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LIBTUX Messages 6300-6399


WARN: RM associated with this multi-threaded server does not support xa_end(TMMIGRATE), Transactions may not work correctly


This message is issued when a multi-threaded server is started. If the RM associated with this server does not support the TMMIGRATE flag when calling xa_end() then transactions may not work properly.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support or your database system vendor. The database system documentation may contain more information about what flags can be used with the xa_end() call.


ERROR: Custom configuration error, error code val


Failed to set server custom configuration information.


This is an internal error, please contact customer support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failed!


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system failed.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


WARN: MAXQUEUELEN parameter is invalid with PER_REQUEST concurrency strategy, it will be ignored.


The optonal MAXQUEUELEN server parameter is specified for a CORBA server with concurrency strategy set to PER_REQUEST. This parameter is only valid for a CORBA server with concurrency strategy set to PER_OBJECT. This parameter will be ignored at runtime.


Remove this parameter from the offending server entry in the UBBCONFIG file.


WARN: MAXQUEUELEN parameter is invalid with TUXEDO server, it will be ignored.


The optional MAXQUEUELEN server parameter is specified for a TUXEDO server. This parameter only valid for a CORBA server with concurrency strategy set to PER_OBJKECT. This parameter will be ignored at runtime.


Remove this parameter from the offending server entry in the UBBCONFIG file.


ERROR: Fatal! Failed to select an inactive thread, corruption suspected, shutting server down!


The system detected a fatal error while trying to select an inactive thread from the thread pool that is configured in a multi-threaded server.


This message is supplied when the server has found a condition which does not al low the server to continue operation. The most common cause is corrupted memory, but other conditions could also cause this behavior. The server will shut itself down. If you believe that the memory in the server has not been corrupted, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Fatal! Failed to allocate memory for message queue element, shutting server down!


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system failed while trying to create a queue element for storing messages destined for an active thread in a multi-threaded server.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: The -L option is valid only for RPC (non-conversational) servers running in SHM mode with load balancing.


In order to use the server pool option -L, the server must not be a conversational server.


Make sure the server is not conversational by specifying CONV=N in the SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file for the affected server. Make sure the application is running in SHM mode. Remember that SHM mode applications should have no NETWORK section in the UBBCONFIG file and should have MODEL set to SHM. Turn load balancing on in the application by specifying LDBAL to Y in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file.

See Also



WARN: Access control violation - unknown user on LMID tried to access acl_type target


A client attempted to access a service, event, or queue for which it was not granted access via an access control list. The machine logical name LMID type of controlled resource acl_type and operation target target are printed.


No action required. The access fails with an error and an event is generated. Further action may be required on the part of the security administrator.


INFO: .SysACLPerm: unknown user on LMID tried to access acl_type target


A client attempted to access a service, event, or queue for which it was not granted access via an access control list. An event is generated giving the machine logical name LMID type of controlled resource acl_type and operation target target.


No action required. The access fails with an error and an event is generated. Further action may be required on the part of the security administrator.


ERROR: tpcall(authsvc) failed in init_sec_context, error


The native client or server was not able to initialize the security context with the authentication server. The error was error.


Contact your AAA (authentication, authorization, auditing) security service provider. If you are using the default AAA security service from BEA, contact BEA Customer Support. Report error to technical support.