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Class bea.jolt.pool.servlet.ServletPoolManagerConfig


public class ServletPoolManagerConfig
extends PoolManagerConfig
This class is the startup class for a Jolt Session Pool Manager and one or more associated Jolt Session Pools. It creates the session pool manager if needed and starts a session pool with a minimum number of sessions. Jolt Session Pool Manager that internally keeps track of one or more named session pools.

The startup parameters are:

poolname Session Pool Name
appaddrlist Application address list //host1:port1,//host2:port2
failoverlistFail-over address list
minpoolsize Number of initial sessions in the session pool
maxpoolsize Max number of sessions in the session pool
username BEA TUXEDO user name for the session pool
userpasswordBEA TUXEDO user password for the session pool
userrole BEA TUXEDO user role for the session pool
apppassword BEA TUXEDO application password for the session pool

Copyright (c) 1999 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Index

 o ServletPoolManagerConfig()

Method Index

 o getSessionPoolManager()
Get the session pool manager for servlet environment.
 o startup(Hashtable)
It creates a named session pool to access a BEA TUXEDO system.


 o ServletPoolManagerConfig
 public ServletPoolManagerConfig()


 o startup
 public static String startup(Hashtable params) throws Exception
It creates a named session pool to access a BEA TUXEDO system.

params - Startup arguments
A startup message.
Throws: Exception
Missing or invalid primary address list, or unable to start the minimum number of sessions.
Throws: NumberFormatException
Invalid number for connections.
 o getSessionPoolManager
 public static ServletSessionPoolManager getSessionPoolManager()
Get the session pool manager for servlet environment.

The session pool manager.
See Also:

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