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Class bea.jolt.pool.asp.AspDataSet


public class AspDataSet
extends DataSet
This class represents the data set that can be used by template processing or service invocation to store the result set. It provides an extra method to import the server specific Request object. The keys to the hash table are the field names in the data set.

Constructor Index

 o AspDataSet()
Default constructor to store the data set.
 o AspDataSet(int)
The constructor to store the data set with an initial capacity.

Method Index

 o getBytesValueByIndex(String, int, byte[])
Get the octet value of a data element associated with a name and an index.
 o getValueByIndex(String, int, String)
Get the string value of a data element associated with a name and an index.
 o importRequest()
Import the values from the Microsoft ASP Request object into this data set object.
 o setBytesValueByIndex(String, int, byte[])
Set the octet value of a data element associated with a name and an index.
 o setValueByIndex(String, int, String)
Set the string value of a data element associated with a name and an index.


 o AspDataSet
 public AspDataSet()
Default constructor to store the data set. The default initial capacity is 10.

 o AspDataSet
 public AspDataSet(int initCapacity)
The constructor to store the data set with an initial capacity.

initCapacity - initial capacity.


 o getValueByIndex
 public String getValueByIndex(String name,
                               int index,
                               String defval)
Get the string value of a data element associated with a name and an index. The value is automatically converted to String data type.

name - the name of the data element
index - the index of the data element, starting from 0.
defval - the default value if the data element does not exist.
the string value of the data element or the default value.
 o getBytesValueByIndex
 public byte[] getBytesValueByIndex(String name,
                                    int index,
                                    byte defval[])
Get the octet value of a data element associated with a name and an index. The data type of this field must be carray (octets). If the field is not a carray field, the default value will be returned.

name - the name of the data element
index - the index of the data element, starting from 0.
defval - the default value if the data element does not exist.
the octet value of the data element or the default value.
 o setValueByIndex
 public void setValueByIndex(String name,
                             int index,
                             String value)
Set the string value of a data element associated with a name and an index. The value will be automatically converted to the proper data type according to the service definition.

name - the name of the data element
index - the index of the data element
value - the string value for the data element
 o setBytesValueByIndex
 public void setBytesValueByIndex(String name,
                                  int index,
                                  byte value[])
Set the octet value of a data element associated with a name and an index. The data element must be defined as carray in TUXEDO.

name - the name of the data element
index - the index of the data element
value - the octet value for the data element
 o importRequest
 public void importRequest()
Import the values from the Microsoft ASP Request object into this data set object.

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