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Class bea.jolt.beans.JoltOutputEvent


public class JoltOutputEvent
extends EventObject
JoltOutputEvent is the event class for event objects sent from JoltServiceBeans to GUI controls once the reply from the TUXEDO service has been received.

All getValue/getTextValue methods operate on output parameters only.

Variable Index

 o message

Method Index

 o getTextValue(String)
Get the value of a field in the reply/event message as a String.
 o getTextValue(String, int)
Get the value of one occurrence of a field in the reply/event message as String.
 o getTextValues(String)
Get all occurrences of a field in the reply/event message as Strings.
 o getValue(String)
Get the value of a field in the reply/event message using the field's native data format.
 o getValue(String, int)
Get the value of one occurrence of a field in the reply/event message using the field's native data format.
 o getValues(String)
Get all occurrences of a field in the reply/event message message using the field's native data format.
 o isEventMessage()
Report true if this JoltOutputEvent was constructed for a TUXEDO user event, report false it it was constructed for a service reply.


 o message
 public Message message


 o isEventMessage
 public boolean isEventMessage()
Report true if this JoltOutputEvent was constructed for a TUXEDO user event, report false it it was constructed for a service reply.

true if this is a TUXEDO user event, false if this is a service reply.
 o getValue
 public Object getValue(String fieldName)
Get the value of a field in the reply/event message using the field's native data format.

fieldName - Name of the field (FML field name).
Value of the field in native data format.
 o getValue
 public Object getValue(String fieldName,
                        int index)
Get the value of one occurrence of a field in the reply/event message using the field's native data format.

fieldName - Name of the field (FML field name).
index - The occurrence index of the field.
Value of the field in native data format.
 o getValues
 public Object[] getValues(String fieldName)
Get all occurrences of a field in the reply/event message message using the field's native data format.

fieldName - Name of the field (FML field name).
Array of occurrences in native data format.
 o getTextValue
 public String getTextValue(String fieldName)
Get the value of a field in the reply/event message as a String.

fieldName - Name of the field (FML field name).
Value of the field as String.
 o getTextValue
 public String getTextValue(String fieldName,
                            int index)
Get the value of one occurrence of a field in the reply/event message as String.

fieldName - Name of the field (FML field name).
index - The occurrence index of the field.
Value of the field as String.
 o getTextValues
 public String[] getTextValues(String fieldName)
Get all occurrences of a field in the reply/event message as Strings.

fieldName - Name of the field (FML field name).
Array of occurrences as String array.

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