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Failed to process broadcast message


The IIOP Server Handler process received a broadcast message to be forwarded to the appropriate client application(s). However, it was unable to process this message for forwarding to the client application(s).


A previous message in the user log may indicate a more precise cause of the error and may indicate a corrective action. The client applications associated with this IIOP Server Handler did not receive the broadcast message sent to them. Depending on the particular situation, these client applications may need to be informed of the broadcast in another way. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Couldn't change to client context context_number, continuing


IIOP Server Handler encountered an error when switching to the context of a client application when dropping all connections during shutdown.


The connection is ignored. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Sending of broadcast message to client failed


The IIOP Server Handler process received a broadcast message to be forwarded to the appropriate client application(s). However, it was unable to process this message for forwarding to one of the client applications. Often, this error is due to a network error.


Use network management utilities to determine whether any networking problems exist between the machine on which the IIOP Server Handler process is running and its associated client application. Also, examine the user log to see whether any immediately preceding entries give a more detailed explanation for the error. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Failed to process notification message


The IIOP Server Handler process received a notification message to be forwarded to a client application. However, it was unable to process this message for forwarding to the client application.


If a prior message in the user log provides further explanation for the cause of the problem, follow the recommendations listed for that message. Otherwise, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Couldn't change to client context context_number, continuing


The IIOP Server Handler encountered an error switching to the context of a client application when dropping all connections during shutdown.


The connection is ignored. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Sending of notification message to client failed


The IIOP Server Handler process received a notification message to be forwarded to a client application. However, it was unable to process this message for forwarding to the client application. Often, this error is due to a network error.


Use network management utilities to determine whether any networking problems exist between the machine on which the IIOP Server Handler process is running and its associated client application. Also, examine the user log to see whether any immediately preceding entries give a more detailed explanation for the error. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: tpchkauth() failed, tperrno = tperrno_val


As part of its startup processing, the IIOP Server Handler process attempted to determine whether application authentication is required by this application configuration, but encountered an error while trying to obtain this information. A numeric value of tperrno is printed as part of the error message; you can convert this value to a symbolic value by examining <atmi.h>.


Examine the user log for a prior message indicating a more exact cause of the error. Contact BEA Technical Support.

See Also

The tperrno (5) command. For information about this command, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


ERROR: Couldn't get administrative key for decrypting client messages


The process was unable to access the encoded form of the password used to create the encryption/decryption schedule employed between the IIOP Server Handler and client applications.


Verify that the process is running under the system administrator's ID. Also, verify that the file $APPDIR/.adm/.keydb has not been accidentally removed and that the TUXCONFIG file has not been corrupted. If either of these two files is corrupted, you need to reload the TUXCONFIG file. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Failed to send message to authentication server, tperrno = tperrno_val


The IIOP Server Handler failed to send the TPINIT information to the authentication server. The call to tpacall failed with tperrno set to tperrno_val. This failure causes the IIOP Server Handler to return an error to the client application with tperrno set to TPEPERM.


Check the error number, tperrno_val, and determine why the call to the authentication server failed. Most likely, the authentication server is not booted. In this case, boot the authentication server. If tperrno_val is set to TPESYSTEM or TPEOS, check the user log for other error messages that may indicate the exact nature of the problem and the reason for this failure. Contact BEA Technical Support.

See Also

The tpinit (3c), tpacall, and tperrno (5) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


ERROR: Unable to assign connection request, can't create any more handlers


The IIOP Server Listener failed to start a new IIOP Server Handler. This error may be due to no more IIOP Server Handlers being available, an error in the formatting of the command line for the IIOP Server Handler, an error in retrieving the machine table entry for the IIOP Server Listener in the Bulletin Board, or an error executing the IIOP Server Handler.


Check the user log for other error messages that may indicate the exact nature of the problem and the reason for this failure. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Failed to create encryption/decryption schedule


The IIOP Server Handler failed to create an encryption/decryption schedule. The function used to create the encryption/decryption schedule is called _tpcryptinit. This function is part of an internal interface that is designed to support various methods of data encryption.


This error probably indicates a WLE system or operating system error. Check the user log for other error messages that may indicate the exact nature of the problem and the reason for this failure. The _tpcryptinit function may also fail because an invalid argument was given. In this case, contact BEA Technical Support.

See Also

The encryption(3i) command. For information about this command, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


ERROR: Decryption of challenge request failed


While a client application was attempting to join the application, the challenge request message could not be decrypted.


Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Encryption of challenge request failed


While a client application was attempting to join the application, the challenge request message could not be decrypted.


Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Expected numeric argument to -D option


An invalid argument was passed to the IIOP Server Listener command-line option. The argument to the ISL command -D option needs to be numeric. This error causes the IIOP Server Listener not to be booted.


Make sure the argument to the ISL command -D option is numeric.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Expected numeric argument to -M option


An invalid argument was passed to the IIOP Server Listener command-line option. The argument to the ISL command -M option needs to be numeric. This error causes the IIOP Server Listener not to be booted.


Make sure the argument to the ISL command -M option is numeric.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Expected numeric argument to -m option


An invalid argument was passed to the IIOP Server Listener command-line option. The argument to the -m option needs to be numeric. This error causes the IIOP Server Listener not to be booted.


Make sure the argument to the -m option is numeric.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


WARN: Disconnecting listener connection to client, connection timed out


The IIOP Server Listener scans its handler table and times out any connections that are overdue, restarts any dead handlers, and allocates any blocked connection requests to a handler that is available. When scanning this table, the IIOP Server Listener found a handler that was waiting for a connection that had timed out. The IIOP Server Listener proceeded and forced the connection closed.


Contact BEA Technical Support.


WARN: Disconnecting listener connection to client, request timed out


The IIOP Server Listener scans its handler table and times out any connections that are overdue, restarts any dead handlers, and allocates any blocked connection requests to a handler that is available. When scanning this table, the IIOP Server Listener found a blocked connection request that had not been passed to an available handler. Because the time to assign a handler expired, the IIOP Server Listener proceeded and forced the connection to close.


This error probably indicates that the number of client applications that need to join the application cannot be supported by the existing configuration. The command-line options for the ISL command should be modified to support a larger number of client applications. The ISL command -m, -M, and -x options should be used to that effect.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Invalid -T option = num


The -T command-line option for the ISL command had an invalid argument. The value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 70409299.


Reconfigure the CLOPT parameter for the ISL command and reboot the process. For information about the ISL command , see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Expected numeric argument to -T option


The -T command-line option for the ISL command had a nonnumeric argument.


Reconfigure the CLOPT parameter for the ISL command and reboot the process. For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


INFO: Userid: [user], Clientid: [client] timed out due to inactivity


A client application attached to the application has been invalid for longer than the configured timeout value, specified via the -T command-line option of the ISL command. The associated user name and client application name are printed.




ERROR: Cannot convert message with unknown protocol num


The IIOP Server Handler received a message from a client application with an unknown protocol number, num.


Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Cannot convert message from protocol num1 to num2


The IIOP Server Handler received a message to or from a client application with a protocol version that cannot be converted.


Contact BEA Technical Support.


INFO: Reestablished network address string


A previously suspended IIOP Server Listener process has been unsuspended and has reestablished its network address.


Informational message, no action required.

See Also

The MIB(5) and WS_MIB(5) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


INFO: Network address disabled


An IIOP Server Listener process has been suspended and has disabled its listening network address to disallow further incoming connections.


Informational message, no action required.

See Also

The MIB(5) and WS_MIB(5) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


INFO: Abortively disconnecting client user[usr], client[clt]


An IIOP Server Handler is disconnecting the virtual circuit associated with a particular client application (<usr>/<clt>) because of an administrative request to set the client application state to DEAD.


Informational message, no action required.


WARN: Failed to reestablish network address string


A previously suspended IIOP Server Listener server was administratively unsuspended but could not reestablish its network address.


Failure to reestablish the network address is usually caused either by a failure of the network drivers on the machine to clear the previously held network address or by another process claiming the network address while the listener was suspended. In the former case, the network address eventually is released by the system and the IIOP Server Listener reestablishes its network address through its periodic retry mechanism; therefore, no action is required in this case. In the latter case, local commands may be used to determine what processes and users are occupying the network address; these processes and users should be asked to relinquish the address.

See Also

The UNIX netstat command, the Microsoft Windows NT NetStatisticsGet command, and the MIB(5) and WS_MIB(5) commands.

For information about the netstat command, see the UNIX manual page.

For information about the NetStatisticsGet command, see Microsoft Visual C++ online help.

For information about the MIB(5) and WS_MIB(5) commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


INFO: Terminating handlers in preparation for shutdown


The IIOP Server Listener is shutting down and in preparation is about to terminate its associated IIOP Server Handler processes.


Informational message, no action required.

See Also

The MIB(5), tmshutdown(1), and WS_MIB(5) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


INFO: Exiting system


The IIOP Server Listener has completed its shutdown and is exiting the system.


Informational message, no action required.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


WARN: .SysClientDied: User usrname on clientname client died


This message indicates that the specified client application exited the application without ending the session. The client applications should call either the PrincipalAuthenticator::logoff() function or the Tobj_Bootstrap::destroy_current() function before exiting the application.


This is an informational message. No action is required.

See Also

The PrincipalAuthenticator::logoff() and the Tobj_Bootstrap::destroy_current() functions. For information about these functions, see the BEA WLE C++ Programming Reference.