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LIBGW Messages 5200-5299


WARN: Transaction became HEURISTIC HAZARD


The Domains Gateway library software detected this condition while trying to process a commit operation. This messages indicates that the transaction is in a HEURISTIC HAZARD state. This is a warning message to alert the user that the transaction may be out of synchronization.


Review the transaction log for the transaction and attempt to determine the cause for the indicated condition.

See Also



WARN: Transaction became HEURISTIC MIX


The Domains Gateway library software detected this condition while trying to process a commit operation. This messages indicates that the transaction is in a HEURISTIC MIX state. This is a warning message to alert the user that the transaction may be out of synchronization.


Review the transaction log for the transaction and attempt to determine the cause for the indicated condition.

See Also



WARN: Transaction returning HEURISTIC HAZARD result


The Domains Gateway library software detected this condition while trying to process a TMS_DONE event. This messages indicates that the transaction is in a HEURISTIC HAZARD state. This is a warning message to alert the user that the transaction may be out of synchronization.


Review the transaction log for the transaction and attempt to determine the cause for the indicated condition.

See Also



WARN: Transaction returning HEURISTIC MIX result


The Domains Gateway library software detected this condition while trying to process a TMS_DONE event. This messages indicates that the transaction is in a HEURISTIC MIX state. This is a warning message to alert the user that the transaction may be out of synchronization.


Review the transaction log for the transaction and attempt to determine the cause for the indicated condition.

See Also



ERROR: Invalid action action specified


The Domains Gateway library software detected an internal error while trying to schedule an action to be processed. The action specified is not a valid action.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the error persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: Maximum action table size(max size) reached


The Domains Gateway library software detected an internal error while trying to schedule an action to be processed. The action table has reached the maximum size allowable max size.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the error persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: No more memory available to expand action table


The Domains Gateway library software detected an internal error while trying to schedule an action to be processed. The action table cannot be expanded due to the lack of virtual memory.


Attempt to identify and stop any extraneous processes to free up virtual memory on your system.

See Also



ERROR: Program limit exceeded, terminate Domain Gateway process


The Domains Gateway library software detected an internal error while trying to schedule an action to be processed. The action table has reached the maximum size allowable and the maximum number of failures of this type has been reached.


Shutdown the failed Domains Gateway process and then restart it to clear the error condition.

See Also



ERROR: Unable to recover, terminate Domain Gateway process


The Domains Gateway library software detected an internal error while trying to schedule an action to be processed. The maximum number of scheduling failures has been reached and the process cannot recover.


Shutdown the failed Domains Gateway process and then restart it to clear the error condition.

See Also



ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_SNADOM section


The Domains Administrative server detected an internal error during initialization. The DM_SNADOM section of the BDMCONFIG file could not be opened.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the message persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_RDOMSEC section


The Domains Administrative server detected an internal error during initialization. The DM_RDOMSEC section of the BDMCONFIG file could not be opened.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the message persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_RDOMUSR section


The Domains Administrative server detected an internal error during initialization. The DM_RDOMUSR section of the BDMCONFIG file could not be opened.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the message persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: Can't add SNADOM entry into table


The Gateway Administrative server detected an internal error during initialization. An internal function call returned a failure trying to add an entry to the SNADOM table in shared memory.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the message persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_SNADOM section


The Domains Administrative server detected an internal error during initialization. The DM_SNADOM section of the BDMCONFIG file could not be opened.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the message persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: Unable to determine license level


An error occurred while retrieving the current license attributes.


Check the log for prior messages indicating the cause of the problem. Normally, it means that the product has not been licensed properly.


WARN: Domain compression configured for val, but no license available


You do not have a license to use Domains compression.


Purchase a license for Domains compression.


ERROR: Unable to determine license level


An error occurred while retrieving the current license attributes.


Check the log for prior messages indicating the cause of the problem. Normally, it means that the product has not been licensed properly.


ERROR: Domain compression configured for val, but no license available


You do not have a license to use Domains compression.


Purchase a license for Domains compression.


ERROR: Unable to determine license level


An error occurred while retrieving the current license attributes.


Check the log for prior messages indicating the cause of the problem. Normally, it means that the product has not been licensed properly.


ERROR: Domain compression configured for val, but no license available


You do not have a license to use Domains compression.


Purchase a license for Domains compression.


WARN: Domain svc advertising can only be done with dmadmin


You attempted to dynamically advertise a domain service via tmadmin. This is only allowed via dmadmin.


Use dmadmin to advertise the remote domain service.

See Also



ERROR: Can't add name entry into table table. (IC = code)


An error was encountered by the Gateway Administrative Server (GWADM) while building shared memory tables during server initialization. Entry name could not be added to the shared memory table table. The value of code is an internal error code used for diagnosis.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the error persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open section section. (IC = code)


An error was encountered by the Domains Administrative Server (DMADM) while attempting to open the BDMCONFIG file. The section section could not be opened. The sections of the BDMCONFIG may be unreadable due to corruption of the BDMCONFIG file. The value of code is an internal error code used for diagnosis.


Attempt to unload the BDMCONFIG file using dmunloadcf(1). If the BDMCONFIG file is corrupted, it may be necessary to rebuild the BDMCONFIG file using dmloadcf(1)

See Also

DMADM(5), dmloadcf(1), dmunloadcf(1)


ERROR: Can't setup links from name entry to name entry. (IC = code)


An error was encountered by the Domains Administrative Server (DMADM) while linking shared memory tables during server initialization. The names entries could not be linked in shared memory. The value of code is an internal error code used for diagnosis.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the error persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support with the exact error message.

See Also



ERROR: Bad conversational sequence number


The Domains Gateway encountered a problem while processing a conversational message. The conversational message was received in the incorrect order.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Recovery cannot insert log record blob


The Domains Gateway detected an error during warmstart processing. The Domains Gateway was unable to restore the Network transaction blob in shared memory during transaction recovery. This can occur because either an internal pointer was corrupted, the shared memory lock could not be obtained, or storage could not be obtained.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, then please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure, size(bytes)


A Domains Gateway process detected an error during initialization processing. The gateway process was unable to allocate memory for the gateway information data structure.


Shut down unused applications, and reboot the Gateway.


ERROR: Cannot get Local Domain from shared memory


A Domains Gateway process detected an error during initialization processing. The gateway process was unable to retrieve local domain definition information from shared memory. This can occur if there is another process holding the shared memory lock, or if the record is missing from shared memory.


Ensure that the Local Domain definition in the dmconfig(5) file is correct. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot get Local Domain ID from shared memory


A Domains Gateway process detected an error during initialization processing. The gateway process was unable to retrieve local domain identification information from shared memory. This can occur if there is another process holding the shared memory lock, or if the record is missing from shared memory.


Ensure that the Local Domain identification definition (DOMAINID) in the dmconfig(5) file is correct. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Can't release domain shared memory lock


The Gateway Administrative Server (GWADM) encountered an error while checking for transaction log requests. The GWADM process was unable to release the Domains Gateway shared memory lock.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot get shmem lock, failed to clear the old events


The Domains Gateway Server encountered an error during initialization processing. The Gateway process was unable to obtain the Domains Gateway shared memory lock.


This is an internal error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Can't get domain shared memory lock


The Gateway Administrative Server (GWADM) encountered an error while checking for transaction log requests. The GWADM process was unable to obtain the Domains Gateway shared memory lock.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Cannot access Domain log table


The Domains Gateway process encountered an error during initialization processing. The Gateway process was unable to access the Domains Gateway transaction log table in shared memory.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Recovery cannot set branch state for domain domain name


The Domains Gateway process encountered an error during warmstart processing. The Gateway process for domain domain name failed to set a transaction branch to a known state during transaction recovery. This can be caused by failing to get the shared memory lock, by reaching the maximum number of remote domains that can be involved in one transaction, or by reaching the maximum number of transactions allowed for this Domains Gateway.


Make sure that the MAXTRAN, and the MAXRDTRAN parameters in the dmconfig(5) file are set appropriately for your application. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also



INFO: Warmstart processing transaction as coordinating domain


This is an informational message indicating that the Domains Gateway process is the transaction coordinator during warmstart processing. The Domains Gateway is recovering transactions from the Domain transaction log. For the transaction identified as part of the userlog(3c) message, the Domains Gateway is the coordinator of the transaction.


No action required, this is an informational message.

See Also



INFO: Warmstart processing transaction as subordinate to domain domain


This is an informational message indicating that the Domains Gateway process is subordinate to domain domain name during warmstart processing. The Domains Gateway is recovering transactions from the Domain transaction log. For the transaction identified as part of the userlog(3c) message, the Domains Gateway is subordinate to coordinator domain domain name.


No action required, this is an informational message.

See Also



ERROR: Can't get domain shared memory lock!


The Gateway Administrative Server (GWADM) encountered an error while writing a transaction log record. The Gateway process was unable to obtain the shared memory lock.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Can't release domain shared memory lock!


The Gateway Administrative Server (GWADM) encountered an error while writing a transaction log record. The Gateway process was unable to obtain the shared memory lock.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Can't get domain shared memory lock


The Gateway Administrative Server (GWADM) encountered an error while checking for log requests. The Gateway process was unable to obtain the shared memory lock.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Can't release domain shared memory lock


The Gateway Administrative Server (GWADM) encountered an error while checking for log requests. The Gateway process was unable to release the shared memory lock.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also



INFO: Domain log page page skipped, header chksum didn't match


The Gateway Server encountered a problem during warmstart processing. The Gateway process was unable to process the log page page due to a checksum error.


This is an informational message with no associated user action.


WARN: Can't send log request to GWADM. Performance may suffer


Can't send log request to GWADM.


None. The GWADM will still periodically (every 100ms) check for log requests on the log list. This may result in slower performance, since the log write will not occur until the next time the GWADM checks the log list.


WARN: Can't send log ind to gateway. Performance may suffer


Can't send log indication to gateway.


None. The gateway will still periodically (every 100ms) check for log indications on the logged list. This may result in slower performance, since the gateway will not continue processing that transaction until the next time the gateway checks the logged list.


WARN: Can't send log ind to gateway. Performance may suffer


Can't send log indication to gateway.


None. The gateway will still periodically (every 100ms) check for log indications on the logged list. This may result in slower performance, since the gateway will not continue processing that transaction until the next time the gateway checks the logged list.


ERROR: Invalid sendlist error


The Gateway Server encountered a problem during transaction processing.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Failed to set non-blocking priority for TMS request


While attempting to send a TMS message, a Domains gateway process was unable to increase the priority of a non-blocking request. By itself, this failure will not result in any incorrect operation other than a possible minor performance degradation. However, it may be symptomatic of problems elsewhere in the system, since this call should not normally fail.


This is an internal processing error with no associated user action. If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Cannot send to service "TMS" due to error "error"


The Domains Gateway was managing a transaction and had attempted to send a message to a TMS service via a tpacall, and that call failed. The string value displayed in the message identifies the value of tperno returned by tpacall.


A possible cause for this error may be that the TMS process has terminated for some reason. Please check and ensure that all TMS processes are running. If further assistance is needed, please contact the BEA TUXEDO Administrator.


ERROR: Precommit found an invalid transaction state sname


The BEA TUXEDO System was precommiting a transaction. The transaction state was not one of the states expected.


If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Precommit found invalid state group gname state sname


The BEA TUXEDO System was precommiting a transaction. The transaction state was not one of the states expected.


If the problem persists, please contact your BEA Customer Support.


WARN: multiple RDOMs not allowed on REMOTE_SERVICES in ON_DEMAND mode


When the CONNECTION_POLICY is not set in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS entry, or is set to ON_DEMAND, multiple RDOMs are not allowed on a DM_REMOTE_SERVICES entry. If multiple RDOMs are specified, only the first one will be used. Multiple RDOMs allow you to specify Domains-level failover, for which a comma-separated list of RDOMs can be specified. The first RDOM in the list is the primary remote domain; the second and third are alternates.


If Domains-level failover/failback is desired, you must set the CONNECTION_POLICY to either ON_STARTUP or INCOMING_ONLY. If Domains-level failover/failback is not desired, you can continue to run the gateway as is (the first RDOM will be used), or modify the dmconfig file to specify a single RDOM for the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES entry.


INFO: Stopped retrying domain (domainid=domainid)


The gateway has exhausted the retry limit for the indicated remote domain. The retry limit is specified by MAXRETRY in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section. The gateway will no longer automatically retry to establish a connection to the remote gateway.


When you are ready to attempt to establish a connection, you can use the dmadmin connect command. If the connection attempt fails, the gateway will go back to retry mode. If you do not want to establish a connection, or if you want the remote domain to establish the connection, no action is required.


ERROR: Invalid Command Line Option "val"


An invalid command line option was specified on the CLOPT for the GWADM process. Valid values are: -a (for auditing) and -t (for statistics gathering).


iShut down the TUXEDO System, fix the CLOPT entry for the GWADM in the ubbconfig, run tmloadcf and reboot the TUXEDO System.


WARN: Only the first RDOM for service val will be used


Since a comma-separated list of RDOMs was specified in ON_DEMAND mode, only the first RDOM will be used.


If failover is desired for this service, you must specify either ON_STARTUP or INCOMING_ONLY as your connection policy.


ERROR: Failure to delete objinfo "val"


After a remote method invocation, the domain gateway was unable to delete the object. Processing will continue.


Check the log for related messages.


INFO: Stopped retrying domain (domainid=domainid)


The gateway has exhausted the retry limit for the indicated remote domain. The retry limit is specified by MAXRETRY in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section. The gateway will no longer automatically retry to establish a connection to the remote gateway.


When you are ready to attempt to establish a connection, you can use the dmadmin connect command. If the connection attempt fails, the gateway will go back to retry mode. If you do not want to establish a connection, or if you want the remote domain to establish the connection, no action is required.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_RESOURCES section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_RESOURCES section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_TDOMAIN section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_TDOMAIN section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_OSITP section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_OSITP section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_SNADOM section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_SNADOM section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_RDOMSEC section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_RDOMSEC section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_RDOMUSR section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_RDOMUSR section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_ROUTING section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_ROUTING section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_PASSWORDS section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_PASSWORDS section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: Remote service val has unsupported type val specified


The DM_REMOTE_SERVICES entry has the TYPE parameter specified. This parameter is only supported for the TOPEND domain gateway.


Remove the TYPE parameter from this entry.


ERROR: _dmcf_OLD_open failed: Can't open DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section


When the GWADM server is booted, it requests the configuration for its domain from the DMADM server. The DMADM server then retrieves all the entries from the BDMCONFIG file that are pertinent to this domain. This message indicates that DMADM cannot open the BDMCONFIG file for reading the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section.


Make sure that the BDMCONFIG file still exists and is accessible by the DMADM server, and re-start the application.


ERROR: dmroute failed, could not find routing criteria of val for buffer type XML


A routing_name was specified for a DM_REMOTE_SERVICES entry in the DMCONFIG file that does not appear in the DM_ROUTING section for XML buffer type, and the domain XML routing function is used (which requires a matching dm_routing entry).


Correct and re-load the DMCONFIG file.

See Also

dmconfig(5), typesw(5)


ERROR: dmroute failed, could not find routing criteria of val for buffer type XML


A routing_name was specified for a DM_REMOTE_SERVICES entry in the DMCONFIG file that does not appear in the DM_ROUTING section for XML buffer type, and the domain XML routing function is used (which requires a matching dm_routing entry).


Correct and re-load the DMCONFIG file.

See Also

dmconfig(5), typesw(5)


ERROR: Routing field for 'val' null


During domain data-dependent routing for a XML buffer, the specified routing_field value in the XML buffer was null for service.


Make sure the routing field is correctly set for the XML buffer.

See Also

dmconfig(5), typesw(5)


ERROR: unknown field type used for XML routing


During domain data-dependent routing of a XML typed buffer, an unknown field type was encountered for the routing field. This should not occur during normal system operation.


Please contact your BEA Customer Support.

See Also

dmconfig(5), typesw(5)


ERROR: Cannot get routing data from XML buffer


During domain data-dependent routing for a XML buffer, the specified routing_field value in the XML buffer was not found in the XML buffer. Either the routing field is not set correctly in the DM_ROUTING section of the dmconfig, or your XML buffer does not contain the routing data.


Make sure the routing field is correctly set for the XML buffer, and check your XML buffer. See subsequent userlog messages from XML parser regarding to the problem with your XML buffer.

See Also

dmconfig(5), typesw(5)


ERROR: Routing field value for 'val' not valid


While doing domain data-dependent routing on a XML typed buffer for the specified service, the routing field value did not match any of the ranges specified in the routing criteria and the criteria did not contain a wild-card pattern.


Make sure the routing field value is valid. Correct the routing criteria in the RANGES value of the DMCONFIG file.

See Also

dmconfig(5), typesw(5)


ERROR: Cannot allocate data for XML buffer


During domain data-dependent routing of a XML typed buffer, an attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed for initializing the character code table.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory and/or swap space on the machine. Please contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Service service-name has policy SIGNATURE_REQUIRED=Signature_required and ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED=encryption_required but the input buffer was neither signed nor sealed


The service service-name requires both a sinature and encryption but a message arrived that was not signed and encrypted.


Determine why a message arrived for service-name that violates the policy, or change the policy. Remember that policy determination starts at the SERVICE level, goes up to the GROUP level, again looks up to the MACHINE level and finally the RESOURCE level. If any of those policies is Y, then the policy for service-name is Y.

See Also

ubbconfig, MIB, TM_MIB


ERROR: Service service-name requires encryption but the input buffer is not encrypted


The service service-name requires encryption but a message arrived that was not encrypted.


Determine why a message arrived for service-name that violates the policy, or change the policy. Remember that policy determination starts at the SERVICE level, goes up to the GROUP level, again looks up to the MACHINE level and finally the RESOURCE level. If any of those policies is Y, then the policy for service-name is Y.

See Also

ubbconfig, MIB, TM_MIB


ERROR: Invalid public key context


While attempting to dispatch a service with an encryption or signature policy, an invalid buffer was detected.


Contact your BEA Customer Support.


ERROR: Service service-name requires encryption but the input buffer is not encrypted


A message arrived at service service-name that violated the policy constraints of the application. The service service-name has an encryption policy of Y.


Determine why a message arrived for service-name that violates the policy, or change the policy. Remember that policy determination starts at the SERVICE level, goes up to the GROUP level, again looks up to the MACHINE level and finally the RESOURCE level. If any of those policies is Y, then the policy for service-name is Y.

See Also

ubbconfig, MIB, TM_MIB


ERROR: Service val requires a signature but the input buffer is not signed


A message arrived at service service-name that violated the policy constraints of the application. The service service-name has a signature policy of Y.


Determine why a message arrived for service-name that violates the policy, or change the policy. Remember that policy determination starts at the SERVICE level, goes up to the GROUP level, again looks up to the MACHINE level and finally the RESOURCE level. If any of those policies is Y, then the policy for service-name is Y.

See Also

ubbconfig, MIB, TM_MIB


WARN: Unable to audit policy enforcement event


The domain gateway was unable to audit a security failure.


Ensure the auditing plugin is properly registered in the registry. Ensure the registry is in a consistent state with the epifregedt command. If you believe the auditing plugin is registered properly and is not returning an error, please contact BEA Customer Support.

See Also



WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on security failure


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted due to a deny or failure return from the authorize_postop() plugin security function call on a connect operation. No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authorize_postop() deny or failure, if the denial was not intended, check the registration, authorization configuration, and return from the authorize_postop() function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on security failure


A call to the the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted due to a deny or failure return from the authorize_preop() plugin security function call. No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authorize_preop() deny or failure, if the denial was not intended, check the registration, authorization configuration, and return from the authorize_preop() function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on completion of service


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted after the operation execution. No audit of the completion of the operation was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


ERROR: [caller] routine failed (error_num) - request discarded


The Domains gateway process received an input message that it was unable to process. The caller routine error_num reported are for use by your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support and make these values available to them.