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TPFW Messages 0-99


ERROR: Exception in Server::initialize(): exception id. Reason = reason


Either application code raised an exception in Server::initialize() or application code did not catch an exception raised during processing in Server::initialize(). The exception id is printed with a reason. If the application raised TobjS::InitializeFailed and included a reason string, it is printed here. The server startup processing is halted.


Notify the programmer.


WARN: Exception in Server::release(): exception id. Reason = reason


Either application code raised an exception in Server::release() or application code did not catch an exception raised during processing in Server::release(). The exception id is printed with a reason. If the application raised TobjS::ReleaseFailed and included a reason string, it is printed here. Server shutdown processing continues.


Notify the programmer.


WARN: TP::deactivateEnable() called in illegal context. Called in Server::initialize() or Server::release().


The application called TP::deactivateEnable outside the context of a CORBA method invocation. This is an illegal call. Processing continues.


Notify the programmer. Call to TP::deactivateEnable should be removed from Server::initialize and/or Server::release.


WARN: TP::deactivateEnable() called illegally - object has transaction activation policy.


The application called TP::deactivateEnable inside a CORBA method invocation on an object with the transaction activation policy. This is an illegal call. Processing continues.


Notify the programmer.


ERROR: Invoking request - interface not advertised: interfaceName.


The object reference invoked by a client is for an interface that is unknown to the system.

Possible reasons are:

  • No server is available that can service the interface.

  • The server may not have been started yet, or may have been shut down or abnormally terminated.

    The factory that created the object reference specified an invalid interface name. The interface name specified in the call to TP::create_object_reference must correspond exactly to the interface name specified in the OMG IDL file for the CORBA object. This interface name is usually the OMG interface repository ID.


Check the status of the interface. It may be suspended. If you cannot find the interface in the system, notify the programmer.


WARN: Application didn't catch TobjS exception. TP Framework throwing CORBA::BAD_OPERATION.


The system caught an exception defined in the TobjS idl module after invoking a method of a CORBA object.

This warning indicates that either:

  • The application raised an exception defined in TobjS idl within the method invocation, which is not allowed because the exceptions defined in this module are for use by servers only and should not be returned to clients.

  • The application did not handle an exception defined in TobjS.idl that was thrown by a system call.

    In either case, the system converts the exception to CORBA::BAD_OPERATION before returning the exception to the client.


Notify the programmer.


WARN: Application called TP::deactivateEnable() illegally and didn't catch TobjS exception.


The system caught a TobjS::IllegalOperation exception after a method invocation.

The possible reasons are:

  • The application raised a TobjS::IllegalOperation exception, which is not allowed because this exception is reserved for use by the WLE software.

  • The application called TP::deactivateEnable() illegally (most likely in an object with transaction activation policy) and did not handle the exception.


Notify the programmer.


ERROR: Non-transactional invocation on CORBA object infected with a transaction


An invocation was made without an active transaction on an object that is participating in a global transaction. This error can occur if a client sends a request to a CORBA object that is participating in a transaction started for another client. It can also occur if a call is made immediately after a transaction has been marked for rollback only. There is a small delay while the transaction-termination processing is completed by the transaction manager when the transaction is still active. This error is generally detected in a for loop that invokes the same object repeatedly for different transactions.


If many such messages are seen, notify the programmer. If loop processing is being done, sleep() for a short time between invocations.


ERROR: Illegal recursive call on CORBA Object. Interface = interfaceName, OID = object ID


A recursive call was made on a CORBA object. This error occurs if, for example, a client calls object A, which calls object B, which uses an object reference to object A to invoke a method of object A. The second call to object A causes this error message to be printed to the user log and a CORBA::OBJ_ADAPTER exception to be returned to the calling client (in this case, object B).


Notify the programmer.


ERROR: Activating object - application raised TobjS::OutOfMemory. Interface = interfaceName, OID = object ID.


The system caught TobjS::OutOfMemory raised by either Server::create_servant or Tobj_ServantBase::activate_object. This error may have occurred because the application did not catch this exception when it was thrown either by a WLE system call or by application code.


This error may indicate that all available memory for the process has been exhausted. Ensure that operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Activating object - application raised TobjS::CreateServantFailed. Reason = reason. Interface = interfaceName, OID = object ID


The application raised TobjS:CreateServantFailed with the reason string supplied.


Application dependent. Notify your company's technical support or the application programmer.


ERROR: Activating object - application raised TobjS::ActivateObjectFailed. Reason = servicename. Interface = interfaceName, OID = object ID


The system caught TobjS::ActivateObjectFailed raised by either Server::create_servant or Tobj_ServantBase::activate_object. The application raised TobjS::ActivateObjectFailed with the reason string supplied.


Application dependent. Notify your company's technical support or the application programmer.


ERROR: Activating object - CORBA Exception not handled by application. Exception ID = exception ID. Interface = InterfaceName, OID = object ID


The system caught a CORBA exception raised by either Server::create_servant or Tobj_ServantBase::activate_object.


Application dependent. Notify your company's technical support or the application programmer.


ERROR: Activating object - Unknown exception not handled by application. Interface = InterfaceName, OID = object ID


The system caught an unknown exception raised by either Server::create_servant or Tobj_ServantBase::activate_object.


Application dependent. Notify your company's technical support or the application programmer.


ERROR: De-activating object - application raised TobjS::DeactivateObjectFailed. Reason = reason. Interface = interfaceName, OID = object ID


The system caught a TobjS::DeactivateObjectFailed exception raised in Tobj_ServantBase::deactivate_object.


Application dependent. Notify your company's technical support or the application programmer.


ERROR: De-activating object - CORBA Exception not handled by application. Exception ID = exception ID. Interface = InterfaceName, OID = object ID


The system caught a CORBA exception raised in Tobj_ServantBase::deactivate_object.


Application dependent. Notify your company's technical support or the application programmer.


ERROR: De-activating object - Unknown exception not handled by application. Interface = InterfaceName, OID = object ID


The system caught an unknown exception raised in Tobj_ServantBase::deactivate_object.


Application dependent. Notify your company's technical support or the application programmer.


ERROR: Exception in thread_initialize(): ID. Reason = Reason


This is probably an application or system resource problem.


Check the application code and the operating system configuration to ensure that enough resources are configured. Save the value of Reason and contact BEA Customer Support for additional help, if necessary.


WARN: Exception in thread_release(): ID. Reason = Reason


This is probably an application problem.


Check the application code. Save the value of Reason and contact BEA Customer Support for additional help, if necessary.