AppContext Members

AppContext Overview

Public Fields


Indicates that no authentication is required


Indicates that system authentication only is required


Indicates that both system and application specific authentication are required.


Public Methods


Returns the authentication level required to join the application.


Accesses the digital signature and encryption information associated with a typed message buffer


Joins an application


Opens a key handle for digital signature generation, message encryption, or message decryption.


Closes a previously opened key handle


Gets information associated with a key handle


Sets optional attribute parameters associated with a key handle


Marks a typed message buffer for encryption


Marks a typed message buffer for digital signature

* ToString

Overloaded. Overridden. Converts the value of this instance to a String.

* tpterm

Leaves an application

* tpacall

Method for sending a service request

* tpgetrply

Method for getting a reply from a previous request

* tpcancel

Method for canceling a call descriptor for outstanding reply

* tpadmcall

Administers unbooted application.

* tpbroadcast

Method to broadcast notification by name

* tpnotify

Method to send notification to a specific client

* tpcall

Method for sending service request and awaiting its reply

* tpsetunsol

Sets the method for handling unsolicited messages

* tpchkunsol

Method for checking for unsolicited message

* tpconnect

Method for establishing a conversational service connection

* tpdiscon

Method for taking down a conversational service connection

* tprecv

Method for receiving a message in a conversational connection

* tpsend

Method for sending a message in a conversational connection

* tpenqueue

Method to enqueue a message

* tpdequeue

Method to dequeue a message from a queue

* tppost

Posts an event

* tpsubscribe

Subscribes to an event

* tpunsubscribe

Unsubscribes to an event

* tpexport

Converts a typed message buffer into an exportable, machine-independent string representation, that includes digital signatures and encryption seals

* tpimport

Converts an externalized representation of a message buffer into a typed message buffer

* tpgprio

Method for getting a service request priority

* tpsprio

Method for setting service request priority


Protected Constructors

 AppContext Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the AppContext class