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Class bea.jolt.beans.JoltSessionBean


public class JoltSessionBean
extends Object
implements Serializable
The JoltSessionBean represents the TUXEDO session. It encapsulates the functionality of JoltSession, JoltSessionAttributes and JoltTransaction. The JoltSessionBean offers properties to set session attributes and methods to open and to close a TUXEDO session. It also sends a PropertyChange event for its "LoggedOn" property once the TUXEDO session is established. In addition, the JoltSessionBean provides methods to control transactions. The JoltSessionBean is an event source for JoltOutputEvents as well. These events are sent if an unsolicited message or TUXEDO user event notification arrives.

Constructor Index

 o JoltSessionBean()

Method Index

 o addJoltOutputListener(JoltOutputListener)
Add a JoltOutputEvent listener.
 o addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
The specified PropertyChangeListener's propertyChange method is called each time the value of the loggedOn property is changed.
 o beginTransaction(int)
Start a transaction.
 o clear()
This method clears all session attributes.
 o commitTransaction()
Commits the transaction.
 o getAppAddress()
Gets the IP address (host name) and port number of the JSL or the Jolt Relay.
 o getAppPassword()
Gets the TUXEDO application password to be used at logon.
 o getIdleTimeOut()
Gets the IDLETIMEOUT attribute.
 o getPropertyChangeEvent()
 o getReceiveTimeOut()
Gets the RECVTIMEOUT attribute.
 o getSendTimeOut()
Gets the SENDTIMEOUT attribute.
 o getSessionTimeOut()
Gets the SESSIONTIMEOUT attribute.
 o getUserName()
Gets the TUXEDO user name to be used at logon.
 o getUserPassword()
Gets the TUXEDO user password to be used at logon.
 o getUserRole()
Gets the TUXEDO user role to be used at logon.
 o isInTransaction()
Returns true or false depending on whether there is a started transaction.
 o isLoggedOn()
Does the session exist?
 o logoff()
This method closes the session to TUXEDO.
 o logon()
This method opens a new session to TUXEDO.
 o removeJoltOutputListener(JoltOutputListener)
Remove a JoltOutputEvent listener.
 o removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
Remove this PropertyChangeListener from the internal list.
 o rollbackTransaction()
Aborts the transaction.
 o setAppAddress(String)
Sets the IP address (host name) and port number of the JSL or the Jolt Relay.
 o setAppPassword(String)
Sets the TUXEDO application password to be used at logon.
 o setIdleTimeOut(int)
Sets the IDLETIMEOUT attribute.
 o setReceiveTimeOut(int)
Sets the RECVTIMEOUT attribute.
 o setSendTimeOut(int)
Sets the SENDTIMEOUT attribute.
 o setUserName(String)
Sets the TUXEDO user name to be used at logon.
 o setUserPassword(String)
Sets the TUXEDO user password to be used at logon.
 o setUserRole(String)
Sets the TUXEDO user role to be used at logon.


 o JoltSessionBean
 public JoltSessionBean()


 o getPropertyChangeEvent
 public PropertyChangeEvent getPropertyChangeEvent()

 o addJoltOutputListener
 public synchronized void addJoltOutputListener(JoltOutputListener listener)
Add a JoltOutputEvent listener.

listener - Event listener to be added.
 o removeJoltOutputListener
 public synchronized void removeJoltOutputListener(JoltOutputListener listener)
Remove a JoltOutputEvent listener.

listener - Event listener to be removed.
 o isLoggedOn
 public boolean isLoggedOn()
Does the session exist?

true or false.
 o addPropertyChangeListener
 public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
The specified PropertyChangeListener's propertyChange method is called each time the value of the loggedOn property is changed. The PropertyListener object is addded to a list of PropertyChangeListeners managed by this bean, it can be removed with removePropertyChangeListener. Note: the JavaBeans specification does not require PropertyChangeListeners to run in any particular order.

l - The PropertyChangeListener.
 o removePropertyChangeListener
 public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
Remove this PropertyChangeListener from the internal list. If the PropertyChangeListener isn't on the list, do nothing.

l - The PropertyChangeListener.
 o logon
 public void logon() throws SessionException
This method opens a new session to TUXEDO. If a session is already open it throws a SessionException. Upon successful logon the LoggedOn property is changed to true.

 o logoff
 public void logoff() throws SessionException
This method closes the session to TUXEDO. Session attributes are not cleared after logoff. The LoggedOn property is changed to false.

 o clear
 public void clear() throws SessionException
This method clears all session attributes.

 o beginTransaction
 public void beginTransaction(int timeout) throws TransactionException
Start a transaction. If this method is called twice without a commitTransaction or abortTransaction in between, a TransactionException is raised.

timeout - Transaction timeout.
 o commitTransaction
 public void commitTransaction() throws TransactionException
Commits the transaction.

 o rollbackTransaction
 public void rollbackTransaction() throws TransactionException
Aborts the transaction.

 o isInTransaction
 public boolean isInTransaction()
Returns true or false depending on whether there is a started transaction.

True if in transaction, false otherwise.
 o getAppAddress
 public String getAppAddress()
Gets the IP address (host name) and port number of the JSL or the Jolt Relay.

 o setAppAddress
 public void setAppAddress(String value)
Sets the IP address (host name) and port number of the JSL or the Jolt Relay.

value - The address of the application (APPADDRESS) attribute.
 o getIdleTimeOut
 public int getIdleTimeOut()
Gets the IDLETIMEOUT attribute.

Timeout value.
 o setIdleTimeOut
 public void setIdleTimeOut(int value)
Sets the IDLETIMEOUT attribute.

value - The new IDLETIMEOUT attribute value.
 o setReceiveTimeOut
 public void setReceiveTimeOut(int value)
Sets the RECVTIMEOUT attribute.

value - The new RECVTIMEOUT attribute value.
 o getReceiveTimeOut
 public int getReceiveTimeOut()
Gets the RECVTIMEOUT attribute.

Receive timeout value.
 o setSendTimeOut
 public void setSendTimeOut(int value)
Sets the SENDTIMEOUT attribute.

value - The new SENDTIMEOUT attribute value.
 o getSendTimeOut
 public int getSendTimeOut()
Gets the SENDTIMEOUT attribute.

Send timeout value.
 o getSessionTimeOut
 public String getSessionTimeOut()
Gets the SESSIONTIMEOUT attribute.

Session timeout value.
 o setUserName
 public void setUserName(String value)
Sets the TUXEDO user name to be used at logon.

value - TUXEDO user name.
 o getUserName
 public String getUserName()
Gets the TUXEDO user name to be used at logon.

TUXEDO user name.
 o setUserRole
 public void setUserRole(String value)
Sets the TUXEDO user role to be used at logon.

value - TUXEDO user role.
 o getUserRole
 public String getUserRole()
Gets the TUXEDO user role to be used at logon.

TUXEDO user role.
 o setUserPassword
 public void setUserPassword(String value)
Sets the TUXEDO user password to be used at logon.

value - TUXEDO user password.
 o getUserPassword
 public String getUserPassword()
Gets the TUXEDO user password to be used at logon.

TUXEDO user password.
 o setAppPassword
 public void setAppPassword(String value)
Sets the TUXEDO application password to be used at logon.

value - TUXEDO application password.
 o getAppPassword
 public String getAppPassword()
Gets the TUXEDO application password to be used at logon.

TUXEDO application password.

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